Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 4 Fink's Warning

Fink's warning, when he said this, You Ge instantly remembered his second brother's past.

This sentence all relies on the second brother's previous reputation. Although he is only a Level 2 warrior, it is said that a slum girl whom Funk once sent away was lucky enough to become a young mistress of a rich family with Funk's help.

Later, both parties reached a win-win situation, and Fink selected suitable slum girls and sent them to rich areas.

As for the girls in the slums, after hearing Fink's story, those with a little bit of beauty, no matter it is true or false, regard being sent to the rich area as their hope. Compared with the dark life and even dying in the rich area, it is much better than here. , and what could be worse than one day suddenly turning into a weird eating habit?

Fink also established a good network of relationships over time because of these things, which made his words irresistible.

You Ge also didn't want to cause any more trouble for this reason. In short, agreeing to Fink's request was indeed a good choice for now.

After hearing the sound of the door closing downstairs, Youge immediately got up and went downstairs. The only food left in the kitchen was rough bread. It was obviously Fink's warning to Youge. Although his father was only a mine transporter, But the life at home has never been bad, and it is not like the original owner eating bread to survive.

After chewing it finely for a few bites, I gave up. It was so unpalatable.

"Fink's warning, hey.", thinking of the whole thing that Fink knew about the original owner's transformation, and finally came back alive.

With his wisdom, he will definitely choose to give up on himself, and then he will definitely die.

Looking at the unchanged sky outside the window, Youge immediately had the idea of ​​running away from home. I'm really confused. The knowledge in my mind about how to upgrade is completely blank for a civilian like the original owner. Now I can't reveal my situation at will. It's really difficult.

"Huh? What is that?" A black shadow appeared where Youge woke up last night, and the blurry appearance was very similar to his own situation at that time.

Tiny tentacles spread out from the black shadow, gently slapping passers-by, and a shiver passed, as if something had fallen.

Circle it quickly!

The dark shadow curled up in the corner also became clearer.

"Only I can see it?" You Ge, who had been sitting in front of the window and observing, became very interested in this black figure.

And the passers-by didn't notice it at all. From the subtle tentacle flapping in the morning, to now it directly penetrates the passers-by's bodies, and all passers-by only tremble slightly.

In one afternoon, the black shadow rolled into a ball turned into a black figure standing under the street lamp.

Resentful eyes were fixed on Youge's window.

"So its target is me?" Youge looked directly into the black shadow's eyes without any fear.

Looking at the seemingly familiar figure, You Ge suddenly thought of something. After carefully comparing the shadows on the window mirror: "Sure enough, it's me! Or Hall, who is already dead!"

interesting! How can the resentment of a person who died tragically produce strange things so easily?

As if aware of You Ge's discovery, the resentful eyes on the street corner were filled with a slight suspicion. After stepping back to the corner, he made a waiting gesture!

"This is a letter of challenge!" The instinctive reaction from the brain let You Ge know the original owner's meaning: "Hahahaha, interesting. After you die, you become a weirdo, but it also fulfills your previous wish!"

It was still daytime, and there were constant pedestrians on the street, which was not suitable for fighting. The two sides began to wait for the arrival of night in a tacit understanding.

"Hall! Come down and eat! Damn waste, hurry up!"

It wasn't until after sunset that the parents, who didn't know when they would return home, also prepared meals and waited for Youge to come downstairs.

"Hall, did you find a job yesterday?" The somewhat mean mother immediately started to urge you when she saw You Ge coming downstairs: "Since you can't become a professional, you should make plans early! Don't treat yourself like a waste and wait all day long. at home!"

The father next to him just lowered his head and ate silently without saying any more words.

"Okay!" Youge, who was already anxious to get out of here, did not refute his parents as he did in the past. He glanced at the black shadow outside the window, revealing an impatient mood.

The father raised his head in surprise and glanced at You Ge: "Be careful!"

"Hmph!", the mother's expression finally softened: "Yes, be careful, don't waste our 13 years of food, and learn from your second brother. If not, just follow him to work at the dock! It's better than being a waste. !”

Yuge kept comparing the dead Hall with Fink, but he didn't feel any disgust. Even if he faced the Hall in the past, he would have some disdain.

"Fink isn't coming back tonight?"

"The dock is expediting unloading, we won't be back tonight!"

"Yeah!" After quickly finishing his meal and going upstairs, You Ge began to wait for the arrival of late night.

In the dead of night, the dim street lights outside the house lit up, and the black figure stood straight under the street light where You Ge woke up.

Youge in the house was also prepared. Unfortunately, there are no such things as black dog blood and cinnabar in this world. Otherwise, Youge might try to see if there is any miraculous effect.

Sneak out,

Hall's figure is clearly visible,

"Lv1: Hall's Wraith"

After unexpectedly seeing the prompt that appeared, You Ge had the illusion of upgrading to fight monsters, but unfortunately there was no health bar or anything like that.

I am certain in my heart,


After hiding in the darkness, a layer of blood oozed from the skin of Youge's forearm, ready for a life-and-death fight with Hall.

After seeing his original body emerge with power, Hall immediately became more angry. Why! Why can this guy who occupies my body after I die gain professional power!

The black mist on the surface of the ghost's body is more boiling, and his irritable heart makes him rush up directly.

Like a physical entity, he focused on Youge's arm, and Youge took the opportunity to hit Hall's face with his other hand!

The black mist drifted away. It seems that the ghosts in this world are physical!

The battle between the two sides was straightforward. Recalling the actual combat ability of the original body that was equal to 0, how could Youge give up the opportunity to practice? Even if a young man in the 21st century is lazy, he has watched so many fighting movies, and he can play a few tricks no matter how stupid he is, such as the signature Wing Chun of Grandmaster Ip Man!

Driven by "blood", Youge's hands quickly attacked the chest of Hall's ghost. From time to time, he raised his arms to the side to defend against the attack, and then he kept sticking to Hall's chest!

Roar! After being attacked quickly by Youge, the eyes of the vengeful spirit became even more red, and a ball of gas came out of its mouth and rushed towards Youge's face.

"Grudge: Hate!"

As soon as the prompt flashed in his mind, Youge clearly felt an inexplicable hatred surging from his heart,

"Why, you still bother me after you die! Why do you still have to be submissive after rebirth! Why, why are there so many whys! Why did you die so aggrieved in your previous life!"

All the emotions hidden in Youge's heart were seduced out, and the "blood" that was originally in the forearm for defense was all concentrated on the fist!

Attack! Attack! Vent!

Abandoning defense, because of the sudden increase in hatred, it was aroused by a stronger desire to attack!

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