Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 297 Chaos

"Destroy the evil god! Hold the lamp to save the world! Get the gift!"

Especially the last four words, You Ge specially showed these people the greatness of the Level 1 warrior!

The strength and longevity that the three Sequencers have often talked about before are completely reflected here.

Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning, this is the salvation of the gods!

Nothing can compare to these!

Then a coordinate point also appeared in the hearts of this group of people. It was the place where You Ge established a connection between Elosili and Hawkins Town in the outer town. That is where You Ge planned to open the entrance to the other world. place.


"Sir! Oh no, something happened!"

Just when Youge's lambs began to take action, changes began to occur in the controlled area and the [Tentacle Land Area] named by these humans.

Elosri's tentacled earth officially came to life,

First of all, those who are playing with her tentacles, do you really think they can continue playing with peace of mind?

The moment her tentacles wrapped around each other, Elosli indirectly parasitized her power on these humans.

She can't directly instill power into humans, but that doesn't mean she can't borrow some things to forcibly combine these powers into humans.

I have to say that this is the thinking of those people who are already twisted in their hearts.

They made some mechanical devices, fixed the tentacles, and then connected the mechanical devices to the roots of the tentacles, and then installed them on the human body. Together with some force field stimulation devices they discovered, they could perfectly control these powerful devices. of tentacles,

Elosili smiled, but metal couldn't stop her. Those humans equipped with tentacles didn't understand what happened, but their skin was completely fused with those metals.

Mechanical metal skin? ? !

Of course, as long as you are ruthless, these skins will fall off when you pull them, and naturally the tentacles will be gone, but some people just like this.

In addition, there is no pain during the fusion.

In the blink of an eye, they felt that this was their chance, especially when Yu Ge secretly began to affect his emotions.

With the activities of the Tentacle Land, from the control area, it is these people who control the Tentacles and then start to rebel.

Of course this is just the simplest one, there is an even crazier researcher,

When this person came into contact with Elosri's tentacles, he already had long-term experience of contacting the mind flayer's men.

His personal force field is not very powerful, but it has the ability to withstand the characteristics of the town's force field, ignoring the town's force field's rejection of aliens.

He ate Elosri's tentacles and bathed in them

"Come on! Come on! This is the future of mankind! The ladder to the gods!"

A madman who wants to become a god.

It appeared so suddenly, yet so natural.

Although Elosli was only asked to attract attention, I have to say that this person's appearance is very attractive. Can he ignore the rejection of the town? When this person appeared in the building, his body was completely covered by Elosili's tentacles. Three or four tentacles more than ten meters long began to destroy everywhere. The rest were only one or two meters of tentacles protecting the whole body. In addition, the tentacles were A completely corroded and strengthened body,

This man has completely transformed into a little superman, especially with the eyes that grow all over his body. In terms of observation, he can completely dodge the attacks of enemies in the building.

This shows that he has not lost his mind and knows that he cannot ignore the existence of those force field weapons.

"Sequencer? Go steal force field weapon information!"

I originally thought I would finally find time to go to the controlled area and take away the manufacturing materials for the weapons, but now I don't need You Ge to do anything.

After taking the opportunity to study the peculiarities of this man, You Ge also knew how to bypass the rejection mechanism of the town's force field.

That is the low frequency force field,

Why can sequencers and people from other towns come and go freely?

Why is it that humans are immediately rejected after attribute power is tainted by it?

Why do we need to use the power of the townspeople to open the entrance?

Why was even You Ge himself able to use his identity to hide himself, and was discovered by humans when he was using his power, but it didn't trigger the rejection of the town?

Low frequency force field!

By simulating force field fluctuations in your own outer layer that are lower than the reaction of the town, you can ignore the original strong field fluctuations by hiding them!

The person who suddenly appeared was because he exuded a low-frequency force field, and Youge's outer layer had always been wrapped in such a force field, which isolated the town's force field. Human detection included energy, sound waves, Detection means of heat, triangulation, etc.

The small town force field only searches for the source of the fluctuations. As long as the source of the fluctuations of the high-frequency force field is covered up, even if it is emitted and cannot be found, there is no way to exclude it.

"Okay, okay, then the rat people can enter freely!"

You Ge, who was on the other side, smiled inwardly. This saves trouble. He originally planned to continue to use the integration force field to forcefully enter. This would save a lot of trouble.

This is also the reason why Youge cannot use his own force field to open the door. His identity force field is fake and cannot trigger the town force field. If he relies on his professional force field to resist, he will probably die. If he uses the Corruption Devouring Eye to force it open, it may be okay, but he still wants to take the heart demon away, and does not want to expose the big eyeball here directly. Besides, if he summons the big eyeball in the inner world and then appears from the town, wouldn’t the rebound force be the greatest? Flying into space is absolutely exciting!


As expected, with the concerted efforts of Jerome and others, the entrance to the inner world outside the town was also successfully opened.

A layer of film appeared directly on the ground, and the ground was flashing red light, as if countless liquids were flowing inside, just like an amniotic fluid bag that was penetrated by light after being illuminated by light.

"Charge!" With an order, the ratmen and sequencers who had been preparing for a long time outside rushed in instantly.

After the gelatinous film was constantly pulled inward and stretched, the rats finally broke into the inner world first. When the gravity rotated, they immediately stood on one side of the film and successfully arrived at the inner world upside down.

"My Lord?"

When they saw the rats, Jerome and the devout immediately broke out in a cold sweat. Eight eyes? Ferocious? Rat? And the weapons! The raging breath made them feel as fragile as babies.

The last sequencer accompanying them said slowly: "Just a sinner."

Yes, the words had been thought of long ago. If the corruption punishment could be accepted, what was strange about the body of sinners?

"Let's go, leave this to them, let's go find weapons!"

The weapons naturally refer to the control area. The two sequencers who went ahead are just ordinary people. They have not reached the level of professionals yet, so they naturally need help. Moreover, Youge has begun to transfer some attribute power into these people's bodies. As long as the other party gradually becomes familiar with it, the control area will definitely not be a problem. Then, with the addition of force field weapons,

they can also join their own "God War".

Besides, You Ge doesn't need to be afraid of being excluded now. His only target is the evil god and the moon in the other world. He can just find a reason outside and let them play with him.

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