Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 424 Rat shit ~ yesyes

If it was the main city of the three major regions, perhaps Nomon would need to take some trouble, but for this floating city that was only an autonomous region and managed by foreign races, he didn't need to spend too much energy at all, because he had been imprisoned on this city for nearly fifty years, and it was in the underground dark room of the mechanical alchemist master of the goblin race who was responsible for the maintenance of the entire city.

"There is a defect in the north of the city."

Nomon still remembered what the so-called glamorous goblin master did secretly.

"That defect is not unimportant. Whether it is repaired or not, it is harmless to the city."

Repair or not? Haha, it is indeed harmless for the local forces with normal mechanical knowledge on the continent, but for Nomon who has the alternative mechanical knowledge given by the big horned rat, this is the perfect rat shit in the pot of soup!

"Rat shit~yesyes~"

"Defects, used to deal with the foreign corpses that were secretly purchased by their subordinates for experiments? Goblin dwarf stuff, diedie~"

That afternoon, in full view of everyone, Nomon gently flicked open a gear exposed to the outside in the defective area,

"Check! Which function is this gear linked to!" The goblin observer immediately ordered his men to start the inquiry. After going through layers of connections, within just five minutes, the goblin was full of doubts with a report on the slight stagnation of the mechanical arm in the unloading area of ​​the floating city.

Of course, this was not a doubt about the tilt problem of the floating city mentioned by Nomon, but why the operation of this unrelated gear affected the mechanical arm in the unloading area two blocks away.

"Mr. Nomon, this?"

The goblins are not stubborn. As a race that can recruit from various foreign races, it is even happier for them to find problems.

"Scared? Keep watching."

Nomon did not answer directly, but found a cool area to take a nap, and his long beard began to swing left and right under the slight swing of his head.

This action really made the goblin even more panicked. Could it really be... would the floating city really tilt?

The awe of mechanical knowledge made the goblin observer feel unconfident for the first time. Even when facing the elders of the Norman Empire, he had never felt such a vain and panicked emotion. The time did not last too long. When Nomon coughed lightly, the goblin observer was frightened and quickly re-measured the horizontal angle of the floating city.

"Lowered by 1 degree?"

In an instant, the goblin observer's heart amplified the panic just now. That gear really made the entire floating city tilt!

"Master Nomon, floating city."

"Wait, it's about to start, don't be in a hurry! Scare." Nomon interrupted the other party's words. The goblin language without any rat accent made the other party's heart beat. Then, after the aftermath of the power spread from the ore mother in the distance, Nomon finally laughed quietly:

"Floating city thing~scare~die~"

A rumbling sound appeared.

Unknown to everyone, all the machines in the center of the floating city began to shake wildly, moving away from their positions one by one, and the entire floating city was also in this At this time, weak circles of energy fluctuations similar to the aftermath of the mother ore began to erupt.

"It's tilted! It's tilted! It's tilted!"

It's obvious that the ground under his feet began to tilt, ten degrees, fifteen degrees, fifteen and a half degrees.

All the items in the entire floating city fell down. In a hurry, countless foreigners who didn't know why and lived in this floating city all fled to the airship area in fear.

"Scare, scare, scare! It's tilted~ It's tilted~ yessyes~"

Nomon couldn't help but burst out the rat language loudly, and laughed triumphantly.

It's a pity that he can't knock down this floating city now, otherwise, let alone fifteen degrees, even one hundred and eighty degrees, he can easily do it.

After the whole thing was over, it was also called the "rat shit incident", which was the second name given to this tilting incident by Nomon after he took office as the chief mechanical master of this floating city.

"Master Nomon is really interesting, the rat shit incident." The goblin observer who indirectly caused this incident looked helplessly at the master who was happily shouting yessyes in the advanced laboratory prepared for him by the Nomon Empire, and had no choice but to record these words in his report.


As Nomon's contribution became higher and higher, the structural diagram of the entire floating city was also known to Nomon little by little under the scattered authorization of the Nomon Empire, and his reputation was also spread among the goblins

"Be a good ratman, be a good master, repair machinery every day, and live a happy life every day~"

This is the last teaching of Nomon to his hundreds of goblin apprentices after they graduated. Of course, this sentence has not been finished yet, "Then diedie~scare scare scare~"

"The core thing, diedie~finally found it."

Decades ago, after Nomon retired from the floating city in the name of retirement, he withdrew from the public's sight. Although the rat shit incident has been widely circulated as a teaching material for goblins, and occasionally Nomon's disciples would remember this master who once caused a huge sensation, he gradually disappeared from people's sight.

Just when everyone thought he was dead, a ratman with a long beard and a love for machinery moved into an ordinary house in the floating city. It was the most deserted area of ​​the floating city. There were no busy shops and no interesting buildings. Except for a few old men of various races who were about to die, there was only this ratman who had just moved in.

However, this ordinary area was the location of the core group of the floating city that Nomon had discovered before.

"Scare, scare, didie, goblin dwarf stuff, I hope you are satisfied with the gift I have presented to you~"

Crackling, every time when it was late at night, this place would emit electric current sounds and subtle screams. If it were not for the remoteness of this place, it might have been discovered and surrounded by many curious people.

And today,

Nomon, who received the order, lay steadily under the shadow of the floating city full of alarms.


Nomon's long beard swayed, and his small eyes squinted and stared at the area in front of him. The time for harvest is coming, just waiting for those dwarfs to activate the entire core group.


Here it comes! Nomon was shocked, and his bulging back was fully prepared to rush out.

After countless cracks appeared on the solid stone ground, a huge milky white diamond-shaped energy crystal surrounded by countless circles appeared under his feet.

"Scare, scare, scare~ goblin dwarf stuff~die~"

Nomon rushed out without hesitation, and pulled out two long spikes connecting the wire ends from the back with both hands. Before the circle started to work, he directly inserted the milky white diamond fiercely.

The wall behind collapsed, and a machine full of weirdness appeared in front of him.

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