Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 284 Testing

"It seems that for this interesting force field, we need to find the protagonist team of this world?" With a thought in his heart, You Ge immediately remembered the special child who shined in this world of film and television.

That little girl with a petal mouth who could kill this petal-mouthed girl just by relying on her mental strength.


Key memories began to revive in You Ge's mind. Unfortunately, only scattered fragments were revived.

He was just an ordinary person in his previous life, and most of the things he remembered have been completely forgotten. After being stimulated by the outside world, these remaining fragments were connected one by one, allowing him to gain further understanding.

If this were the memory left after becoming a professional, I would have remembered it instantly.

After filling the hole in the top again, You Ge had no intention of coming out: "Tsk tsk, these cuties are really working hard. They can't attack me with such brute force alone.\

,"Yes, no matter how strong the opponent's force field is, it still cannot successfully penetrate the ground. Attribute power may not be able to easily break through the force field, but if the opponent wants to completely penetrate the earth, it will take more than just a few claws.

The earth attribute power that Youge summoned can make the opponent swing his claws several times.

While the other party was still trying to dig him out, You Ge also established a connection with the world in the town. Invisibly, You Ge felt that his dark attribute power was also breaking through the same force field defense circle. Only then did he successfully communicate with the upper world,

This was the breakthrough to leave the other world through these three petal mouths, and this was the success.

"You can't go in at will. Once you go in, you can't come out. Moreover, it can completely block simple mental connections and there is a threat inside."

The moment the dark attribute spread in, You Ge discovered many differences.

The connection between oneself and one's own attribute power can only be transmitted through the breach, and the original sense of freedom is lost. The connection with the red seal is still no problem, but compared to the previous connection with the red seal, it has a lot of jerky feeling. This is a The sealed inner world uses force fields to completely isolate itself, just like a seal.

"Perhaps it is a place used by some people to seal the mind flayer." Feeling the huge presence in the other world, Youge did not choose to continue exploring. For now, simply contacting the other world is enough. Wait until he can After breaking through the strange force field defense, you can naturally break in freely.

After withdrawing his temptation, You Ge also shifted his gaze to the front.

These guys are really not something you can kill at will. It is better to leave them to the humans wandering outside to see if these humans can destroy these smelly demon dogs.

"Sir! Large-scale energy field fluctuations, this area! Sir!" Just when You Ge moved, the humans in this area began to panic.

shock? No, it should be said to be fluctuations. The whole earth started to ripple like water,

"The earth is alive?"

This is the only thought in the hearts of these humans,

Then tentacles grew out of the ground, and eyes condensed on each tentacle. After destroying a large area of ​​​​houses, the three demon dogs were also whipped and pushed in the direction of humans.

"Sir, what should we do?" The moment they saw "the earth is alive", these people all lost their previous calm.

When have they ever seen this kind of thing? Even if they have explored the monster lair in the other world, they have never seen this kind of thing. Hey, this is You Ge’s ability when he is not exposed to pollution, otherwise the earth will be alive? At that time the earth will live with you.

"Retreat, let everyone exit this land. Wait! Everyone is ready to attack, and the force field weapons are aimed at the three monsters that are moving over!"

After all, the commander was a commander. At this time, he did not forget to observe. When he saw the force field point on the monitor that was moving towards the human being at a fast speed, he immediately thought of the other party's purpose and diverted the trouble to the east.

Although I am very angry, there is nothing I can do about it. I cannot ignore it.

"Yes!" After suppressing the panic in his heart, the soldier immediately began to pass on the order.

Fortunately, Youge's earth tentacles destroyed the nearby houses, and humans and monsters had no visual obstruction to each other in this open space.

Under this situation, the three monsters that You Ge kept throwing up and pushing naturally became fixed and moving targets.


Without the need for an order from the superior, several people below who controlled the force field weapons had successfully locked onto the target.

A "coil buzzing" sound that resonates with the brain appears, and a ray of light shoots out quickly, and the rotating aperture wrapped around it instantly penetrates the three devil dogs in the air.

Of course this is not over yet,

"Linear force field weapon launch!"

With a command, several shining straight lines were launched rapidly, and those who hissed and hissed were completely cut into pieces before they even hit the ground.

As the bodies fell to the ground, some foul-smelling liquid flowed out of their bodies, and the three monsters died completely.

"Exciting, force field weapons! Black technology!" Youge, who had already withdrawn from a distance, also saw the light flashing across the sky: "Sure enough, it is the human beings who are fighting against the evil god. These black technology, those evil god's lackeys will never be able to withstand it. live."

Then You Ge, who was completely far away, also withdrew from the earth. After he stopped using his power, he also disappeared from human force field monitoring.

"Sir, the unknown force field has disappeared, and the devil dog has been completely destroyed!" The ground calmed down, and everyone was frightened. When cleaning up the traces on this once "alive" ground, the soldiers expanded the detection area three times to no avail. After discovering the abnormality, he reported it to the superior.

"Start cleaning up, cordon off the area and let the people in the building deal with it."

"Yes, sir!"

The third-party monster, no matter how stupid it is at this time, this officer is sure that the enemy he just encountered,

The battle between myself and others and the monster in the other world is not over yet, and now there are other monsters joining in, and they are such incredible monsters. Are they really going to destroy mankind?

Recalling the eyes that appeared on those earth tentacles just now,

After the officer took several breaths, he suppressed the discomfort in his heart: "After the cleaning is completed, everyone will enter a state of isolation. All those who participated and those who saw the tentacles and eyes just now must be quarantined for a week!"

It was because a few people came into contact with those devil dogs and did not pay attention to the isolation. As a result, many human-shaped flower mouths appeared in the camp three days later.

If they just happened to be in a state of combat readiness at that time, otherwise by waiting for the equipment to warm up, these demon dogs would be enough to kill dozens of people.

"Wisdom, control the earth? Hiding in the earth? Concealment, eyes." The officer who started writing the report from behind felt a greater sense of fear in his heart as he wrote: "High intelligence"

This is the only thing he fears. The reason why humans can maintain a long-lasting battle with monsters is because the other party's intelligence is relatively low. If these monsters have wisdom comparable to that of adults, then humans will face the greatest difficulty.

Then I saw what I had written before about controlling the earth.

Fear arose in the commander's heart again,

Human beings live on the earth. This is an unchanging law. If the other party can control the earth, can humans really survive? Forget it if he wins, he just wants to think about the word survival now.

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