Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 413 Rat Clan Yesyes (4)

As for the five outermost lords, they are also rat men who were given eternal divinity by the horned rat.

It’s just that the talents of these lords are still not perfect. From the perspective of selection, there is an unspoken rule for fighting. As long as a ratman passes the selection process and reaches this level, he is qualified to challenge the lord and replace the opponent, or Continue to take part in the test and attack the position of parliament.

And these current lords are actually defective rat-men who were rejected during the selection process of the twelve council members. Even if they are inferior, they are far superior to ordinary rat-men, except for one who is a demon. Except for the first generation of rat men spawned by the rat sequence, the others are all rat men that were self-reproduced in the later period.

Although the generation of rat people that was born does not mean that the talent is low, this kind of birth did restrict some of the growth of rat people. It lacked a kind of change brought about by the accumulation of time, which made most of the first generation of rat people Stagnant. But after many breakthroughs, this person still surpassed other clans and reached the lord level.

Regarding the division of abilities in this world, strength is naturally related to status.

Compared with the levels in the royal city world, there are three types of lords here, representing Lv5, Lv10, and Lv20 respectively. The ones here are called junior lords, elite lords, and great lords.

There are also great lords who surpass Lv20, otherwise the horned rat would have dominated just by relying on its Lv20 level.

More than half of these lords and the twelve council members have reached Lv20, and the rest are all Lv19. Compared with the Great Horned Rat, the similarity in levels of these rat people does not mean that they can be compared with the Great Horned Rat. Speaking of the divinity of the Great Horned Rat, it is the deprivation granted by You Ge, and the strict information suppression level of the Demonic Rat Sequence that exists on the Great Horned Rat, making it impossible for these rat people, even those who have reached Lv30, to After breaking away from the Demon Rat sequence, of course, if it breaks through lv50 and exceeds the limit of the king, it will be difficult to say.

These five lords, separated by mountains by the Great Horned Rat, guard the five directions of the Skaven Empire of the Eight-Eyed Skaven.

The troll ruins in the north are filled with all kinds of muscular foreign races. Trolls, orcs, savages, tree people, etc. are a gathering place for larger and barbaric races. It is also a lawless place on the entire continent, where prisoners are exiled. gathering place.

In order to win over this group of lawless people, the Rat Man Empire also tried to use coercion and inducement, and even provided them with prosperous areas like human towns, and also encouraged them to kill people and set fires there, but in the end they still tended to Racial barriers, various races and races despising each other's inferior cultural upbringing, made the rat people unable to capture this area in the end.

In addition, there are countless villains who are exiled here at all times, and it gradually becomes a headache for the Horned Rat, and then a Poison Crow [Lord of Ruins] is stationed here.

The second plains lord, the rat lord who is responsible for garrisoning the area at the junction with the human empire. He is a member of the Plague family. He is just a hybrid. He has an indispensable connection with the rat people of the magic gold family. His body has been transformed into many uses. Due to the accumulation of plague and decaying contaminated machinery and equipment,

Even in his territory, he has accumulated countless plague cans, a large area of ​​green, metal pipes, waste water, and black smoke. As a result, a large number of humans have to negotiate with the plain lords in this place every day. , of course, this is the passive negotiation of human beings, and this is also the pleasure of the plain lord. Watching human beings dispersing the freely spreading pollution and saving the occasional errant teenager every day makes him laugh.

mountain lord,

The rat lord who is hostile to the goblin empire. This local lord is the most troublesome one. Facing the goblin machinery, most of the rat men are actually powerless. They cannot fight or run. The rat men's burrows are now It was also restrained by the goblins' earth-drilling machines. If the goblins didn't sell these technologies to the outside world at all, even the captured technologies would be full of various unique crystal locks.

It smells a bit like a genetic lock, but it is completely different. However, after all, there is no way to escape from the pheromones. Unfortunately, most of the rat people cannot use it at all. With the help of the big horned rats and the grinning rat people, some of the cracks have also made the entire The Rat Man benefited greatly.

The reformed lord of the large Rainbow Shadow Clan Rat Man, his nose was completely replaced by a rotating earth-drilling machine. The mechanical hook-like claws and the electric tail converted from crystal energy allowed this lord to do whatever he wanted among the goblin machines.

Plague's ability is defended by the mechanical crystal, and it can't rush in for assassination. The transformed ratman is not as big as the opponent.

Those talented grinning ratmen, or those who like machinery, do not like to be lords, and do not even have much leadership ability. Only after a turning point, such a lord appeared.

forest lord,

This one is simple. Facing those foreigners who can maneuver in the forest, a substitute gray-skinned rat-man took over directly. The assassin-type rat-man obtained an unknown ancient creature from an underground rat-man. With his bones, he created strange bone weapons. Under his gray skin and gray robe, he led the [Grey Bone Army] he established, making those elves, goblins, spiritual plants, and elemental races completely lose their previous advantages.

The Gray Bone Army is a special type of army, mainly benefiting from the bone weapons.

The special aura emanating from it has a natural suppression on this spiritual foreign race in the forest. If it weren't for the number of forest races and the advantages of terrain and environment overwhelmed the number of gray-bone ratmen, there wouldn't be such a stalemate here.

The forest race, the forest queen, and the ratman don't know whether they really exist. In short, the ratmen don't pay much interest to this foreign race that has not established an empire and has been wandering around the core of the continent. They just let their forest lords be responsible for guarding it.

The last one is the common enemy of the three major empires on the continent.

A swamp land that all three empires have come into contact with,

snakes, flies, werewolves, fly-head vines and other monsters, as well as various environments full of decay and moisture. Even if a machine enters it, it will be completely destroyed after a long period of contact with decay and moisture.

Not to mention any living creatures entering,

poisonous gas, insects, parasitic mosses, these endless environmental factors have stopped the three empires in their tracks,

but it does not mean that the ratmen have no methods at all. The Swamp Lord, the new clan of ratmen that was stimulated to appear in this environment, although it is just the beginning, but in the future, ratmen may also set foot here,

Swamp Lord,

The ratman with strange "swamp vine-like fur" growing all over his body, various forms of vine-shaped hairs that began to droop from the head, some fungi, scabs and rotten mud growing on the scabby skin, let him move freely in the entire swamp. As for the other monsters living in the swamp, after the Swamp Lord collects the information here, there will naturally be a way.

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