Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 361: Eyes Devoured by Close Corruption

Push with all your strength and continue to lift off,

You Ge's concentrated information force field has begun to appear in a small-scale rotation loop phenomenon, and the force field conflicts of those big guys are completely condensed below.

Wang Cheng's side clearly discovered You Ge's intention, and with all their strength, they cooperated to restrain the opponent in place.

A beam of light appeared that blinded everyone,

The clustered force field that combined various information contaminations in Youge's body quickly passed through a straight line and reached all the aliens behind.

Of course, the main thing is anthropomorphic pollution.

As You Ge continued to soar, his body directly crossed the boss's position. As the boss's younger brother, no matter how dazzling he was, he still stayed away from this place of right and wrong early.

The air whined, You Ge twisted his body,

Weller in the rear seemed to be in retreat. Was he about to escape? Maybe, Youge didn't care. Anyway, the sweepers and city defense troops were taking care of the funeral, and he was only responsible for bringing the war to an end.

His eyes crossed the battlefield of the boss,

The friction sounds in the air caused by the twisting of the body made the local bosses want to go up and kill Youge immediately, but they were held back in the end. These humans were really annoying.

"Attack the eyeball above with all your strength! Don't get too entangled with the ghouls!"

The bosses also saw Pico Yu's attack method that far exceeded this level, the Ghoul's Touch. The fully deployed Ghoul's Touch completely exposed its own power. The aura that diffused from it was very important to their kind. For the highest-level existence, it is simply a huge beacon.

Is it a gift from the god? It seems that even if they can take away the book, they will not be able to enjoy it. People who can obtain such a gift from the god, even if they succeed, the existence will basically follow. There are so many ghouls. This number is probably a gift from the god.

Stay away from Pikyu,

This is the thought in the minds of all the big guys, and those aliens who are still in the melee have a trace of fear in their hearts.

Is this really a ghoul? Each one has hard skin, sharp claws, and even the weak bones can carry a cold wind that is irresistible.

Even if they tear each other into pieces, the broken limbs that follow still have the slightest resistance, which is countless times more difficult to deal with than the ghouls they have seen in the past.

Only Weller's self-devourment can completely suppress and destroy it.

At the same time, he had to contend with the crimson evil spirits in his heart that were suddenly attacking him all the time, as well as the swelling of human limbs on his body. It was really troublesome.

Explosions, melting, etc. The aliens who could be held back by the ghouls had to attack the ghouls with greater force. While paying attention to the stumps that had not been completely destroyed, they avoided the strange crimson evil. ghost.

It wasn't until the big guys above conveyed the order to attack the big eyeballs that this group of aliens felt relieved. The big eyes were a living target, no matter how big they were, it was undeniable that the opponent would never be able to kill them all at once. Destruction, and among them there are existences of the same level as that big eyeball.

Looking at it in detail, the energy level response of Youge's big eyes is roughly around Lv35. Although he cannot intervene in the battles of the bosses above Lv40 at the rear, he can still fight with the aliens below Lv40 here.

"All-out attack! With Hall as the center, establish an encirclement with the ghouls!" Oleg's voice also came over, and he was always aware of the alien actions.

With just a slight movement, after the other party escaped from the entanglement of the ghoul, Oleg saw the other party's purpose. Hall in the sky,

Although it may not be possible to completely stop the opponent, allowing Hall to continue attacking with peace of mind, it is not a problem to stop most of the miscellaneous soldiers so that Hall can focus on clearing up the trouble that slipped through the net.

Running in a hurry, the human army that had just entered the battlefield turned around and began to move.

"Lord Youge, there are several people who can destroy your body~" Pikeyou once again traveled through the battlefield. After enjoying various flavors of alien bodies, he still found many people who were paying special attention to him, and they were still far away. A few aliens hiding away from their attack range,

"Ignore it, pull away the ghouls and humans to surround the remaining aliens." Youge also saw that surrounded by his own force field, those aliens that could bounce away from Youge's force field, or even completely destroy them, It is simply obvious that it is not necessary.

Take off,

"Mr. Hall, don't keep flying. Further up is the territory of the aliens in the deep space layer!" Naximan's voice sounded, and the slight connection generated by the name made You Ge directly pay attention to the other party's words.

The territory of aliens in the deep space? Further up?

It seems that we can only meet the next attack here.

The big eyeballs twisted, and the siege of the human army and ghouls had made the aliens unable to respond, but the opponent's target was still You Ge.

Whether it was the anger caused before or the human existence that now poses such a potential threat to mankind, these are the reasons why the other party wants to completely destroy Youge!

The huge mouth on the big eyeball opened, and an air-shock high-temperature roar full of energy came from it, mixed with substantial corruption and pollution, which directly impacted the digital aliens that also flew in.

The tentacles behind the eyeballs poked out, and countless huge blood-red tentacles began to shoot at the aliens one by one.

In the past, he could use the big eyeball to crush his opponent, but that was limited to the available level. Now facing these enemies that can really threaten him, Youge is full of expectations.

The weakness of the big eyeball? Or is it Youge's own weakness? Let him take a closer look.

The first to fly up were the lizards.

These aliens, which are 50% similar to dinosaurs, use their own very strong shell scales to block Youge's previous attacks for a few times before penetrating.

On the contrary, the tentacles gave them some trouble. The few that were hit were all bounced far away. It is not as simple to penetrate the entity as to penetrate the energy attack.

And it is not so easy to penetrate Youge's tentacles. The dead blood lingering inside, the high-energy temperature of the big eyeball, and the more intense force field squeeze, will make you lose a layer of skin if you don't die after entering.

With a heavy blow, the remaining lizards fell directly on the surface of Youge's big eyeball.

Facing Youge's size, they did not hesitate at all. They gathered their own attribute attacks and began to bombard Youge's big eyeball with their own force field.

Explosions, cracks, it seems that the strength of the big eyeball is not so superior in the same level. Although Youge has been quietly improving the strength instead of blindly improving the size when swallowing Mars, it is still not enough.

Cracks appeared on one-tenth of the body surface, and the blasted outer layer began to flow out high-temperature dead blood.

Flesh tentacles appeared on the wound of the big eyeball. After Youge probed more dead blood tentacles in this area, he completely started fighting with the lizards.

We can't let the other party destroy wantonly. Even with such a large size, it is not enough.

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