Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 293 Force Field Devouring

A more powerful force field,

How to make his force field grow rapidly, and how to go head-to-head with a force field the size of a small town!

If he breaks through to Level 20 now, or even close to Level 30, You Ge can go up and confront the opponent head-on in a so-called man's blood-blood, force field and stance fight.

But he hasn't reached this level yet,

The only way is!

Inspire the force field of the incarnation of the Corrupted Devouring Eye!

The moon is almost finished,

A few days ago, the Eye of Corruption and Devouring had shrunk the moon in the Red Seal Universe by a large circle, leaving only a moon that could maintain the original balance of the earth-moon gravity.

It has to be said that after the lambs on the ground noticed that You Ge had eaten most of the moon, although many believers shouted and cheered for the gods, the lambs who really maintained human survival and did not lose their minds still put a This report was given to Archpope Thatcher,

Earth and moon tides,

What would happen if humans lost the moon, and a large amount of sea water poured inland, causing a huge tsunami? water World? This is just the beginning,

In fact, the driving force for tides is provided by the earth. It takes the earth one day to rotate, but it takes one month for the moon to rotate. This makes the earth's rotation speed much faster than the moon's speed, so the moon is holding back the earth. ,

Without this hindrance, the speed of the earth will speed up immediately. How many hours does it take to complete a circle?

Earth's rotation accelerates, gravity decreases, centrifugal force? I am afraid that human society will face a huge disaster soon.

But in fact, it is not a big problem. In the Red Seal Universe, human beings have entered the era of great unification. The country has long been reduced to a term of the previous era. The entire human race is knitted together under the belief in gods.

It is not unacceptable to face disasters caused by "hungry" gods.

"Your Majesty the Pope? Are we starting to implement the Artificial Gravity Project?"

Countless plans were sent to Thatcher's hands by scientists from all over the world,

Artificial moons, tidal blocking sea walls, ice plans, etc., any idea that can reduce this disaster has been fully established as long as there is a slight chance of success.

The so-called artificial gravity plan was what Thatcher finally decided on.

Manufactured on the sea, countless nuclear-powered tidal manufacturing centers constantly imitate the gravity of the moon and pull the global seawater tides.

Countless and more chaotic seawater will rub against each other to consume the earth's kinetic energy,

In addition to making the entire ocean more chaotic, this plan is also the simplest and fastest of all the plans.

"God, is the moon delicious?"

This was a question Thatcher casually asked when he looked at the big eyes swallowing the moon every day after confirming the implementation of this plan, but You Ge heard it,

When he was about to activate the Corruption Devouring Eye, he heard,

"It doesn't taste good. Do you want to eat it?"

A piece of the moon stained with large pieces of corrupted sludge was sent to Thatcher's palace.

"Stand back, this is a divine revelation!"

Thatcher is also a person in this world who is very familiar with Hall Azatos in the inserted message fragment. Although the other person has become a god, Youge is not very interested in Thatcher in terms of communication. To show that overriding contempt,

This sudden conversation also startled Thatcher, especially the piece of debris that was flying rapidly. If it hadn't ignited any fire, he would have thought he was going to be destroyed below.

"My God."

"Huh? What's your problem?"

You Ge can naturally see Thatcher's inner thoughts, but he is not bored yet. He has to penetrate into the other person's heart to find the answer to whomever he chats with.

"The gravity of the Earth and the Moon."

"Huh?" After being reminded like this, You Ge immediately understood. This is a troublesome thing. He didn't think about it carefully when he wanted to eat the moon. If this would destroy his lamb, it would be a disaster. A very heavy loss.

Fortunately, the moon hasn't been eaten yet, and gravity still exists.

"Well don't worry about this, I will take care of it."

After You Ge thought about it for a while, he didn't take it seriously. Without him, the force field of the Corruption Devouring Eye,

As long as the force field of the big eyeballs can be activated, it can definitely replace the gravitational field of the ball. Besides, don't wait for him to activate any big eyeballs. The lambs on the earth now are enough for him to activate a huge force field. ,

Seven billion humans,

One by one, let Youge activate the attribute power field of the dead blood in his body,

It can definitely slow down the earth.

Speaking of which, the earth wrapped in a force field is essentially his territory.

Completely surrounded by Youge's force field, can Youge even start to try to change the earth's material, turning it into a planet completely composed of dead blood?

This is indeed a good idea,

If a new ecological circle can be transformed, these lambs can also break away from the old human food chain and develop a new social circle.

This is even more difficult than eating the earth.

"If you don't think too much, try activating Big Eyeball's force field first, and then activate the Lamb Flock's."

After thinking about it, what should be done still needs to be done. After turning his attention to the Eye of Corruption and Devouring, You Ge also began his critical moment.

Activating the entire big eyeball's force field does not happen in an instant.

When it comes to human bodies, they are only that big and can be activated with a thought. Now that the moon has peeled off many layers of skin, it will take a long time for it to grow to its full size.

"Let's deal with the inside first, and then start spreading."

Merging into the inside of the eyeball, waves began to radiate outwards,

One day, two days, ten days

The different speed of time passing gave Youge, whose spirit was in the Red Seal Universe, more time to promote the entire activation process,

"Thatcher, take this and start spreading and activating the entire pious."

"Yes, my God."

Diffusion and activation,

After completely re-contaminating and reorganizing the moon fragments thrown into Thatcher's palace, it became an item that Youge used to indirectly activate the force field in the human body,

As long as the lambs touched it, they would be stimulated by the force field already contained in it, and then began to replicate the entire activation process,

Once the whole process unfolds,

One becomes two, two becomes four, and it keeps spreading. After Youge completely activates the eyeball, the entire human race will also change from the so-called "faith community" of the nature of the great unified society to the "existence and faith community", becoming lambs that can sense the existence of each other's force field.

As time passed,

when the "Lamb's Force Field" that Youge had envisioned began to gradually stabilize in the Red Seal Universe,

he finally completed the activation of the big eyeball.

It was originally one-fourth the size of the moon, and it shrank by half,

to one-eighth the size of the moon.

It was enough. This size could cause a huge disaster even with a simple collision.

And there was also a force field circle that almost surpassed the size of the moon.


Force field swallowing! After activation, Youge's most proud ability in his heart,

any prey that entered this force field circle would be endlessly pulled, constantly corrupted and swallowed, just like a black hole.

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