Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 272 I'm about to start

rat palace,

"Why does Konggui appear here!"

Abel, who was being shaken around by the empty ghost, had lost most of his sanity in anger, just as Youge expected.

Regarding the information on the Rat People, 01 has proposed some character-targeting plans for the Rat People’s top management.

Especially the Rat King Abel,

The rat men who have led this generation for nearly a thousand years,

Just imagine, even if a wise man experiences a thousand years of ruling life, will his mind be corrupted by power? Even if not, there will be indelible changes in his status and majesty.

He does not allow others to oppose him, and does not allow others to deny him face.

The problems that arise due to his status will also cause many changes in his heart.

And this Rat King is not a wise man, he is just born with a strong talent, and thus grew into the contemporary Rat King.

"Your Majesty." The attendant Nezumi next to him wanted to show off, but before he could say anything, he was slapped against the wall.

At this time,

Although Abel wanted to kill this talkative guy, he still gave up his murderous intention when he saw the other rat servants who were in danger.

After being the king for so many years,

I also understood a lot of hard truths. The rat killer cannot be in front of his subjects unless he rebels against the clan.

On the other side, the rat elders and several rat generals who were asking themselves questions were still looking for the mark of the empty ghost.

The commotion of Konggui started in the palace,

Generally speaking, the place where it appears for the first time is where the mark exists.

When they learned that there were empty ghosts in the city and the knights could not be found, these rat men immediately showed disdain.

Can't even find a single sign to protect Tomb Town? Somewhat funny.

As the Konggui continued to cause chaos in the next few days, there was a lot of ridicule among the Ratmen.

"Elder? It seems like you haven't found anything.\

,"After dozens of rat men turned everything inside and outside the palace, they still found nothing. The same thing happened to the rat men again.

No matter how they thought, they would never guess where the mark was placed.

And when it is not activated,

Even if I look for it so abruptly, I can't notice any difference.

Who would think that a stain that looks like it's inherent in the object itself is a summoning mark?

"Keep looking. Don't talk." The elder glanced at Abel, who was still angry. After winking at the rat man who reported the report, he started a new search. However, things turned out to be just as they thought. Is it the same?

There is no guarantee that the empty ghost mark will really be left here.

Before the rat people could relax a little,

The empty ghost appeared in the hall again, grabbed a rat man who didn't know anything, and disappeared again.

"??? Haven't found it yet!" Abel roared, and another one was taken away. Looking at the rat men who were blindly searching in the hall, Abel walked quickly and couldn't hit him, nor did he hit him. The anger in his heart It rose again.


Lake, who returned to the Spider Silk Bar,

I touched my arm. It was really exciting this time.

He pinched the empty ghost summoning mark in his hand,

This time he didn't put the mark anywhere.

He could not simply forget what happened when he was attacked by Youge and Elosili.

Although I can't beat myself,

But it doesn't mean that Konggui can't be beaten.

Just because ordinary Konggui can't beat it, doesn't mean that high-level Konggui can't beat it.

Among the countless empty ghosts living in the dark dimension, there will always be a few who are lucky enough to be well fed. If they are well fed, they will have the opportunity to grow.

Naturally, it will exceed the limits of ordinary empty ghosts.

This time, Lake naturally summoned the online ghosts that could be summoned by this mark.

At the moment of contact, if it weren't for the meaning of the mark itself, maybe even a small guy like him would have been hooked away by the huge hook that suddenly appeared on the other side of the mark.

three times in a row,

Of course, Reike also summoned three high-level empty ghosts within the city walls, palaces, and among the rat people.

After these three were summoned, Lake immediately took away the mark. Anyway, there was no need to target the ratmen for a long time. Summoning them this time was enough. There was no need to hide outside and wait for the mark to be retrieved after the end, and these high-level airmen The ghosts would definitely not give up easily. At the city wall, Lake had already seen their greed and attacks.

"It's done?" Miss Zhu looked at Lake appearing on the table, her heart full of anxiety. Of course, this anxiety was also about the Mark of the Sky Ghost. She knew exactly what Lake was doing, summoning him in the tomb town. A high-level Konggui is tantamount to seeking death. An ordinary one is fine and won't cause any major repercussions.

Once a large-scale riot is caused by a high-ranking person, the higher-ups will definitely be dispatched. When the time comes, do you want to hide? They may not have any chance to hide immediately, but this time

"Okay, this mark is indeed specially made."

The things bought from Tomb Town's "internal market" are indeed not things that are commonly circulated on the surface.

internal market,

In fact, they are just some lairs for sale.

Death is inevitable, and the nests of some aliens who died secretly and disappeared will naturally be released. Although they cannot be purchased, the right to dispose of them can be purchased.

Who knows what is hidden in other people's lairs, some aliens who have been staring at it for a long time will naturally buy the lairs that interest them.

There are dangers and opportunities,

This is how the two of them got this mark.

"That human?"

"I don't know." Feeling the stable tentacles behind him, Rick continued, "May you survive, we can leave easily, if you don't survive, we will go by ourselves."


Along the city wall,

Youge also flew at high speed with Velvet in his mouth.

All along the way, there were one-sided battles between various mechanical magic rats and the ratmen in the royal city.

The killing machine-like magic rats had already completely crushed a large number of ratmen in the royal city. The occasional flashing air ghosts also chose to let go of the magic rats with metal bodies.

"Mr. Hall, according to the guidance of Miss Spider, we have completely opened the front line. Mr. Fink's hot weapons troops have also stationed some along the way to maintain the battle situation. After the air ghosts captured a few mechanical magic rats, they completely gave up the hostility with us."

After flying a distance, 01's report suddenly sounded.

"Where is the ratman palace?"

The ratmen on the city wall were basically collapsed, and the only thing missing was the ratman palace. As for the ratman tribe, it was not considered by Youge at all.

"We have come into close contact, but now it is Miss Elosli who is holding the situation back. We still know nothing about the inside."


It looks pretty good at the moment. Before entering the city, Miss Spider led the mechanical magic rat controlled by 01 to the direction of the palace. It is good enough to be able to push to the palace in a short time.

"Virvette, I'm going to start."

With certainty in his heart, Youge also had a plan. Looking from the sky, outside the war zone he had caused, it was surrounded by countless armored knights.

After a little thought, he understood that this was the restriction imposed by the Tomb King on his battle with the ratmen.

Death fights are allowed,

but no further destruction of the Tomb Town is allowed.

Presumably, the destroyed area at the previous city gate was completely blamed on Ian.

The person is dead, so there is nothing to mention.

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