Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 434 Growth Mission

"Lv23: Youge; Special ability: Li·Eye of Corruption and Devouring"

After scanning his new attributes, Youge was extremely satisfied with his changes during this period. The ore mother core was still spinning in the big-eyed mouth, and the energy transmitted to the blood core could probably push him three more times. Four levels and above.

And that Level 30 undead, the Immortal King Neheka? It's quite good. He can reach this level in this seemingly barren world. In the world of the royal city, he might have become a big boss of one force.

It's a pity that this kind of person will definitely not surrender, and You Ge doesn't intend to keep him.

Just because of that "Magic Network Core\

,"Looking at it like this, the shining core of the magic network became even more dazzling.

"The Core of the Magic Network (Soul Realm): Transformed by the Immortal Crown, the remaining power essence of the old world can be used by the wearer to observe the immortal essence."

This is the reality hidden behind the so-called human empire. The so-called receiving power and transplanting auxiliary equipment are just the powerful immortal king using his own abilities to give mankind convenience, so that he can more easily collect powerful materials. Talented undead,

But for those humans, it’s not a bad thing.

Which genius doesn't hope that he can live forever, especially when facing death, he will basically be moved when he sees a broader power and world, or even knows the purpose of this immortal king.

Humanity is immortal and will last forever,

It is even more grand than the Sigma Empire unifying the continent.

But no matter what, after the Immortal King exposed his trump card, Yu Ge naturally had other ideas.

It was transformed into an essence, but I don’t know what the old world is in it, but the words "essence" are still enough to snatch it by myself. It seems that this essence can be used by the horned rat, maybe then The divinity representing the Eight-Eyed Rat Man will undergo some wonderful changes with this essence.

You Ge, who was in the Eye of Corruption and Devouring, made up his mind for a moment.

The disappeared Elosili also suddenly appeared, and countless entangled touches emerged from the earth again, grabbing the bodies of the undead one by one, constantly interfering with the other party's return to Neheka.

The touch of entanglement interferes, the crimson evil spirit attacks, the rat man wanders,

The undead, whose advantages were not particularly obvious, were even more in a stalemate.

Carelessness, this was what Neheka thought. He didn't expect that the other party would have so many "weird soldiers", and the evil ghosts who seemed to only use mental attacks were far more difficult than he thought. Taming, was able to swallow the spirit of the undead soldiers. In addition to the convenience brought by the immortal attribute, the entire undead army became so vulnerable for the first time.

"Is this still a living thing? If this was a race native to the continent, it might have been his world long ago."

Feeling slightly melancholy, Neheka's cold heart also felt a little depressed.

Indeed, how could the natives of this continent know the terror of the creatures in the world of the royal city? Their hostile targets are all races. Once the expectations are exceeded, miscalculation will naturally occur.

How can a race from an old society understand the power of modern weapons?

As for facing Youge, Neheka only saw a corner of his strength. If there were no rat men here, only undead, once the devouring force field was opened, corruption, pollution, and sequence information attacks, Neheka's current strength would be enough. It's not something he can resist at will.

At this time, Neheka, who had gathered the living and undead, finally used his [Soul Kingdom] so forcefully, a "huge bone undead" composed of undead, and a force field that connected all the people present. Undead, a huge undead creature that appears like a [Kingdom].

From a visual point of view, it's not that big. It's about the same size as Susanoo in a certain anime. It's just that this one turned himself into a huge skeleton instead of some kind of outer armor. Even as the species grows larger, it is still an undead body composed of a concentrated force field and completely controlled by Neheka himself.

But in You Ge's eyes, the Immortal King has completely changed.

It can be said that it was worthy of attention before. Now that the other party has fully deployed the force field, it feels as if the other party has been magnified. There is an illusion that the other party is the same size as yourself? Wait, that’s not right! The other party is the same size as him!

what happened?

At this moment, Youge became no longer calm. An undead the same size as him?


Looking from the perspective of the crimson evil ghost below, the opponent is still just an undead about the size of Susanoo, but it is different in Yuge's eyes.

What is it?

The tentative Youge sprinkled a rain of blood, and the huge tentacles of the Devouring Eye of Corruption blew up gusts of wind, and drew towards the huge immortal king who seemed to be looking at the same height as Youge.

There is an entity!

Youge hit the opponent, and was grabbed by the opponent's bony fingers and tore him apart several times. In this regard, at least Youge's Corruption Devouring Eye's weight was dominant, otherwise all these tearings would have been impossible. Let Youge move a few times.

There is an entity, not fake, but what others see is normal size.

what exactly is it?

Youge's tentacles attacked the opponent again, and the corrupted devouring eyes that followed the impact directly broke into the opponent's arms.

In the eyes of the ratmen, evil spirits, and Elosli below, the huge body seemed to have shrunk after the attack of the Eye of Corruption and Devouring, but in fact it really did not shrink. However, in everyone's cognition, the size of both sides reached a consensus at this moment, and Youge's tentacles did not exceed the other side by much.

"Intermediate force field: balance"

Balance? After using the coffin to explore, this information gradually appeared in Youge's mind.

The force field has nothing to do with size. Even if a strong force field is condensed into a small black dot, it is still a force of ten. Simply expanding the volume of the force field and keeping the strength unchanged does not actually help the force field itself.

The force field of the Immortal King in front of him is strong enough to compete with Youge. Even if Youge's size exceeds that of the other party by a large margin, the actual strength is still one-to-one with that of the other party, which caused the previous effect.

"Growth mission triggered!"

"Mission description: Reach Lv30, reorganize force field, life jump!"

"Mission time limit: None."

"Mission requirements: None."

"Mission extension: Songs are heard from the depths of the sea, and the great one begins to gradually look at you. If you successfully jump, you can feel more grace from the great one."

"Uh", Youge, who was still in the battle, instantly became helpless again. The Lv25 mission has not been completed yet, and lv30? And that one gradually looked at him?

Let's not talk about anything else. Compared with other gods, the great one in the deep sea is really not friendly to believers at all. From another perspective, eating believers may be the only kindness of the other party to believers.

Great Cthulhu.

If Youge knew this, I'm afraid the sense of urgency would rise sharply.

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