Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 440 Kind Father

"They call the present period the Middle Ages. For them, the remnants of the era from which they came and are further back are called the ancient times. For those of us who don't know, it is the Old World. It seems to refer to a specific area, but it is only found on this continent. Not where the other person said he was.”

The horned rat's head shook slightly. Ancient times is really an ancient word. The other party's description completely showed another chaotic era: "They also called ancient times the age of gods, and the greatness from unknown places sent blessings. , let them become those favored by the power of the great loving Father and survive the destruction of history to this day.”

"Greatness? History, survival? What about now, where does the greatness go?", loving father? This word was inexplicably convoluted, making You Ge unable to spit it out normally, but the existence of this person had to make You Ge reconsider his current state.

"I don't know, but his favor has not disappeared. It is said that he has gone somewhere far away." The horned rat shook his head. Although there was no obstacle in communicating with the other party, there is also a similar language on the road today. spread, but there are still many words that cannot be communicated in the interaction.

The incompletely translated words were relayed to Youge through spiritual channels,


Contrary to what the Horned Rat understood, the information received through the channel was explained by the coffin, and the words that appeared in Youge's mind were instead the word "garden".

"Go on, what next?"

"No more, but those creatures wrapped in the plague gas." Finally, the point came to the point, and the horned rat felt a trace of anger in his heart: "The rat people who came into contact were also secretly infected with the plague gas without knowing it. , if it weren’t for the explorer team’s immortal ability, they would have been tortured to death.”

"My God, there is news from the ratmen in other areas of the swamp that these plague polluters are all believers of the same religious sect. As long as the ratmen accept the baptism of the plague, they will become the patrons of the father's power and gain greater power. the power of."


Disease, distortion, mutation, You Ge is very aware of the strangeness of this power.

For example, the Great Horned Rat, although it still remembers the transformation of the Sigmar people due to the plague, now the Great Horned Rat already feels that the rat people are the most perfect creatures.

Perhaps for the horned rat, this kind of cognition is not a distortion, but a twist that changes with the change of body shape, but for the group of people baptized by the plague, they have already been with the "Tangled Earth" where Yu Gerang Elosili is. The completely transformed humans on the planet are exactly the same,

In terms of food, cognition, and structure, we are no longer the humans we were in the past.

Even if he still maintains his human appearance.

"The severely mutated creatures in the depths can no longer see their true appearance. If it weren't for the obstruction of external swamp creatures, they would not be able to successfully escape."

Waving his hand, You Ge also had a preliminary understanding of the problems deep in this swamp. A great man, and a great man who had existed for an unknown length of time, even came here, which fully shows that there are other unknown people outside. world,

Maybe it could be other planets. After all, the word "arrival" has many meanings. How can this group of believers know?

"Contact the other party normally, test the other party's ability, and other lives in the swamp, and find out whether the great one is still paying attention to this place."

In contrast, Youge didn't think it was someone who could surpass the greatness of the Ghoul King. Otherwise, he would have noticed some information entanglement problems in these words, allowing him to perceive the other party from a spiritual level.

Of course, it may be that the power system of this world prevents You Ge from sensing the other party so intuitively, but as long as he comes into contact with the so-called plague gas and more information, You Ge will surely be able to gradually know the other party's information. .

"As you command, my God!"

Silently watching the departure of the big horned rat, the hall fell into silence again. The dark red light and shadow that occasionally emerged from the darkness were just the ripples of the evil spirit in Youge's body.

To contact a great, a well-founded great, it is better to go back and settle the matter in the royal city. For You Ge, who has successfully broken through Level 25 and still has plenty of time, the temptation of the latter is actually real.

Even if he doesn't go back, Pikyou and others in the royal city are enough to deal with those aliens. But if they don't try to make contact here, they may still find some interesting things.

And this world is not necessarily that bad. If there is greatness, it is not barren at all.

The most important thing is that Youge doesn't want any surprises in the future development of his rat people.


outside the swamp,

Overgrown bushes, flowing mud, and flies and mosquitoes flying everywhere filled every corner, and there was an obvious route in the swamp, which was also contaminated with countless plagues and was constantly corroding. nearby trees,

Some of the ratmen wore dispensable protective equipment covered with mud, which seemed to have no effect. They just covered their eyes and noses slightly, and then held up the fire-breathing device that occasionally jammed to burn this plague trail. road.

At the same time, Youge, who also focused his attention on this place, naturally saw the group of immortal ratmen behind him who were contaminated by the plague.

After several rows of thick wooden stakes of different lengths surrounded a piece of land that was not too wet as a camp, only the countless messy iron sheets and seven or eight huge tents woven with various vines were left.

This is the swamp lord's camp,

Now that the mainland is stable, there is no need for too many battles here, so there is no strong defense established. And considering the habits of the rat people, this kind of building is in line with their aesthetics, Ling Ling Scattered, strange, and messy, use the branches, iron sheets, etc. that you like to assemble into your favorite nest.

And just behind the camp, there is an isolated land filled with green plague gas.

There were more than a dozen wailing rat men. Occasionally they would let out joyful laughter. It was hard to tell whether they were in pain or happiness. However, judging from their appearance, they could already tell what they were going through. Such a feeling.

The body continues to mutate, countless pustules appear, and various proliferative tissues are catalyzed. After these are cut off again based on the immortal ability, the process goes through again, over and over again.

Occasionally, the whole body suddenly swells, and the rat man quickly explodes and emits poisonous gas. He is simply a machine that creates endless plagues.

It seems good to think so. Using the immortal attribute, these ratmen can be made into infinite self-explosion biological machines. In this way, there is no need to consider the issue of recovery. The immortal attribute makes them not afraid of death at all. , On the contrary, this kind of madness makes the rat man extremely excited.

"Burn, burn, plague diedie~"

After hearing the explosion of the rat-man's body expanding, the swamp lord who once appeared in the underground blood pool palace quickly walked out of the "main tent\

,"While roaring, through the countless vines hanging above his head, the angry eyes stared fiercely at the rat man who began to swell again from the slits of the vines.

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