Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 44 The confusing truth?

"I heard they were poisoned to death. This family has lived in Gray Street for more than ten generations. Almost everyone living nearby has seen them."

"Go on."

"It is said that this family is very honest. They have been providing food for the entire street for more than ten generations, so they are said to have saved a lot of money. Later, there were rumors that old Peter, the male owner of this family, hid the gold and did not let his children move to other districts. Not long after, the whole family died."

"All dead? No one alive?"

"The adults said that they were all dead, and the patrol adults who came here that day also said so."

Hearing this, Youge became more suspicious. The poisoning was completely different from the description of the task. Did someone conceal the truth?

It shouldn't be. If the Gold Club deceives the professionals, I'm afraid more than one person will come to the door, especially in the case of random people accepting the task.

Unless there is a problem with the task itself.

No matter who caused it, Youge was already in a passive position when accepting the task.

"What else do you know? What rumors are there recently?"

Nina's pupils lost focus instantly. After noticing Nina's thoughts, Youge did not rush to interrupt.

After about a few minutes

"Sir, there are many rumors in the north of the street these days that if you leave Gray Street on your own initiative, you can get a sum of gold coins, enough to start a new life somewhere else."

"You know who spread it, right?"

". I know." At this point, Nina's face also flashed a trace of unnaturalness.

"Take me there."

How could ordinary people's emotions escape the observation of professionals? If he could really find clues, Youge would not be stingy to help these people.

North of the street,

A house that occupies a courtyard alone. When he walked over, Youge could not ignore the difference of this family. Compared with others, there is also a small fountain here.

"Take me in."

The door of the house was creaked open, and the debauchery inside was completely revealed.

Before the people inside looked over, Youge thought of the bloody routine: "Girl from the slums, forced to be a pro, fought to the death, and finally got her revenge and wandered around the world."

But these kids are also strong. There must be some routine to avoid starving to death here.

"Oh, who is the lord who came to visit my humble home? I am sorry to have not welcomed you from afar, but I am welcoming you from afar again." A fat white man jumped out of the room on the right.

"Lv1: Pete Wilderson"

Is he still a professional? Youge ignored Pete and gestured to Nina.

"It's him."

After hearing this, Youge first glanced at the room where Pete came out. When he saw that there was no one there, he lifted Pete with one hand and walked in: "Nina, come in."

After closing the door, Pete became a little more honest: "Sir, which road are you from? How about we get to know each other first?"

"If you come to do a mission, no matter which road you take, it's not a good road after you die, do you know?" After condensing the blood gun and forcing Pete for a while, Youge turned his head to signal Nina to speak.

In this situation, Nina's cleverness is completely useless. If she doesn't speak well, she may be the first to die.

"This sir wants to know the cause of death of old Peter's family."

"Old Peter?", Pete's face froze instantly, and Youge knew that he had found the right person.

"Speak, you are a wise man."

"Haha. Sir, it turns out to be this matter, then you definitely found the right person to find me."

"Speak. Let me hear it." Before Pete continued to talk, Youge's blood gun was carried on the former's shoulder again.

"Hehehe", crying and laughing: "Old Peter was poisoned to death by his own son. His son has probably run to the safe area outside the city now."

"So how did you know?"

"My men saw it. That night, they passed by Old Peter's house and saw his son putting drugs in the food. The next day, when the crime happened, everyone saw the ashen body, except for Old Peter's son of course."

Drugging, poisoning, corpse, all of this is so coherent and accidental: "Did you find any residual smell of aliens when you went there?"

"Aliens? Impossible, this street is the safest street in the old city. With the protection of those floating and sinking people, no one has ever come in here. "There are no abnormalities recently!"

Peter was also confused by Youge. What abnormalities could there be in this area? Except for the greedy son of old Peter, it was normal: "No, there are some things that happened. The upper level wants us to move out of this street and gave us a considerable amount of resettlement money. It's just that many people don't want to leave this stable area, and occasionally there are some small conflicts. "

At this time, the door was suddenly broken open: "Peter! Who is going wild in our territory! Don't want to die? ! "

"Lv5: God Wildson; Attribute: Strength"

The same surname, tall body, Lv5? It made Youge look at him with new eyes.

"Humph! Is it you?" God's huge body pressed up directly, and he tried to hold Youge in a bear hug.

It's still necessary to fight. Facing such an opponent, Youge even lost the desire to kill.

He went around and kicked from behind, the blood spear pierced directly into Gaode's scapula. Even though he was a professional with the [Strength] attribute, even though the first attribute change occurred at Lv5, the structure of his body could not avoid being restricted.

Only the strong muscle strength felt a little resistance after Youge stabbed him.

"Lie down, the next place to be stabbed is the spine."

"God, don't move rashly, this gentleman has no hostility!", Peter, who spoke in time, thought it was better to have less trouble than more, especially since his own supporter, God, was no match for him.

After You Ge glanced at God, who was gradually calming down on the ground, he put away the blood gun and sat on a chair beside him: "Sit down, let me think about it."

After an awkward laugh, Peter helped God up and wiped the blood on his back. People with strong bodies are better at recovery, and the wound began to show signs of healing in a short while.

"Dust, aliens, missions, instructions from the upper level, is there anything else I haven't noticed?", the confused situation made Youge feel like he was caught in a huge whirlpool: "Now only the mission description of the Golden Society cannot be verified. Even if it is false, if you don't personally encounter the aliens, you can't verify the falsity of the mission."

"The informant saw it, the investigators guessed, the two-sided rhetoric, the Golden Society did it really flawlessly.", thinking about it, he opened the terminal again and immediately found the trap in the description: "It seems that I really can't completely believe the mission introduction now."

"Forget it, maybe I can find something by going out for a walk."

After making plans, Youge got up and walked out directly. Nina, who followed closely behind, looked back at the two brothers Pete and followed immediately.

"I'll wait for you here after dawn."

Youge's words struck Nina's heart like lightning, a tremor from the soul, and finally she couldn't escape the fate of being enslaved.

Youge, who left after speaking, naturally didn't see the changes in Nina. For a clever child like Nina, Youge really likes to recruit her as a subordinate. As for being misunderstood? People at the bottom of society do not have the right to choose their own destiny.

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