Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 381 The War is About to Start

Just when Youge began to take a rough look at the weapons modified by Funk, Anthony and Velvet finally arrived one after another.

It has to be said that these three force field weapons looked like they were forcibly thickened, which completely overwhelmed the two of them. After all, they were both people who had seen the finished products. But now, in this person's hands, something like this suddenly appeared. The shabby force field weapons always feel a bit unreal.

"Hall? Does this thing work? Why does it feel like it was put together temporarily?\

,"Anthony's voice sounded, and Youge turned his head. After being slightly surprised, he said: "Disposable items will be scrapped after being fired."

"Oh?" Anthony also stood over. Are disposable items going to launch something weird? Did this guy find something powerful again? "Tsk tsk, you won't take us with you if you have something interesting to do. I just went all over here just looking for you. Then"

Seeing that Anthony was planning to start arguing, Velvet immediately inserted her mouth,

"We plan to follow you here." Pulling the slightly unruly Anthony, Velvet gestured to the enemy camp in the distance and said: "I still feel that you are safe here, and there is no strong sense of oppression like other places."

Feeling of oppression?

Youge also stopped what he was doing, and it didn't matter if he followed. He knew the abilities of these people, and it would be easy to cooperate if something happened. On the contrary, he still felt the pressure that Velvet said. I really didn’t notice much.

"Ha! I don't know!" Anthony straightened the clothes that Velvet had torn up, and started to say with a smile: "I heard that you and that person, the ghoul person, are related, right? ? To be honest, I originally thought it was just a relationship, but looking at it now, you completely ignored the other party’s suppressed information. I’m afraid it’s not just a relationship, right?”

"It's okay, I just got some gifts."

After looking at the dishonest Anthony, Youge just said casually: "You will see it later. This machine is used to use the gift."

Youge showed off his cards,

These two people can be regarded as one of our own. Even if they know what they are thinking, it actually doesn't matter. Besides, even if it is leaked, it is only for the royal city camp. It has nothing to do with the old nobles and aliens in the distance. the difference.

"I plan to use a modified non-attribute force field weapon to convert the gift given by that person into a form and launch it to see if I can destroy them." You Ge patted the force field weapon and looked at Anthony and Velvet. At the same time, he asked: "When will this war start? Is it going to drag on like this?"

"Hold it? Didn't you go and take a look at the front of the position?" Anthony's face froze: "It's a bustling place now. People from various forces have begun to pile up strategic materials crazily. All strategic items with any attribute text have been piled up. Even some of the poisonous fires and small force field weapons made by your clockwork center are all available to three or four people."

"I didn't go to see it. After the meeting, I came here."

You Ge shrugged, and went to the front line. If he could get things done here, the people on the front line would be so happy.

hiss! Wait, Anthony’s attributes? Is it possible to have the same attributes as Velvet? Anyway, it’s okay to just play with it.

"Do you want to change the form? Let Fink transform two attribute launchers for you. There just happen to be two non-attribute turrets available."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Anthony looked at Velvet who was also confused and had no idea what Yuge was going to say.

"It's a turret like this, but your attribute capabilities are completely compatible with conventional turrets, so replace the original energy supply with your attribute supply and start remote firing directly."

You Ge shook his head. Perhaps he should have thought of this a long time ago. Compared to Anthony and Velvet, there are more special attribute professionals in the royal city. What he had been thinking about before was how to mass-produce weapons and match attribute text. , why didn’t you think of it as an alternative weapon output for professionals?

"?? Is it okay?" Anthony expressed that he didn't understand at all. The fluctuations emitted by the force field weapon were not something that he and Velvet could understand now. Although it only provided attribute energy, the result was

"No problem. The core of the force field has been determined. It's just that the energy supply is different. You have tried it before. With the combination of different attribute words, you are equivalent to one attribute word, which can completely play the same role."

"Yeah." He was a little unsure. Anthony always felt strange when he looked at Velvet, whose eyes flickered.

"Try it with Fink. There won't be any problems. It's just the supply of energy." Why are others suddenly so timid today? Is it a war? Forget it, pointing to Fink who was still inspecting and maintaining weapons in the distance, Yu Ge waved his hand to him.

"Hall!", turned to leave, and Velvet turned back and shouted: "Let's act together!"

"Well", Youge waved his hand, could he still be aroused in this battle? Um. This counts as action together. Even the king is participating in the war. He is a weakling. Why not just attack from a distance honestly?

As time goes by,

After Fink completed the transformation of the other two non-attribute force field weapons, there was finally a trace of solemnity in the sky that was different from the normal. This time, You Ge also clearly sensed the frightening change.

It’s the Queen of the Green Abyss,

Youge was very familiar with that breath, and at this time, several big guys also appeared in his own camp, and Mr. Orange was also standing. The colorful attribute light began to collide with the queen's oppression, and the piercing magic sound resounded throughout the sky.


In this short moment, many poor people who were affected appeared in the royal city forces.

The green abyss was polluted,

The magic sound attacked, not only did those poor people have phantoms like the dark abyss, but Youge's sight seemed to expose the huge black abyss from the air,


I don't know which big guy helped, except for those professionals who were completely hopeless, at least the rest of the people did not fall into the abyss again.

"It's terrible." Countless water vapor floated on Anthony's body. Compared with Velvet's horrified face, it seemed that Anthony had already explored the abyss.

"This is just the beginning." After Youge looked back at Fink who was also rescued, he shifted his target to the front. Is it about to start? Where is Pikey? Is it over there?

After grabbing the modified force field weapon, Youge immediately contacted Pikyu in another world.

The Tokyo Ghoul Earth, which originally looked slightly normal, has now completely changed its appearance. Half of it is normal, and half of it is dark and chilling. Even when it is exposed to the sun, there is no improvement at all.

"It's over?"

"It's over. Lord Youge! That person is really terrifying!" Pikyu, who is still lying in the Ghoul Touch Throne, can't help but feel panic when thinking of the previous sacrifice.

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