Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 348 Cooperation with Nasiman

"With such a good thing, even if I join this extremely troublesome war, I feel like I'm taking advantage of it."

Youge looked at the demons that were starting to become more agile, and had to give Ackerman a thumbs up. Now he could see that this kind of thing is basically something that has a price but no market. Even if it is Someone has obtained it, how could it be given away so easily.

Joining the war, eating people with short hands, if you don't have to hang out here, You Ge would like to run away. It's difficult, but it's good to have Pike's existence. Since you are not afraid of being directly exposed to the gods, it is suitable. Go up and do it.


On the other side of the city wall relative to the old city, near the gate of the royal city,

The Royal City Defense Army garrison is close to the wealthy area and the planting area outside the city. Obviously, compared with civilian areas and slums, cleaning machines, neat buildings, and countless well-dressed people can be seen everywhere on the streets here. Rich people, after a little comparison you will understand why the city defense army is stationed here.

It is not only necessary to protect human cultivation areas, but also to protect these extremely important wealthy people.

At the agreed time, a familiar person was already waiting for You Ge here.

"Mr. Hall, Commander-in-Chief Gerst asked me to assist you in making relevant adjustments to the battle situation." A familiar friend, the man I met in the underground rotten eye area, with a fake smile on his face, Velvet Playmate Nasiman Violet.

You Ge took another look at the man who had a special purpose for him and Velvet. In addition to changing into a decent uniform of the city defense army, he also completely lost the discomfort he had seen when he was underground.

"Oh? Is it you? Is the Commander-in-Chief on the front line?" It doesn't matter whether you are familiar with it or not. The purpose of Youge coming here this time is actually to have a deeper understanding of the battle situation. With only the information given by 01, it is only possible for Wangcheng to Everyone can detect the information in it. If his actions ruin the plans of the city defense army and the others, it will be more than worth the loss.

"Yes, Mr. Hall, long time no see." Nasiman still had a fake smile on his face, but there was no disrespect to Youge in his eyes.

"So what happened in the Fuhu area last time was your fault?"

"Yes, Mr. Hall, according to the original plan, when the next team from the upper level of Violet arrives, the rotten eye should be eaten by those aliens." Nasiman nodded, turning around and signaling. Go to the side road:

"However, the rotten eyes can help sir, so they are well used. In times of emergency during the war, the city defense army station has entered a restricted state. Non-related personnel are not allowed to come and go at will. Sir, please follow me to the second intelligence station of the city defense army. Bar."

Second intelligence station?

It sounds very exciting. Are you taking him to such a confidential place casually?

Youge followed Naximan. Although there was a trace of suspicion, Youge didn't care at all. If those who opposed him could infiltrate the city defense army, hehehe, I'm afraid he wouldn't even need to take action. The city defense troops will be the first to find them.

The road goes forward,

After the two passed through several residential areas, they returned to the vicinity of Wangcheng Avenue again.

A jewelry store with low traffic flow. Although it is close to Wangcheng Avenue, it only placed a simple, handwritten wooden sign explaining the day's discount at the intersection, just enough for people passing by Wangcheng Avenue to see a few words on the sign.

Judging from the appearance of this brand, I'm afraid it's quite old. If someone noticed this dilapidated appearance, they would definitely be able to find some clues.

cat's eye jewelry store,

The room is not big, only about twenty square meters, but from the outside, it looks much larger than this.

Two counters,

There are three female clerks, one is cleaning, one is selling, and one is resting. Why is there always a sense of dissonance? Is it because You Ge knew beforehand that this place is not simple, or there are some differences in the arrangement here.

However, he didn't give Youge any time to wonder. Naximan pointed to a wall at the back of the room and walked over first.

"Mr. Hall please.\

,"The wall was opened, and the three female clerks were still going about their business, looking quite professional.

Passing through the wall, what you see is a spacious table.

Hmm. Is the intelligence station so simple?

Nasiman, who turned back and waited, understood Yu Ge's doubts with just a glance. It was simple. This place couldn't be more simple. After all, it was just the second station, used as a hiding place, and it could be abandoned at any time. A backup point. If you put too many things, you will have to spend a lot of time destroying or taking them away when you evacuate.

Of course, if it is in the base camp of the city defense army, it will be a real luxury equipment.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Hall."

"Is this your daily station? Can I come to you to share information if I have anything to do in the future?" Of course, You Ge was not joking. The moment he sat down, he started asking questions very seriously, even if the clockwork center was very Powerful, but it does not mean that Youge has to follow blind confidence. The power of the clockwork center is enough.

If he can cooperate with the city defense army, he will definitely have a better advantage in the future.

"Mr. Hall?" Nasiman, who had just sat down, was at a loss for a moment. If he was the head of the intelligence department, he could still give an answer, but

“I don’t know, does the cooperation you call represent the Clockwork Center or individuals?”

Nasiman is very clear about You Ge's energy. Although he cannot give a definite answer, if he can make good friends with the other party and the other party simply wants to use the intelligence network of the city defense army, Nasiman can still provide some convenience.

"Clockwork Center or an individual?" You Ge has never thought about this. He has been relying on the Clockwork Center for strength, and he has never encountered such a situation. It seems that Youge has to face his own problems again. Status: "Personal."

On behalf of the clockwork center and the city defense army to start intelligence sharing, even You Ge also thought of some potential problems. This was not something he could determine with just one word.

On the other hand, although I don't know what position the Nasiman in front of me holds, it is indeed possible from this perspective.

"Okay, if anything happens to Mr. Hall, you can come directly here to find us, us?"

"In the Magic Mouse Bar, just tell Arnold, the eight-eyed rat man."

Arnold, the eight-eyed rat-man, Nasiman nodded. This rat-man’s appearance rate has been getting higher and higher recently, and he has slowly begun to occupy a certain position in the black market, and secretly the intelligence department has also There are some secret connections with him, just secret connections to Arnold of course.

"Tell me about the current battle situation." After talking about the trivial matters, You Ge brought the topic back to the focus of this time. He should not forget the important things, and there were many people waiting for him.

"Hold on.\

,"Nasiman clicked on a terminal screen from the side, and a huge map appeared between the two of them. The red photoelectric flashing at the bottom, and the familiar long black line on the red dot, seemed to be the royal city?

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