Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 405: Fragments of the Royal City

"Mr. Hall, I have a fragment of Liwang City. As long as you bring him to your city, you can re-gestate your own Liwang City, and you can completely control Liwang City from scratch, and I I just hope it can give me a new place to live.”

The fragments of the King's City are Henderson's only last resort.

This matter also starts with that sentence, the royal city cannot be destroyed. The credibility of this sentence is not high. The reason is that not every building in the royal city is so important. For example, the houses in the slums are basically The houses that can be destroyed at will, but the houses that really support the indestructibility of the royal city are basically in the wealthy areas and the royal family area under the high spire.

Coincidentally, the home where Henderson ate the creeper's egg was a key node. This made Ryan need to clear out some aliens who broke through the wall in the royal city after the battle.

And this was also the important thing that Henderson's grandfather had been planning behind the scenes, to become a powerful professional.

When the creeper breaks out of the cocoon, it will definitely destroy the house, and the aliens running out of the inner city are likely to be attracted by it and become his food.

Then he tried to make amends again. To be honest, it was a good idea, but the result was not at all what he thought. In the end, he became a pawn for others behind him.

As for the current Henderson, it is the remaining dark emotions of the original Henderson that were obtained by Li Wangcheng in this whole incident. Ryan ran wildly with the [Wriggling Evil Thoughts of the Creeping Man] transformed by Henderson, waiting for When I found the alien in the royal city where cholera was everywhere,

The evil thoughts in his hands naturally connected with the dark emotions lingering in Liwang City before the gap in Liwang City was completely blocked.

A very clever thing happened inside and outside. The special nature allowed it to communicate with the deeper manifestations of the inner city through contact. The latter thought that this new dark emotion came with the essence. , naturally welcome it with open arms,

But after the former regained his consciousness, he instinctively bit Li Wangcheng. The bite was neither big nor small, but it caused Li Wangcheng severe pain for a moment.

In order to prevent riots in Li Wangcheng, various restrictions have been placed in the royal city. Li Wangcheng, who only had an instinctive reaction, had no choice but to let the person who bit him go.

On the other hand, Ryan discovered the problem of the evil thoughts in his pocket after finishing dealing with the aliens.

A gray figure had appeared behind him. After also stealing a part of Henderson's evil thoughts, the gray figure disappeared directly in front of Ryan.

It was completely luck, and no one else had expected that Henderson, who had escaped from the Liwang City, could regain his wisdom without any trace of confusion.

This can only be praised for the advantage of the evil thoughts in the essence. It absorbed all the evil thoughts in the dark emotions, and Henderson stole part of the [essence], which made it possible to recover.

Coincidentally, Henderson also accidentally obtained a trace of the world between the cracks at this time. The stolen essence made Henderson, who was tired of running for his life, completely focus on looking for that trace.

This led to Ryan, who had been tracking Henderson, repeatedly returning without success.

In the previous cooperation with the Rat People, Henderson also had the purpose of creating a new city. If he wanted to cooperate with the Rat People, as long as Gray Street covered one-third or even one-quarter of the new city, he would have it. Seize the opportunity to activate the fragments of Liwang City in the new city, and integrate this place into Liwang City, and he is the "uncrowned lord" of Liwang City.

Although in terms of ability, even if he becomes an uncrowned lord, there will not be much improvement, but at least he can be invincible and freely enter and exit the world of the royal city.

No longer afraid of Lai Ryan’s pursuit, no longer afraid of Li Wangcheng’s pursuit,

But now, Henderson has a new choice, and that is You Ge’s Eight-Eyed Rat Man City.

Why not live somewhere else?

In this royal city, one will be targeted sooner or later. Compared to a new city where he has nothing and can be free, Henderson's thoughts are completely focused on it.

Moreover, there are so many regrets left here, and Henderson, who has new choices, does not want to continue to carry them here.

"Huh? Do you think I can trust you?" Of course, You Ge didn't know Henderson's origins, but faced with such temptation, You Ge couldn't help but consider whether the other party was plotting something secretly.

"If Mr. Hall agrees, I can hand over the fragment of the King's City to you now." Henderson turned on the treasure delivery mode. Facing what Yu Ge saw for him, there was no trace of anything at all. His little thought is that as long as he can leave here, he can have a new life!

And now he can be regarded as a unique humanoid. As long as no one is chasing him, he can find new love, career, and happiness, instead of living in this cracked world all day long. Self entertainment.

"Give it to me. Let me see it."

You Singer stretched out his hand, OK, give it to me, I will promise you,


Henderson thought about it for a moment, and based on the information exchanged with Arnold the Rat Man, this Hall was indeed a trustworthy guy, not like the kind of person who would never keep his word.

Forget it, give it a try, the worst case scenario is to start over from scratch and continue to live in this cracked world. He doesn't believe that the King's City will not continue to expand one day.

Stretching out his palm, a black fragment with teeth marks on it fell into Youge's hand.

Looking at the long teeth marks, it really was bitten hard enough.

"Fragments of the inner city: Fragments that are completely separated from the inner city can be used to stimulate the inner world of the corresponding area."

The inner world of the corresponding area,

A trace of inspiration flashed through Youge's mind, vaguely, and he always felt that he had grasped something important enough, but it was extremely vague.

"I promise you." Thinking about it, Youge didn't really bother about this trace of inspiration, but instead made a promise to Henderson: "But it's not this ratman city. After I deal with the things you have done, the eight-eyed ratman will find a new place outside to build a city. At that time, maybe you can really have a gray area of ​​your own."

The gray area, the world in the cracks,

can be fully utilized. Maybe one day this place can really become a refuge for ratmen.

"New city? Mr. Hall made the ratmen here completely leave the royal city?" Henderson was stunned. Following Youge's words, he also made up many things that he had not noticed. Mr. Hall, who is so fiery and powerful, also wanted the ratmen to leave the royal city? Uh. It seems that these small actions of his have not completely escaped the control of the royal city. Fortunately, he met the more slippery Mr. Hall, otherwise he would suffer a big loss sooner or later.

"Yeah." Looking at Henderson who was thoughtful in front of him, Youge temporarily let go of his guard against him. From now on, this guy is also one of his own.

The other world, the eight-eyed ratman, needs to sort out his thoughts.

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