Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 26: In-depth and Mutation

After assigning tasks, the SAT team took the lead to go deep into the sewer. From here on, the nearby scenery began to change dramatically, and unusual heterochromatic fungi grew on the walls.

Occasionally, rat carcasses are exposed on the fungi, which makes people unable to relax at all.

"Captain, do you feel anything weird?"

"Huh?" With a clenched fist, the whole team stopped. Everyone was either confused or wary, waiting for the next conversation.

"Captain! I thought I heard someone calling me?!"

"team leader!"

Starting from the first person, the next four people also started to murmur.

"Did you get poisoned by unknown fungi on the road?" As a senior SAT captain, he was very decisive in his judgment: "You guys take the five of them out and hand them over to the rear personnel to take care of them!"

The people who were pointed out didn't say anything. They picked up the five people who had just spoken and left.

The action continues

As the sewer went deeper, someone would start to murmur every once in a while. In desperation, they could only let other team members take them out. Then the originally silent sewer became more permeable.


Under depressing emotions, the team encountered a spiral incubation nest. Seeing this weird nest that violated human ethics, the younger members of the team immediately vomited.

"Are these monsters made of human corpses?" Several team members followed the ascending passage and saw the corpse of a human policeman at the top.

"Don't move yet!" He quickly grabbed the excited teammate on one side and said, "Blow it up when you come out. The corpse has mutated!"

After a few people came down again, the hatching nest just transported a complete mermaid to slide down the pipe, "Let's go, follow this pipe to our destination."

"These monsters are made from human corpses!"


The previous exploration team members also knew that speaking out such things would affect their morale. According to the current situation, if they die here, they will definitely become a member of the spiral hatching nest just now. As for the idea of ​​others collecting corpses, monsters will not leave you a chance at all.

Roar! Gunshot! Before the conversation between several people ended, the sound of fighting came from the distant passage.

"Be careful! Go take a look first!"

Following the sound of gunfire, the team quietly arrived at the location of the battle. Dozens of mermaids and humans wearing special uniforms were fighting in the huge sewer.

At this time, SAT did not estimate whether it was a friendly force. Everyone faced the mermaid monster with the same hatred.

"Shoot and kill those monsters!"

SAT reacted quickly, and dozens of people quickly killed the mermaids with one aim of their assault rifles!

"It's started!" You Ge, who was hiding, also heard the gunshots coming from the sewer.

"Newton take me to Mermaid Village!"

"Okay, Human Hall!"

With Newton leading the way, he arrived at the Mermaid Village without much time this time. As soon as Yu Ge entered, he saw more than ten hatching nest pipes, and in the center was a strange stone bed.

There are countless strange reliefs carved on the edge of the bed. Even Youge fainted after looking at it for a long time in his dead state!

Looking away from the stone bed, the entire Mermaid Village is actually a huge gathering point of bacterial colonies. The calf-high purple moss will ooze thick juice when stepped on.

"Human Hall, these purple grasses on the ground are the food of those monsters. You have to be careful that they suddenly appear from the middle!" Newton shook his head and pointed to the farthest hole: "That is the ruins. I have never seen it before." Went in, those mutated mermaids are inside!"

"Well, you hide first, I'll wait for those humans to arrive!"

After seeing the Mermaid Village again, it seemed to bring back some memories of Newton. He didn't hesitate at this time, and jumped away and hid in a small water pipe on the wall.

At this time, many forces gathered together because of the gunfire finally arrived at the Mermaid Village.

At a glance, these people have undergone some changes.

"Lv1: Mutated SAT; Trait: Cluster"

"Lv2: Infected SAT; Traits: Cluster, Mutation"

"Lv1: Chaotic Investigator; Trait: Cluster"

In general, in addition to one common cluster attribute, these humans all suffered unequal mutations based on the different bacterial infections they encountered. The most peculiar thing is the SAT first captain, with the Level 3 faintly raised on his head, he really stands out from the crowd.

"Lv3: SAT Team 1 Captain; Trait: Cluster; Attribute: Meat"

You Ge didn't understand what this attribute meat was, but with the existence of Level 3 and other attributes plus the increase in cluster attributes, it wouldn't be a problem to deal with these human mermaids.

The chaotic footsteps never stopped, and everyone gradually dispersed around. Before I could explore it carefully, a rustling sound started to sound in all the purple moss.

"Lv3: Human Mermaid; Trait: Flexible"

The head emerging from it looked at the group of humans reflecting the light of the flashlight.

Roar! Nearly two hundred human mermaids rushed out from all directions, and judging from the movement under the moss, there seemed to be more.

With the sound of gunshots, the gathered crowd decisively started shooting, and the shooting lasted for nearly five minutes. Everyone was frantically trying to empty their hands of bullets.

Stray bullets flew past, and even the corner where You Ge was hiding was accidentally injured several times.

"It's crazy!" Youge hid deeper, looking at the few people in front of the human whose faces were twisted: "Tsk, here they come!"

This is the battlefield. Seeing the countless fallen mermaid corpses surrounded by moss, the hearts of these humans became even crazier, and the deepest ruins also emitted a low hum.

[Warning: Alien breath infection]

[Isolated! ]

The jammer hidden in the pocket also issued a warning.

"Roar~", the first to change were the infected SAT members. The blood-stained arms instantly broke through the clothes, and the granulation on the twisted face became more abrupt. The large and small eyes completely lost the structure of the eyelids, and the Lv2 prompt on the top of the head began to flash towards Lv3.

However, the Lv1 members were quite peaceful, staring at the deepest ruins with eager eyes, as if something was attracting them.

"Kill these humans!", the mutation just began, and a voice of talking and blowing bubbles came from the ruins, and five tall mermaids came out with the voice.

The sturdy body, bright green skin, and floating tentacles behind the head all show the difference from the previous human mermaid!

"Lv5: Merman Hunter; Attributes: Strength, Water, Corrosion"

An alien with three attributes, or an alien that has entered the Lv5 professional apprentice level. In comparison, Youge's five people can completely beat the humans outside, and they are three powerful attributes that are biased towards combat.

With the appearance of the mermaid, all the moss on the ground began to vibrate.

Split, undulate, and vibrate!

It was like a crawling ghillie suit suddenly stood up.

"Lv2: Decayed Human Mermaid; Characteristics: Assimilation"

The sticky mermaids with melted meat strips on their faces stood up and ran towards the humans in front.

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