Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 33 Team Assembly

The foot of the Weeping Bone Mountains.

After getting off the boat, everyone was stopped by a team of black patrolmen before they reached the foot of the mountain.

"Hello, the mission has not started yet. If you are an independent professional, please obtain the team information reserved by the Gold Association in your personal terminal, and come here after finding the team to gather!"

[Lv6: Hall Azathoth; B area six team patrol mission, gathering point B area 6.5, team members four. 】

"Gathering point B area 6.5?" Youge was confused, and he didn't know anything about the huge mine.

After following a few professionals for a while, he finally saw the gathering point hidden behind the hill. Thousands of people were communicating with each other in the assigned area.

"Area A?, Area B!"

"5.4, 6.5!"

A small clockwork mechanical tent appeared in front of Youge,

"Mechanical professionals? There are very few people who have tents in other teams, and they are upper-level professionals!" After hesitating for a while, Youge walked in. Anyway, they are all in the same team, so if you have any questions, just ask!

As they approached the tent, the curtains opened by themselves with a click.

"Hello! The fourth member!"

Three people turned their heads at the same time, looking at Youge who came in.

One woman and two men, their ages seemed to be about the same, probably over 18 years old. If they were professionals with special attributes or older, they would be rich or noble from their clean clothes.

"Hello, my name is Hall Azathoth, a blood-attribute professional." Youge took the initiative to introduce himself after his eyes swept over the three people.

"Come, take a seat first. There's still an hour before the start. Don't be in a hurry!" The woman at the innermost smiled.

After moving to the fourth vacant position, several people began to communicate:

"Mason Spring, Lv8-Subordinate Clockwork Mechanical Professional."

"Vilvet Violet, Lv8-Injustice Professional."

"Willer F; Lv9-Mysterious Character Attribute Professional."

Character attribute, after hearing it, Youge first looked at Wheeler, the only Lv9 professional in the team. At present, all the high-tech items he has come into contact with are closely related to the "character" attribute, which makes him have to pay attention to Wheeler's existence.

And there is no clue about the more peculiar injustice Youge.

"Is this your first time participating in a summoning mission?"

Mason is the most lively among the three. He has been blinking his eyes since Youge came in and wanted to say something, and he was the first to say the initial welcome.

"Yes, I feel that group action will be safer, so I participated in this mission, and I believe that the reward this time will not be too low!"

Vilvette smiled lightly: "A large-scale mission in the Royal City will never treat any participant unfairly, and if the Royal City successfully transports the materials back this time, it is far from being measured by money!"

This Velvette must have a complicated background. Not only does she know that it is a Royal City transportation mission, but she is also so sure that the benefits of this Royal City far exceed the cost of the summoning mission.

The remaining two people exchanged glances and ignored the loopholes in Velvette's words. Although it was not important information, since they could be assigned to a team, it was no problem to simply exchange information.

Without dwelling too much on this issue, Youge took the lead in asking about the information about the team mission. Compared with the few people themselves, he probably knew it well.

Mason answered again, like a fledgling flying for the first time, full of enthusiasm for everything.

"I know! I know. This time, the Golden Society's exploration personnel divided the periphery of the main transportation road into three areas, A, B, and C, from near to far. Area C is the most dangerous, and it is basically patrolled by some flexible personnel. Area B is the main battle team, and Area A is the high-level support force. The second is the most important transportation force."

"I believe you have seen the aliens that are more likely to appear in the area we are assigned on your personal terminal. This time we need to clean up or delay the aliens in Area A that are trying to approach. If we encounter aliens that are beyond our ability to resist, we just need to send a support request on the terminal!"

"Why don't the people in Area A sweep directly? Isn't it simpler!" Compared with professionals, whether it is support or peripheral patrol personnel, it seems to make the whole thing simpler. So what's the point of summoning low-level personnel? With the personnel in Area A, what's the point of letting low-level professionals in the periphery?

"You can understand it as a training decision since the establishment of the Royal City. All large-scale tasks will bring low-level personnel to conduct relevant trials. This arrangement will not cause a gap in the level, so as to snatch a little living space in a world full of aliens!"

When the words mentioned the high-level Mason, his eyes would reveal a trace of respect.

Hearing such an explanation, Youge instantly thought of those ordinary people who were not professionals. Perhaps except for reproducing offspring, the Royal City had never looked at them straight.

"After the action starts, the terminal will prompt us the route from the gathering point to the mission location. In addition, Hall, do you have any other ideas?"

Vilvette's question sounded slightly provocative, but in fact she wanted to test whether Youge was an impulsive thorn. Although they were all special attribute professionals in the arrangement, no one wanted to lose unclearly in teamwork.

"No, do you have any action plan!"

"Just a brief understanding of team cooperation, the plan is mainly to cooperate with the main team of the Golden Club."

"Mason is a support auxiliary professional who can create clockwork machinery that attaches to other people's bodies. Our main defense method this time is the clockwork equipment from Mason. Weller's mysterious system can increase our abilities. And I am an explosive-attacking professional.”

"Professionals with blood-based melee attacks will have an advantage in protracted battles if their explosive power is relatively weak!"

As a professional, you can't tell which path each person is taking based on their attributes. When you first came in, You Ge had actually seen the attributes of the three people, but it was a pity that he couldn't tell his personal career trends at all.

"Mason Spring, Level 8 - attached clockwork professional. Attribute: clockwork; Trait: Arm

Velvet Violet, Level 8 - professional of the injustice system. Attribute: injustice; Trait: sharp

Weller·F; Lv9-a professional with mysterious attributes. Attribute: sound; trait: word"

Three professionals with dual attributes. Who would have thought that a clockwork mechanical professional would have such a trait as an arm?

"Okay, okay! Hall gives you this!" Mason on the other side was already impatient and threw two discs directly to Hall: "Hang them on your shoulder blades, try it now!"


As soon as it got close to the shoulder, the disc quickly flew towards the shoulder blade.

At this time, a pair of clockwork mechanical arms also flew over from behind Mason.

Showing a trace of curiosity, You Ge did not dodge, and his arm was connected directly to the disc.

"This is my ability, the attached defensive attack arm!"

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