Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 258 Planning to

This is also the only transformation that can resonate with Anthony’s attributes.

It was originally just an information exchange, but after 01 analysis, it was determined that Anthony was the only person with a success rate of more than 50% since the establishment of this taboo experiment.

Coupled with You Ge’s relationship,

01 also subsequently sent a transformation invitation to Anthony,

[Clockwork Center Forbidden Transformation-Plague Metal]

Apart from anything else, Anthony immediately recognized Plague Metal after seeing this invitation.

Metal that can resonate with his ability 100%, but unfortunately there are so few of them, so rare that there is no chance to even find them.

The last time it appeared, it was an auction announced by the Gold Society.

It's a pity that he was really unlucky, not to mention whether he had money or not. At that time, he was just a double helix particle.

At the Royal City Show, when he helped You Ge spread worm contamination, the main attribute ability he used was actually the Rusty Plague.

This ability is very strong, but it doesn't have a powerful burst.

Every time it is used as a carrier to use other types of pollution and toxins, it can have an instant killing effect.

It's a pity that the pollution itself is too slow.

Without him, the transformed body has begun to reach its limit.

And unless he found the right materials, he didn't want to transform himself beyond recognition.

So this time, Anthony really couldn't wait to succeed. It was time to give it a try. How could he give up without giving it a try?

"Sir, Clockwork Center Headquarters, Anthony's transformation location." At this time, 01 suddenly made a voice on the terminal: "Anthony said before the transformation that he could not tell you and Velvet about this matter. If it fails, he will Treat it like dying on duty.”

Then 01 also came up with some information about Fink’s current situation.

Thanks to Youge's proposal for Fink's transformation, Fink is now also a member of the Clockwork Center with a medium-sized position. By fate, he saw Anthony.

Naturally, I thought of the relationship between this guy and You Ge.

"Hall's friend." Watching the data around Anthony keep decreasing every day, Fink finally summoned his luck and sent a message to Yu Ge.

In his opinion, maybe this is the time to relax their relationship a little bit.

After all, Fink always felt that the family's attitude towards You Ge was not good at all. Now that You Ge has turned around, he has to show it a little bit.

"Haha, after going around and around like this, I actually saved Anthony's life." You Ge touched his clothes. Why did he have the illusion of traveling naked?

"01, call up Anthony's data and explain the specific situation."

Stepping out of the bar,

A thought flashed across his mind, maybe he could intervene appropriately.

I don’t know what Anthony would think after he woke up and looked at the body that he had secretly tampered with.

Hey Hey.


Taboo transformation,

The word taboo actually has many meanings.

The first is that it goes against human common sense, and the second is that it is completely out of touch with humanity.

And Anthony’s transformation is to completely break away from human beings,

Many people choose to leave their faces and brains intact when undergoing transformation.

An organ that carries consciousness, an appearance that represents the most distinctive feature of an individual,

Needless to say about the face,

But the other important thing is that it is necessary to maintain human nature and assist the normal operation of the body. Unless a person can ensure that his spirit can completely separate from the body and exist independently, the brain will still play a very important auxiliary role.

To put it simply, it is used to store memories and coordinate body operations.

Think about it,

You give the order, I want to take action,

Do you really control all the operations of this series, or do you issue instructions, and the big brain transmits nerve signals layer by layer on your behalf, driving various parts to achieve movement?

For Youge, integrating his spirit into the blood of death is completely equivalent to controlling everything by himself.

Being separated from the body, there are no complex processes such as muscles and bones, and naturally there is no need for auxiliary means. Coupled with the protection of the red seal, You Ge's spirit will naturally become more "steady".

But for other people, it's very important.

Especially for modified people, it is also an important auxiliary tool for them to drive various precision parts in the body. They can completely leave some set processes to the brain to control.

As for memory,

As I said before, it is the accumulation of human characteristics after the person is born.

Can this kind of core existence be able to move at will? Even Mr. Clockwork dare not say that he can give 100% certainty when making relevant modifications, unless this person can perfectly control it independently.

Look at those people who resolutely modify their brains because they want more power. Which one has not undergone more extreme mental changes?

Before you are really sure, it is better not to take action easily.

"Anthony's game is so exciting. He actually agreed to this thing?" You Ge looked at the taboo transformation information given by 01 as he walked.

Plague Metal, initial report:

A metal structure material condensed by special plague attribute particles. It has high purity, high plasticity, and has a strong reaction to living things.

Biological Exposure Report:

After exposure to the experimental white rats, their flesh and blood rusted. While ensuring the lives of the experimental white rats, a "new rusted alien consciousness" appeared in their bodies thirty days later.

Material replication experiment report:

It is impossible to replicate the power of attributes provided by the experiment, and it is impossible to establish a similar stable connection.

Special experiment·Plague metal and human body compatibility report:

"Picture-brain-shaped plague metal"

An unexpected product that resonates with human consciousness in a small range and has a high degree of corrosion. The test body is rusted and the spiritual consciousness is broken, making it impossible to coexist.

Then there was news about Anthony’s transformation process,

With a glance, You Ge's footsteps stopped instantly. This guy is really powerful. No wonder he transformed into a mechanical body and often goes to bars to play. He is so evil.

After touching his chin and continuing to look through the pages, he started to move where he had stopped:

"Huh? No more?"

Seeing that Anthony signed the transformation process, all the remaining human limbs were crossed out by him. Think about it, the tyranny of plague metal is a fatal poison to the human body.

Moreover, it is still the remnants of Anthony’s weak body before he has been transformed,

Wanting to continue hiding in the body is really troublesome beyond expectations.

"This is really determined." Continuing to scroll, they are also about how to connect Anthony's consciousness into the plague metal brain,

Once awareness is successful, the remaining body parts will become easier.

Traveling quickly,

When arriving at the headquarters of the Clockwork Center, 01 also waited there early.

"Mr. Hall." Bowed, 01, who was dressed exactly the same as last time, took Youge directly to the fast track prepared in advance.

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