Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 28 The Final Battle

If Youge and the mermaids were promoted to Lv5 to improve their control over their own energy, then the promotion of the aliens like the swarm to Lv5 is to increase their control over themselves.

This kind of life that originated from "flesh" and changed from "flesh" was completely stronger than ordinary life from the moment it appeared.

After the swarm shook off the attack of the mermaids, several fleshy tentacles grew on its spherical body and quickly stretched out to all the mermaids. Without the restrictions of human physical signs, the attacks of the swarm can no longer be predicted by the human body, and can only be avoided by perception. Perhaps this is also an excellent way of evolution. There is no such thing as footwork and boxing. What is needed is to constantly extend the attacking tentacles from the meat ball, attack the enemy from all directions, and not miss any opportunity to attack. Except for the lack of beauty in human subjective consciousness, there is nothing wrong with the swarm.

In the eyes of mermaids, this kind of violent attack, not to mention dodging the fish tail on the back to keep themselves alive, is great. This sewer can be filled with sewage, so they can fight for a while.

The mermaids were defeated quickly. After cooperating with Youge's sneak attack on one of them, the group of li also quickly captured the other three.

During the touch, the group of li showed a trace of disgust for the "flesh" of the mermaid, and directly pierced the body of the mermaid and threw it aside.

After withdrawing his hand, the group of li began to clean up the nearby human mermaids. After a short while, only humans were left in the entire underground village.

Quiet! At this time, no one said that Youge also found a little difference. According to Newton, there was at least one higher-level mermaid, but now there were only five mermaids. It was impossible that there were only so few mermaids left after the original choice of leaving dozens of mermaids in the waterway.

After taking a look at the entrance of the ruins, Youge silently retreated to the edge.

The remaining human eyes were all focused on the captain of SAT-Liqun. Even if the living people now have a deep mutation, the group of li, which is only seen in horror movies, cannot be easily ignored.

The sound of water drops sounded, and a pair of red lights flashed at the door of the ruins.

"Here we come!" Youge, who was secretly staring at the ruins, was the first to discover the red eyes.

"Lv8: Siren; Attribute: Song; Trait: Tentacles"

The familiar name in the prompt box immediately reminded Youge of the myths and legends from the West in his memory: a human face and a fish body, a honey-juiced voice that made the passing sailors lose their minds and the ship hit the reef and sank.

However, what appeared in front of everyone was not just that, two meters tall, a huge belly, and tentacles extending from the feet to the waist. If she hadn't walked out standing, I would have thought she was wearing a tentacle-like long skirt.

"Requiem: Under the beautiful melody, no one knows what is hidden, because they are all dead."

"Ah~", the Siren started singing before it fully appeared. Under the red eyes, Youge just saw the knife-like teeth, and his mind seemed to explode!

The jammer in his pocket stopped after vibrating wildly several times. Youge didn't have time to check and quickly covered his ears.

"Dead silence!", after quickly gathering his will to resist the singing, he relaxed a little,

And the heads of all the mutant humans on the other side exploded and disappeared! As for the swarm, it seemed that the singing could not threaten the core area of ​​the "meat". All the organs that originally emerged on the outside shrank inward, and the size of the entire swarm shrank!

Before the Siren increased the singing, Youge and the swarm both rushed to the former.

Speaking of it, the swarm's limbs were more powerful, and they arrived in front of the Siren first after a few bounces. The bodies of both sides were almost the same, which brought great pressure to Youge who was about to arrive.

"Swish, swish, swish!", The close-range attacks of the two aliens were all tentacle-based, with all kinds of crazy thrusts.

After all, they were Lv8 aliens, and the tentacles of the swarm softened after a few rounds.

After sweeping away Youge who was about to come over, Siren jumped directly onto the body of the group, and all the tentacles on the legs were inserted into the latter's body, and the singing sound was transmitted from the tentacles!

After being hit, Youge didn't care about the pain in his chest. If the group died, his mission would be over, and he might not be able to leave safely!

Following the painful and twisted face on the epidermis of the group, Youge grabbed a mouth and turned over.

The blood spear stabbed straight, and Siren also felt a little pain. When the singing stopped, the tentacle that was stabbed rolled towards Youge.

"There is blood!" After grabbing the other mouths and moving the position again, the wound that was cut felt a trace of "blood" injected after the attack, and Siren was unaware of it? !

At this time, Siren's hostility to the group was far greater than Youge. Even if he was constantly harassed by Youge, he was unwilling to get off the group. Instead, the group was suppressed by the tentacles inserted into his body and began to tremble slightly.

"Hold on!" Feeling the pressure of the swarm, Youge yelled, "It'll be fine soon!"

After circling again, almost all the tentacles that Youge could touch were cut open. Siren didn't care about the small wounds, which was much easier than being bitten by the fungi in the sewer.

However, it was such wounds that made Youge quietly inject blood into Siren's body!

A stinging feeling! Finally, after enough "blood" accumulated in Siren's body, it all burst out at once.

If you think about it, the blood flow rate of a normal human body is more than 10 centimeters, not to mention that the flow rate of an alien is much faster. In addition, in the battle, all the blood injected by Youge gathered in Siren's heart.

When he noticed that all the blood from different tentacles gathered at the same place, You Ge exploded them.

The siren's chest was like a firework, and a spearhead burst out and turned into blood.

After a scream, Siren pounced on Youge before dying, and all his tentacles swung towards Youge's body!


Kankan blocked the blood gun from above, and You Ge was severely knocked away, and the bones in his arm shattered with a crisp sound.

"It was so dangerous, I almost died!"

Two dull sounds of falling to the ground were heard. Whether it's the crotch group that's still trembling slightly, or the Siren whose tentacles are twitching from time to time, it means that You Ge is finally over!

"The mission is over, just return to the anchor point."

After heaving a sigh of relief, Youge's injured part was opened and slowly repaired. After the blood flow was stopped for a while, he walked towards the Siren!

"Lv8: Siren's corpse; can be collected"

"Include it!"

As if half of Feng Chen's Siren's huge body disappeared in front of his eyes, You Ge looked at Qian Qun who was still shaking on one side. He was still a teammate after all. If he hadn't blocked it for him, he wouldn't have been able to accomplish such a simple task.

Just ignore it,

Turning around and walking towards the gate of the ruins, what is the statue that caused all the changes in the sewer?

Youge had to be curious, even if he couldn't take it away, he still had to pay homage to it, some kind of unknown legacy!

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