Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 357: Wheeler's Fusion

pollution spreads,

Tiny bugs appear on the body of the ghoul. They are constantly melting, self-proliferating, and devouring, transforming the structure of the ghoul. The human-faced earthworms are like wanderers on their way home, one by one, they are being transformed into pollution. For the gelatinous mucus, it flows to the swarm of earthworms that have not completely emerged from the ground.


Weller murmured,

It didn’t seem like a deep and long sound, but it spread steadily to You Ge’s ears, and to everyone’s ears,

For a moment, all the creatures on the battlefield looked at the culprit who created such a crazy creature.

In the blink of an eye, he looked at the man who had created this culprit, the man who was silent and watching silently.

An absolute alien, a creation created by completely annihilating a race of creatures.

This generation of human beings is really crazy. All the alien races can’t help but start to have a little bit of dignity towards humans.

A human being full of endless malice, a crazy human being who annihilated a race and integrated himself into it,

Alien, human,

We should think about this issue from another angle. Human beings have always thought that they are kind, gentle, and even proud of their identity as human beings.

Primates? Top of the food chain?

In the eyes of aliens, they themselves are also like this!

No! This is how all non-human races think of themselves. For them, humans are like humans looking at sheep, cats and dogs, and gorillas.

The other party is just a [heterogeneous race] with intelligence and its own society!

As they have accepted human normality over the years, their current senses are just like how humans feel when they see something alien that exceeds their inherent cognition.

"This alien (human) is crazy, disgusting, and inconsistent with common sense!!"

The swarms of earthworms under the desert are still rising, and the alien races in the desert behind them have begun to retreat. The sand is draining under their feet. This place cannot stay any longer.

"Power is always so fascinating!"

Weller walked up to the top of the large group, ignoring the evacuating friendly troops. He stood on top of the large group and still looked at each other with Youge.

"Weiler, you are the most talented in the family. This time, all our hopes are pinned on you." Weiler's father, the patriarch of the Fusheng family, has been continuing the inheritance of sound attributes since its establishment. family. There have been some powerful professionals in history, but due to the fragility of their bodies, they all died tragically in history.

"Yeah." In this life, since he showed his talent beyond all others, his father has spent half of his life in training Weller.

Whether it is for his son or for his family, Weller has always kept these things in mind. This is also the belief he has been fighting for.

Family, this word, occupies a vital position in Weller's heart. A family from the outer security zone, a family that has no base in the royal city. He was able to join Velvet's team because his father spent a huge price to arrange it.

Friendship indeed brought him a great surprise beyond all others. Unfortunately, they were still on opposite sides after all.

The swarm of earthworms finally crawled out of the ground,

As if a huge mountain blocked the light, Weller created a creation after destroying and gathering all the human-faced earthworm species.

A huge creation formed after the fusion of countless earthworms,

Countless human-faced earthworm synapses are climbing on the ground. Compared with this mountain-like body, these synapses are like the hairs on the insect's feet, constantly swinging.

The human faces that appeared on the "velvet", starting from Weller's position at the top, all looked at the two people who were still motionless.

Youge, Pikeyou,

Weller began to integrate, starting from his feet, his body began to turn into gel bit by bit, and tiny bugs scattered from his body,

While devouring itself, it burrowed into the interior of the swarm of earthworms.

The villi synapses around the large groups of earthworms have also begun to change. They are changing their combinations.

A face appeared, that was Weller's face. There was no fluctuation in the calm face, until a little black appeared in the whites of the eyes,

Only then did Weller appear completely in front of You Ge and the others.

"Everyone wear protective masks! It is forbidden to look directly at the enemy's face!" Numerous special energy protective barriers appeared again in the human camp behind. Weller's ability [Human Face Parasitism], as long as he sees the opponent's dimension If your cheeks are tightened, you will have entanglements with earthworms, and humans who cannot resist will have certain insect-shaped cheeks.

Then it transformed into Weiler's appearance, and then gradually transformed into countless earthworms with Weiler's cheeks, and finally returned to this insect mountain.

Weller roared,

The huge sound waves swept through everything here. Even some powerful ghouls turned into bits and pieces of human-faced earthworms in the sound waves when they were too close.

In the insect nest force field, Weller's force field spreads in the sound waves, which is completely different from Yu Ge's force field composed of particle forces.

"Lord Youge, aren't you going to do it?" Pi Keyou scratched the tentacles under his body. This big guy is not interested. Although the touch of the ghoul can cause considerable damage, it is not easy to swallow. And there is still some trouble. His energy is completely insufficient to support the Ghoul Touch or the Ghoul Codex to destroy such a large enemy.

Of course, if You Ge takes out tens of thousands of lv20 serial humans and asks him to sacrifice them, tsk tsk, no problem, leave it to him!

"Let your ghouls retreat." Youge didn't say anything, but he was also excited in his heart. What an interesting change. He could sense that Weller was still completely integrated with this large group. One body, and now the other party's name has also changed,

"Endless Swallowing·Swarm of Earthworms·Ville·F"

I didn't expect that a seemingly useless ability, self-devourment, could undergo so many changes. It was really an unexpected surprise.

"Withdraw, withdraw. Is Master Youge going to summon the big eyeball? How big is it now? Is it half the size of the moon?" The Ghoul Touch Throne under Pikey's feet also began to tremble for unknown reasons. , It's exciting. I wonder if I can evolve into such a huge ghoul. Sure enough, body size determines everything. Gee, how can I get bigger? Do you want to ask about my god? There is no record of any super large ghoul in this manuscript.

"Don't worry, let's try the evil ghosts' abilities."

With You Ge's last move, the malice that frightened everyone began to materialize. Countless dark red humanoid figures with malicious eyes began to appear from behind You Ge.

Crimson devil,

Just like the word "magic" in the name of the Skeleton Demon, the word ghost appears in the hearts of countless people along with the crimson color. This is not the previous evil ghost born from the hearts of those who cannot resist, but The crimson evil spirit was really bred by Youge in the red seal for a longer period of time! A special independent race!

"Tsk! Master Youge, these guys seem to be more powerful?"

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