Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 322 Demonic Spider You

Fink deployed quickly. The completed devices had already been assembled by 01 when they left the factory, and they were all compressed and packed in Fink's backpack.

A total of dozens of force field cannons of various colors appeared neatly and immediately aimed at Kushu Ridge without any suspense.

Moreover, Youge didn't intend to wait for the Black Crow to come out and go through the motions. After seeing that the deployment was completed, he directly gave the order to attack.

The force field fluctuated. I don't know if the beings in the mountains didn't understand what was going on. All the beings who paid attention to this place because of the Crow Storm were all eaten up again by this gorgeous attack.

Dozens of cannons attacked continuously without any pause, coupled with the special effects of some attribute force fields, the place was completely razed to the ground.

"That's right. It's countless times stronger than the guy who attacked the Rat Man last time!" A trace of surprise flashed across Baden's eyes. Compared with those pure energy attacks, this is what really counts. It's a weapon for breaking into a house, hmm. It makes him want to buy some.

Tomb Town’s information is blocked from the outside world, but it does not mean that Tomb Town is also blocked from outside information.

He knew these poisonous fire substances that were well bought in all places as early as when Youge went to Tomb Town. It seemed that the rise of the Clockwork Center was going to be out of control.

But You Ge just nodded and continued to give new instructions to Fink.

"Unified attributes, continuous force field attacks!"

Even though these cannons are all colorful, they are all color changes caused by attribute text. The key point is that these huge cannons are attached with a variety of different attribute texts. The final full version is even better than the previous ones. Even more surprising.

"Okay!" Fink was also full of pride, perfect! And you will see more perfect results immediately! After a few snickers, as the colors on the cannon changed uniformly, Fink started the cannon attack again,

Ice attribute attack!

Dozens of cannons attack with unified ice attributes!

It is countless times more powerful than what was tested in the laboratory before, especially when these dozens of cannons attack in unison.

All the cannons lit up with a halo of aura. After the rows of waves reached unity, the force fields in the cannons instantly began to spread and gather together.

Successful consecutive titles!

And Fink pressed attack again!


A blue force field line appeared in the sky, and a huge blue line, twice as thick as a cannon, broke directly into the Dead Tree Ridge.

"Are you really planning to start a war directly?" Looking at this more brilliant and powerful attack, Baden couldn't help but wonder. Why can Dry Tree Ridge exist for so long without being annexed by the Royal City? It's not just the Royal City that has no interest in the desolate mountains. Interests, including some secret connections between Kushu Ridge and the outside world.

"Yeah." You Ge nodded and started fighting. Sooner or later, the plan will basically include this area completely. The most important thing is that "You Ge on the other side" has found a good opportunity!


Miss Spider,

Or should we call her Spider Pelican,

During the waiting period, Youge's clone replaced Youge and went to the other side of Dry Tree Ridge, just to find her. As for Lake, Elosli had been killed long ago. If not, Youge could also take the opportunity to locate her. to each other.

The swamp area where the demon spiders live,

There was poisonous mist everywhere, and there were also some small alien insects that coexisted in the poison. Coupled with the interference of the swamp, You Ge could only slowly search underground for the spider lady he had not yet encountered.

At first, the word "spider" was accidental, which made You Ge just suspect that the other party might be related to the Demon Spider Clan. But after You Ge saw the Demon Spider Clan, although the other party's size had no redeeming features at all, the familiar aura was similar to that of the Spider Clan. Mademoiselle reaches a point of great resemblance.

magic spider,

It has slender legs that are three meters long, a body that is about the same size as a head, the whole body is black and covered with downy hair, and the mouthparts spread poisonous gas.

The key is,

These demon spiders are parasitic. The demon spiders that You Ge secretly saw are more or less hidden in the bodies of other creatures. This is too different from Miss Spider's appearance. Only the aura exuding allows You Ge to continue. Choose to explore.

As for the Royal City, there is absolutely no effective information about the Demon Spider Clan, except that it is extremely dangerous. You Ge can only operate the clone to explore alone.

Demon Spider Man, Demon Spider Crow Man, this is the most common parasitic form that Youge can see along the way. Relatively speaking, humans and Crow Man are relatively close to this area, and it is also easy for the Demon Spider to obtain parasites. Body,

And the next question arises,

Unfortunately, You Ge met a demon spider with earth attribute. It was a wonderful encounter.

Just like a long-lost love, the demon spider's long legs spanned the distance. By the time Youge noticed it, the other party had already inserted his legs into the clone.

Surprisingly, You Ge didn't notice the opponent's approach. Although the force field in his body wanted to repel the opponent, a sudden inspiration made him choose to give up all thoughts of counterattack.

"Ellie, don't attack."

After seeing Youge suddenly not resisting, the demon spider was curious about what this human hiding underground wanted to do, but the fluff on its legs did not hesitate at all and instantly entangled itself in Youge's clone. within the body,

The fluff followed Youge's nerves and penetrated bit by bit, occupying,

And the demon spider also started to approach You Ge,

Love, You Ge's chest was like plasticine, with a hollow appearing. At this time, the hair on the main body of the demon spider began to swell, inserting bit by bit into You Ge's chest, completely invading the surrounding area. He inserted his body into that hollow,

The villi continue to grow,

In the blink of an eye, the fluff completely surrounded the brain of Youge's clone, completely blocking the brain's control of the body. It seems that this guy still understands human beings very well.

Youge's body became paralyzed,

The spider legs contracted and inserted from the groove in the chest. The four spider legs soon occupied Youge's limbs. The muscles on the limbs trembled. The spider legs passed through the bones. Youge's body stood up immediately.

The three parts of the downy spider leg bones are almost integrated into one, which is really terrifying.

Of course, it's not over yet. There are still two spider legs that pass through the bones of Youge's back and slowly stretch out.

Youge's leg made the sound of bones being broken.

In fact, it is not broken, but the knee area has completely disappeared, revealing a little bit of black spider legs, followed closely by a slender spider protruding from the soles of the feet and the spider legs on the back to keep the entire body balanced. Behind the legs, Youge's clone also completely completed this parasitic transformation.

It should be called Demon Spider You.

To be honest, this parasitism was very comfortable. At least when the clone was inserted into the body, You Ge did not feel any pain. On the contrary, when the villi in the body continued to grow and occupy it, all the muscles radiated. Out of the feeling of comfort after being touched,

Very comfortable,

Youge shook his head. He was not a pervert, but his muscles did feel comfortable. This was also a characteristic of the demon spider when it was parasitic, and it was not something he could control.

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