Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 397 Ten Kings City Equipment

"It's okay, Gulag is capable enough, just wait patiently for him."

The guard's voice sounded, and the steady voice made You Ge involuntarily let go of his worries, followed by a cry: "Gulag! Activate it, don't wait any longer!\

,"The power of this king was once again amplified. The moment he stood up, after blocking all the flying snakes that were diverted, the light in his hand that represented the arrival of the Ten Kings City flashed instantly.

It's a call,

From the call of "Advent" and "Life".

In the blink of an eye, the Ten Kings City and Life in the hands of Mr. Orange from both sides flew directly to the guardian's hand.

"Ten Kings Castle·High Spire"

There is no brilliant name, no brilliant ability, just the simple name of a tall spire.

The name of this tall spire also caused unimaginable pressure in the entire area.

The core of the Ten Kings City represents the glorious core of human development over tens of thousands of years. It is the thing called the Ten Kings City High Spire that the Guardian is holding in his hand. This is the only thing that the Guardian can take advantage of this time. It is also the King City. Humanity’s last trump card,

The light shone brightly, and the shadow of the tall spire completely blocked everything,

Countless sinister flying snakes were suppressed, and even the area surrounding it that turned into a land of chaos began to partially dissipate.

The thermal energy core of the royal city emits heat and at the same time, it also sends out fluctuations like the beating of a heart on the earth. The waves of dispersion disperse all the surrounding chaos.

The roar appeared, and countless flying snakes flew out. Compared with the Green Abyss Familia, the flying snakes were obviously more powerful. Of course, there was also the reason for Yuge's few cannonballs. Facing such an irresistible attack , even if the Queen of Green Abyss brings out any more soldiers, they are just delivering food.

The flying snake was naturally aware of Youge's attack. He was also a lower-level dependent of a certain god, so he naturally had the same protective measures, so he was not too afraid of such an attack.

"Ryan, block the mother body over there! Gulag, the methods can be activated!"

The guardian's voice sounded, and he looked at the black figure in the distance with an anxious tone and full of fear.

He's coming, she? Or him? The guardian didn't know either, but when faced with the breath coming from the distance, he started to tremble slightly.

Night Roarer, the incarnation of the gods,

An ugly giant that kept roaring, humanoid, but above the face, there was a huge tentacle. Of course, there were strange palms randomly distributed on this body, and when it was retracted and extended, it seemed to be constantly moving. It seems like it's grabbing something.

The low moan has reached the guardian's ears,

Drilling in bit by bit, the seemingly powerful defense was like tissue paper, causing a trace of darkness to appear on the guardian's face.

"Gulag! Quick!"

Suppressing the hallucinations, deceptions, temptations, madness, and knowledge that came straight into his mind, the guardian immediately cut off his contact with the outside world. Only the Ten Kings City High Spire in his hand was still shining with this light.

Time seems to stand still, maybe when the guardian is about to surrender to the other party, maybe it's just the blink of an eye,

A familiar figure that had not been seen for a long time suddenly appeared in Guardian's heart.

"we are coming!"

The first one to bear the brunt is the very familiar King and Wise Man.

The power of the Ten Kings City and the High Spire combines the abilities of the ten kings, plus the special structure and amplification text of the High Spire, which is connected with the essence of the royal city. After all of this is gathered together, one can gain the ability to temporarily resist the power of the gods. The illusory light fell, and after sitting on the stone spire with the nine kings, the power of the tall spire finally became complete.

The low hums and roars from the distance were all rejected,

Fortunately, for that incarnation, he is only interested in the king now, and it has not affected the other poor people. With the blooming of the Ten Kings City and the High Spire, the roaring man finally tasted the pain. ,

The blooming of the Ten Kings’ Cities,

The ten kings sitting on the stone towers are just the beginning. The real thing is the countless kings of all ages who have devoted themselves to the ten kings' cities.

Ten Kings City·Life, the thermal energy core of the royal city, is not really a natural item, it is a core forged by kings of all generations who sacrificed themselves with their lives. Faced with the invasion of alien races, how could the royal city only suffer twice in such a short period of time? Every hundred or thousand years, the royal city will face various crises.

The result of this crisis is that a suitable king chooses to enter the life of the Ten Kings City and stimulate the abilities contained therein, or just use the power of the Ten Kings City High Spire to tide over the crisis.

Of course it's not without consequences;

Everything in this world that has some signs of life can give birth to life.

Just like the emergence of the equipment of the Ten Kings Cities, one day wisdom will appear in the lives of the Ten Kings Cities. At that time, it will definitely suppress the existence of tall spires, and it will definitely not be amiable to humans. Even among the equipment of the Ten Kings Cities, there are A city of ten kings would be far more troublesome than these two things.

Perhaps the current kings don't know whether this thing is out of control.

"The ability of more than seventy kings to gather together should be enough." Ryan, who bowed his head indifferently, had no desire to watch at all, and just explained to some people while speaking quietly.

As for You Ge, he bowed his head and remained silent at this time. Long after Mr. Cheng was included in the protection circle, the three of them were restricted from watching.

The ten kings fully exuded their power,

The energy of more than seventy deceased kings exploded, completely destroying the area ahead. The chain reaction caused was not something that Youge and others had a chance to peek at.


"No, this person will leave by himself."


"The human being seduced by him is dead. Without fun, he won't do it."


As soon as this word was mentioned, the roaring man behind the light had already dissipated and left. Fun, just lost fun. For this person, instead of spending time on meaningless battles, it is better to find a new fun and let them satisfy their happiness again.

"Old nobles, aliens."

"What a lucky battle, it turned out to be a fun existence."

The conversations among the ten kings were also heard clearly by Youge and others below. Finally, the breath that was raised was finally let go. Although a lot of elites were lost, the result was still good.

Until the light faded,

The Ten Kings City was divided again, and fell into the hands of the flying guardian, and life returned to Mr. Orange's hands.

In silence, the guardian suddenly patted Mr. Orange on the shoulder:

"It's up to you next."


Anything else? The two did not avoid Youge in their conversation. The messy guardian just smiled at Youge and turned away.

In the end, only Anthony and the other two were left, accompanying Youge inexplicably in this gravel field, and no one knew what they were thinking.

"Mr. Hall, go back and rest.\

,"Mr. Orange had already left without explaining anything. He only left 01 to accompany Youge, and after releasing Pikey, they started to return together.

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