Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 376: Commander Gerst's Recruitment

Compared with Oleg's opportunistic and hidden sense of purpose given to Youge, this Gerst seems so more upright.

It may also be due to the difference in status. The statuses of Guest and Mr. Orange are basically the same. Except that the strength of Guest may be slightly worse than Mr. Orange, his personal talents related to management and war will completely surpass them. Fill this shortcoming.

After all, he is a commander-in-chief, so You Ge still gave him a little room for detours.

"There are still some things that have not been settled with the Crow People on the river bank." You Ge looked at Mr. Cheng who was silent. Mr. Cheng must have known about the commander-in-chief's recruitment, but he just didn't know what their arrangements were for him. What is it.

Speaking of which, the original agreement between Mr. Cheng and himself has basically come to a perfect conclusion. At this stage, although there is no longer the clear sense of class that existed at the beginning, and among various group forces, You Ge has also gained considerable status. Although the small status is still indispensable to the clockwork center, it can be regarded as a little independent.

Especially now that You Ge's divine favor has been revealed, even if there is a problem between the Clockwork Center and him, You Ge will not fall to the bottom.

Look at the great ghoul priest in the royal city. Relatively speaking, he is one of the top figures in the royal city. He is far from being a priest of the same race.

"Hahaha! Crow Man? Is Mr. Hall planning to develop that mountain ridge? That territory is quite large. I heard this guy from Clockwork said that you have a good relationship with the Demon Spider, and you can change it a little bit.", Gus. Te's eyes narrowed slightly, and for a moment he thought of the eight-eyed rat men under You Ge. They were the only ones who could perfectly adapt to the mountains with dead trees.

"Mr. Hall, do you want the city defense army to help you?" Guest asked after grabbing a man in military uniform beside him: "Qingren and the others don't have any special missions recently, right? Have they arrived here?"

"No, Commander, after they stole the alien treasures in the area they were responsible for, they returned to the royal city and were on standby." The man behind him only paused for a moment before speaking.

"Well, Mr. Hall, Green Blade is one of the top ten adventure groups in the royal city. At the same time, as a secret force on the outer edge of the city defense army, I can definitely ask them to help you solve the arakkoa matter!" Gust's voice was filled with emotion. There was a slight sense of temptation, as if the arakkoa posed no threat to this adventure group.

But it's true,

The forces of the Crow people, except for the Black Crow Gu, are basically three or two Black Crow elders, which is still a bit troublesome for Youge, but for the dozens of senior figures in the secret adventure group trained by the city defense army, LV professionals can directly push away the Black Crow clan, especially now that the relationship between Demon Spider and You Ge is over, there is no need to worry about anything, and they can directly open up and break into the Dead Tree Ridge.

At the same time, Mr. Orange also nodded: "There are some interesting aliens behind Dry Tree Ridge. Maybe after you occupy this mountain forest and reach cooperation with the Demon Spider Clan, it will be of some help to the rat people under your command."

Interesting anomaly?

After hearing what Mr. Cheng said, Youge thought about it carefully. It is indeed a good way for aliens and ratmen to quickly increase the level of ratmen. Maybe a small wave of red marks will appear here in a short time. increase. This does not conflict with his original intention.

However, what You Ge needs is not conquest, but cooperation.

Humanity knew very little about what happened after Dead Tree Ridge, so wiping out the Black Crow Clan was simply a waste of a complete source of information.

"No need, Black Crow and I have basically had some communication. I still need them to help me do some things. It would be a pity to destroy them." You Ge shook his head. Destruction is the worst option. Choice, only conquest, and perfect conquest is the best way to maximize benefits!

"Oh~ It seems that Mr. Hall has already made his own plans." Guest smiled and looked at Mr. Orange: "In this case, I can't compete with others' beauty, but if Mr. Hall comes back again, If you need anything, you can definitely talk to Nasiman, I guess you already have a good connection!”

With a half-smile but not a smile, Youge could tell at a glance that the other party was a cunning old man. Although he didn’t know whether it was Nasiman who said it on his own initiative or who overheard it. Judging from the meaning of the commander-in-chief’s words, in short, the cooperation between them now is also Now that he has been recognized, if anything happens in the future, he can communicate openly with the other party.

"Yes." Youge nodded.

"Okay." Gust stood up holding the table in front of him and said in a voice full of envy: "Clockwork, you really picked up a treasure. I don't know when I will find it too. Such a similar young man.”

Leading the accompanying personnel, he said solemnly while walking: "Basically all the forces in the royal city have gathered here. After the new battle plan is issued, I will rely on you all more!"

Mr. Orange nodded,

On the other hand, Youge felt a little confused under Gust's gaze. Do you still need yourself here? With so many powerful people, it is impossible that he is the only one who has gifts from the gods. But in the end, You Ge nodded in the same way. The arrow was on the string and had to be fired. They all came to this place. It has become a matter of participating in the war. What is done is certain,

When he encounters those rebels, even if he wants to stay, it will be impossible.

Seeing this, Gerst also turned around and left here.

Especially the meaningful look he gave You Ge before leaving, I always felt there was something strange about it.

Think about it carefully,

At such a critical time, a commander-in-chief can suddenly appear here and recruit and show goodwill to You Ge. No one would believe that he has nothing to do with You Ge.

Of course, You Ge doesn’t think it’s just solicitation and goodwill.

It's a pity that these big guys didn't say anything, especially Mr. Cheng. After asking Youge to sit down, he remained silent again.

The direction of things will always be detrimental to him. You Ge silently felt a hint of being targeted. The sense of involvement under his spiritual sense, especially when he didn't know anything, made him very uncomfortable.

"Hall, has your summoned incarnation been repaired?"

Mr. Cheng's voice suddenly sounded, and he stared at Youge closely, waiting for the other party's reply.

"No, it's just a slight completion. The actual effect is not as good as one-tenth of the previous one.", shook his head, how could the Corruption Devouring Eye, which had been cultivated for so long, be so easy to repair? Now it is just swallowing Mars. Start to repair the broken outer layer, as well as the inner attribute power and residual invasion force. The mutations inside some big eyeballs due to the fusion with the ghoul's touch need to be slowly cleaned up.

Fortunately, it won't get worse, otherwise You Ge would have no chance to go out and wander around now.

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