Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 269 Ready

Moreover, several royal city ratmen were transformed into tentacles near the city wall.

Would it be a misunderstanding if there were still some rat people who were waiting and watching before, but after seeing their usual friends and even "lovers" die amidst screams,

It completely exploded,

Judging from the area of ​​​​the Tomb Town wall, this is not the area controlled by the palace of the Rat King Abel. Generally speaking, it takes such a short period of time to inform the Rat King of the information here, and in the middle But there are some cute empty ghosts summoned by Lake who are blocking it.

But this short moment was enough for Miss Spider to take action.

Seven or eight slightly higher-level rat-men versions of the demon rats from the royal city picked up a few pieces of rat-man equipment specially sent by Elosri and rushed to the nearby city wall that had not been affected by the battle.

"The Knights are attacking us! Aliens are rioting in the city, come and support us quickly!"

Although riots are not a common thing, the relationship between the aliens and the rat-men in the city has never been so good. In addition, the number of rat-men is extremely large, and occasionally many aliens secretly prey on the rat-men.

In the hearts of most rat people,

Attacking means completely falling out of favor.

So what about the Knights? The Knights also have selfish motives. For example, the Knights who patrol the streets on weekdays will also use their authority to prey on ratmen.

No matter how,

If they dare to attack the Rat Man this time, they must be prepared to face the Rat Man's anger.


"My lord, the Rat Man is involved."

Hall's place was indeed what they thought, but the rat man's unusual movements were completely beyond the black-robed man's expectations.

"Well" Tomb King's eyes flashed. This Hall really didn't let go of any opportunity. Even a simple accident could be exploited by him.

Although the Tomb King did not see Reike "ramping" inside the rat-man city wall, Yu Ge's actions were all under his eyes.

If he wanted to stop this chaos, he could only ask the man in black robe to send out other men.

The current chaos is just a state where the strengths of both sides are nearly balanced.

As long as one party can show absolutely overwhelming strength, the chaos here will be eliminated instantly. As for Hall, no matter how strong he is, there is a limit.


"Have the Skaven started attacking?"

"Yes, sir~ All the other toys that were spawned were also eaten during the battle~"

In response to You Ge's questions, Velvet also conveyed all the matters arranged by You Ge using mental perception.


One step ahead, the "rats" who started to attack the Knights from across the street from the rushing royal city ratmen, amidst the screams of death, accumulated and continued the hatred between the two, perfectly connecting.

The whole process went very smoothly.

"It still lacks some high-end combat capabilities."

Youge looked at Elosli who was still fighting the remaining knights. She still lacked a few decisive attacks.

A sure kill,

This is not a battle game, especially when you are facing enemies that are several levels above you.

Thinking room,

You Ge also quietly disappeared on the field,

Outside the tomb town,

Youge reactivates the terminal device,

"01 Activate all the mechanical rats and send them outside Tomb Town!"

"Okay, sir."

The mechanical demon rat has a mechanical transformation bonus in level, so it is naturally a bit higher level than the ordinary demon rat.

And even if you join the battlefield,

These pure killing machines are more powerful than any creature with weapons wielded by its limbs.

At the same time, he mentally contacted Arnold at the Magic Mouse Bar, and the order was issued:

"Start a counter-attack on the rat-man habitat in the Sewer City, and place a reward on the rat-man generals in the habitat."

"As you command, my God!"

The moment the order is given,

People near the old city also noticed a slight change. Occasionally there were slight vibrations on the ground, and all the homebuyers turned their attention in this direction.

"A high reward has appeared!"

"General of the Ratman Habitat?"

"who is it?"

"Eight-Eyed Rat Man? The Clockwork Center finally started taking action?"

Countless exclamations also mean that countless bounty hunters have begun to take action. Compared with human internal fighting, most professionals still prefer to accept the task of attacking aliens.

Coupled with the important status of the Clockwork Center in the hearts of the public at this time, many forces have sent some core personnel to come and participate.

Apart from tasks, there are many things they want in the sewers.

[Hall, where are you? 】

Just after the arrangement was completed, Velvet's message was also passed on.

"Huh?", You Ge's heart moved, this guy finally replied to the message,

[Outskirts of Tomb Town (location point)]

【Arrived immediately! 】

Tsk tsk, You Ge smiled inwardly, finally there was someone who could stand up to the situation.

"Sir, Mr. Fink has requested access to the conversation."

Second brother?

Is this guy coming too?

"Plug in."

Then just listen to it and let him see it. With his "brain", he is enough to survive here.

"Hall, the armored forces are ready."

Fink, who was also far behind, shouted impatiently when the connection was connected,

Armored troops, the long-range attack troops developed after Yuge's detachable transformation of Fink,

simply speaking,

It is a mobile remote support base.

At the same time, equipped with a model of Fink, a modified human can freely disassemble his body at any time to combine powerful long-range support weapons.

At the same time, coupled with some special attributes of the modified person, these attacks can also break through simple, superficial physical attacks.

Technically speaking,

It still tends to have the explosive effect of poisonous fire,

There is no shortage of materials in this world that can resist Type 3 poisonous fire.

As long as the explosion of type three poisonous fire is blasted in a direction, the impact force generated will push the bullet, which is far more powerful than the poisonous fire explosion.

This is also part of the thermal weapon theory originally proposed by You Ge.

Later, it was also handed over to Fink by 01.

Now that it has been perfected, Fink can't wait to test it on a real battlefield.

"Well, come on, follow 01."

Just by scanning the information passed to him, You Ge already understood the other party's results.

You Ge's knowledge of explosives was not in vain. In comparison, the power of these thermal weapons can indeed be used.

time flies,

The slight sense of pulling from the bones also let You Ge know that the fusion aliens in the city were close to a successful conclusion.

"Hall? Turn it on?"

Velvet, who had already arrived beside her, stared at Youge, who had been silent for a long time. The team had arrived, but what was Youge still waiting for?


You Ge's heart moved, and he contacted Elosili again, who was fighting hide and seek with the knights and rat men in Tomb Town.

"Any news from Lake?"

"Sir, the empty ghosts within the city wall have been summoned, and Reik will arrive at the rat tribe soon."

"how much longer?"

Elosri also used the entanglement she left behind Lake to ask about Lake.

"Sir, the call is being made, Lake has arrived."


The word "yes" was not only conveyed to Elosri, but also wanted to be spoken to Velvet behind her,

As You Ge silently recited the Death Fight Agreement,

All the participants of the rat race and Youge received instructions on starting the death battle in their hearts.

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