Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 419: Death of the Emperor

"Three thousand meters? What three thousand meters? My imperial capital was dug into a huge pit of three thousand meters. Do you know it now?" It's okay not to say it. This time Emperor Audrey completely lost his previous calmness. , and no longer had any respect for those magicians, he pointed at the magician's nose and started questioning him.

"Your Majesty, it's a huge pit three thousand meters below." The magician who had just used magic to detect the pit and escaped did not expect anyone to be so frantic and start digging three thousand meters away. No matter how people defend themselves, even if the defensive array of the Imperial Capital is ten times more powerful, it will not be able to protect three thousand meters along the foundation: "Your Majesty, those monsters hollowed out the lower part of the Imperial Capital through three thousand meters of ground."

"Hiss~", the mouse-eared girl immediately let out a cold breath, and quickly hugged Emperor Audrey: "Your Majesty, let's leave quickly. If the palace collapses, we will have no chance of leaving!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, let's go quickly. The bottom of the palace is composed of a complete magic circle. We can still hold on for a while." When he heard the mouse-eared girl's steps, the magician finally came to the point now, regardless of the imperial capital. Anyway, leaving the imperial capital, which is about to fall completely, is the most critical moment. As for the civilians, there is nothing they can do.

"Where is the core of the magic network? Can't my army of magicians fill up the entire huge pit?" Emperor Audrey did not hesitate. With the support of his guards, he hugged the mouse-eared girl, completely ignoring the cold eyes of the queen on the side, and once again Questioned the magician.

"Your Majesty, the core of the Demon King has been safely sent out. Your Majesty, the Magician Legion, those monsters can eat people's spirits. Once they get close to the giant pit, they will also turn into monsters and start attacking us. The ground is collapsing and we have no chance to use the forbidden spell to defend ourselves. Don't worry. They took some civilians with them as they fled for rescue and evacuated. "

The magician was a little embarrassed to say it, but he finally said it.

"Where are the flying warships purchased from goblins? Where are the offerings? Where are the lord-level people in my royal family? Where have they gone?!"

After casually jotting down the ruins of the house that fell aside, the leader of the guards at the front spoke first: "Your Majesty, those adults at the worship and lord levels are all crazy. The guards who went to look for them just now saw their Surrounded by countless red monsters"

"The spaceship cannot fly, and the arsenal is completely occupied by monsters. None of our people can get close to the monsters. Once caught in the red light, they will definitely turn into monsters, and after watching for a long time, many crazy thoughts will appear in their hearts."

"Waste! Waste! They are all a bunch of waste! I have raised you well on weekdays, but now you have encountered problems and are of no use at all!", rushing out of the palace, Emperor Audrey's face was full of sorrow: " It’s over, the Imperial City is over, the people and everything in the Imperial City are over.”

The Sigma Imperial Capital, with a population of tens of millions, completely fell into an underground hole in the short period of time when everyone left.

Three thousand meters?

That was just the rat people showing mercy. In fact, the holes above and below were up to five thousand meters long. From the beginning of the Great Horned Rat's order to the present, it has been two thousand years. In order to completely destroy the foreign races, many of them have been launched. It is less used to divert attention from the war,

Finally, the day of harvest finally came.

No matter how talented you Sigmar is, you won't be able to survive for long in that dark pit, and the crimson evil ghost is only used to deceive others. After you actually fall into the huge pit, the endless rat talents will make you scared. s things,

Ruins, underground, and pits, this is the perfect battlefield for ratmen!

Like an ant,

Just after the fall, countless eight-eyed rat-men with red light appeared on the walls of the surrounding pits. A lord rat-man came specifically to take care of the human imperial capital.

Plague and corruption instantly surrounded the pit,

Sure enough, a confined space is the best place for plague and corruption to be released.

"Human thing~diedie~scare scare scare scare~\


"Human thing~"

Biting the Sigmars who were not completely dead, and sucking the blood of the Sigmars, the ratmen threw out all the human things that had completely lost their resistance amidst cheers, and were killed one by one by the people waiting behind. The Crimson Devils capture, yes, don't kill them all, take our prey with us, and sacrifice the human stuff to our TheRed!

Nearly two thousand years of forbearance,

The rat people completely exploded. Finally, they no longer had to act hypocritical. Finally, they no longer had to go around doing so-called charity for those food and human gadgets. Finally, they no longer had to use headscarves, human language, or fear. The appearance of a crying human child came out to communicate.

Following that, all human towns in other areas fell completely on this day,

All human beings who were professionals who were comparable to Level 1 were sent to a pool of blood by the Eight-Eyed Rat Man. Those so-called ordinary people, as long as they could walk intact, were treated as slaves by the Rat Man, and those with broken bones and dying people were treated as slaves by the Rat Man. Following the previous road to the blood pool, they also set off one after another.

After all, they are a species in the extraordinary world. Not everyone will die if they fall three thousand meters. There are at least tens of thousands of intact human slaves among the huge base.


"Humanity is finished." Until daybreak, Emperor Audrey, who learned everything, fell into a deep depression. This completely unfair war between the rat people and humans also ended at this moment. The rat people had also attacked from the ground before. It's just an example, but who would have thought that the Rat Man would carry out such a huge project three thousand meters below, hollowing out the city's underground and completely destroying mankind.

"Your Majesty, of the 2 billion empires and 400 million free citizens, there are now less than 100 million left."

Less than 100 million, a decrease of 20 times. Among the 100 million, there are countless lucky old, young, sick and disabled people.

Except for the 10 million standing army and the 3 million reserve army who organized an effective retreat when the collapse began, the only ones left were refugee camps composed of refugees who had no fighting capacity but were close to the edge of the city.

Moreover, these are spread throughout the entire empire. After using magic communication to simply understand the information, no one will be happy to survive at this time.

Because the next problem is hunger,

The rat people left nothing for humans, a granary? food? Don't even think about it, it's completely destroyed.

"It's over. Um? My beloved?" At the last moment, Emperor Audrey suddenly raised his head at the lowest moment in his heart, and a small long metal stick with energy fluctuations pierced into this The heart of an emperor.

No matter how strong his physique is, even if his heart is broken, there is nothing he can do.

"My god will eventually rule the entire continent!" The mouse-eared girl's face revealed the madness she had never shown before. She pulled out the stick on Audrey's chest and shouted the summons with his blood splattered all over her face. The Red Word: "TheRed!"

When the time comes, she will completely destroy these people before they can regain their strength.

The crimson evil spirit emerged, crawled out of Mouse-Eared Girl's body amid her screams and shouts, and rushed towards the unprepared high-ups of the empire.

"Human thing~diedie~"

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