Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 430: Magic Net Core

The dark matter surrounding belt gradually dissipates,

The essence of darkness in Youge's body is also close to dissipating, and the tingling sensation has been transferred from the surrounding belt to Youge itself.

A heart-wrenching transfer,

Even You Ge has never thought that he would have such feelings.

Pain can only be described in human language as this feeling of being integrated into matter. Everything about you is squeezed out, a feeling of being split, and then it penetrates into the dark essence.

The blood of death separates,

Blood attribute particles, spiritual particles, devouring eyes of corruption, and red seal power. All the powers possessed by Youge at this time were invaded by this dark essence.

The gloom that seemed to outsiders now completely enveloped the corrupting devouring eye in the sky of Blood Rain City. The bloody rain that had lasted for seven thousand years finally disappeared at this moment. Although there were still thick dark clouds floating in the sky, It was obvious that the Corrupted Devouring Eye, which was regarded as the incarnation of the gods by the ratmen, suddenly disappeared into the darkness this time.

The sense of loss instantly emerged, and the rat people immediately became confused.

The gods disappear? This time the war has disappointed their gods. Countless conjectures have appeared in the hearts of the lower-level rat people. Countless rat people who have long been unable to control themselves have rushed towards the center of the divine city among the ruins, thinking of those great councilors. Seek clarification.

"The spirit has not disappeared, he is satisfied, he is enjoying it."

The Great Horned Rat stood on the high tower, and its rich voice appeared in the ears of all the rat men surrounding it below.

"When my god appears here again, it will be the time for us to completely rule the continent!"

"TheRed! YesYes!"

The Horned Rat roared loudly, and Elosri, who had once shown her power as an infinite tentacle, also stood on one side. The feeling of entanglement condensed in the hearts of all the rat people, and the sense of affinity that indirectly came from the gods reappeared. , God has not abandoned His Lamb.

The rat people in the divine city began to cheer endlessly, and the voice of yes spread throughout the city.

However, at this time, the threat from the distance also struck, a thick black death, a bone-chilling death from the north, also accompanied by a distinctive smell, rushed straight into the blood rain city of the rat people!

"Who!", the Horned Rat suddenly felt unhappy. His spirit had just left and someone came to visit him so soon? Do you live so impatiently? But the doubt lasted only for a moment. When the familiar body and aura approached the Blood Rain Divine City, all the rat people who had suffered under the hands of humans recognized this familiar enemy.

Human undead.

When ~

A warning sounded in the divine city. Following the direction in which the undead was coming, countless ratmen looked from the ruins and towers towards the strangely colored stream that was gradually approaching.

"Miss Elosili."

"Little mouse, go ahead. I will follow you. If anything happens, I will do it myself." With a face made of entanglement, after a few repeated entanglements, he also followed behind the big horned mouse. , the adults went to play by themselves, and Ellie could only quietly have some fun on her own. If she had known better, it would have been nice to leave some goblins, like planting some mycelium on the earth to play with.

Outside the divine city,

When the undead approached, the Horned Rat led the councilors and the rat people in time to stand directly in front of the undead. Without any hesitation, with Elosri behind, the Horned Rat did not give the other party any chance to call the formation. Since the last time he suffered a loss at the hands of the undead, the Horned Rat has also secretly studied the structure of the undead.

The powerful bony undead body without any sense on the outside and the core spiritual power wrapped inside seem to have no flaws in the other party, but in fact, every movement is constantly consuming one's own strength.


The Eight-Eyed Rats are very familiar with spiritual power, but the death power and the strange smell surrounding each other make many Rats at a loss what to do.

Can't be killed?

If once doesn’t work, then twice! The Big Horned Rat didn't believe that the other party really couldn't be killed, but before the Big Horned Rat could continue to act, a voice reached his ears.

"Summon the Crimson Demon!"

You Ge, who was also "forced" to attract attention, found out the other person's information with just one glance.

"Immortal Undead: Before the energy is exhausted, the body will remain immortal."

The brilliance of attributes has the same power as Youge's crimson light. This unique brilliance of attributes also means that the Rat Man alone wants to exhaust the opponent's energy and consume the so-called immortality, at least it is calculated in months. , this still does not count the recovery of the undead himself.

"My god?", the horned rat bowed slightly: "I obey!"

immortal? Yes, it is indeed immortal, but for Youge, the evil ghosts transformed by his crimson light are not inferior to the other party's abilities at all, but he did not expect that there are people in this world who can also obtain such abilities. The same power as the crimson light, the brilliance of attributes,

"The crown of the immortal king: the glory of immortality, the charm of death lies in the greatness and desire of mankind to define it."

The undead under this light are immortal. Although the rat men alone are really unable to effectively resist, how can You Ge be afraid? The rat man's crimson title is not white. This battle can still cause pain to the opponent. In addition, there is the crimson devil, which can constantly devour the opponent's soul. Even if he is immortal, Youge can't. I don’t believe that these undead souls who have transformed from humans can achieve spiritual immortality.

"Dagu, let the crimson evil ghost devour the other party, you just hold them off, and wait for me to return!"

After making the arrangements, Youge gathered his mind again. If it weren't for the attraction of the ability of the same attribute of brilliance, Youge would not have given up the fusion at this critical moment and warned the big horned rat.

After receiving the order from the big horned rat, the ratman who rushed out several steps immediately stopped and began to cut his flesh, leaving mixed blood. He shouted the red words, and the crimson light shining from the void above instantly covered the entire ground where the ratman stood.

Following the source of the crimson light, a huge black sphere appeared in the air. It turned out that Youge did not disappear, but was hidden in the visible range of everyone because of the change.

At this time, following the blood of the ratman, the group of crimson evil spirits born with the brilliance of Youge's attributes finally crawled out.

The immortal king Neheka, who also waved to send out his army, also began to emit his immortal light.


The advancing battle formation also shouted immortality. Hundreds of millions of undead soldiers and countless elite undead wearing different, past human clothes all rushed towards the crimson evil spirits in front.

The sound of smashing and smashing appeared.

At this moment, countless evil spirits climbed up the undead. Enemies without flesh and blood could only bite the enemy's bones in vain. There were also evil spirits that attacked from the inside through the gaps in the body, sucking the spiritual fire in the opponent's bones and biting them wantonly.

"Death! Immortality! Guardian!"

The suppression of the counterattack made Neheka very unhappy and raised a crown that Youge had noticed just now.

As the undead in front flashed a set of bone armor, the big horned rat also recognized what that thing was.

"Magic network core?!!!"

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