Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 443 Chaos Kingdom

Not to mention whether it will trigger a war between gods, although the existence of this book is originally meant for others to read by the gods, it is also someone recognized by the other party, especially this kind of book full of the aura of the gods. For him, it is A nuclear bomb might cause an accident immediately if you hold it in your hands.

Of course, if there is a god weaker than him, Nurgle can eat it without even thinking about it, making that little god his vassal.

Raising the arm of the small "Nurgling" that was dripping like rotten minced meat, Nurgling still said no to the man on the stairs.

He is very sincere. Indeed, in a world where power is paramount, this loving father will also have such a day.

"Really not? How about I help you open it? You take a look, or I help you read it? Especially the part that I wrote down is wonderful. Look, Pikyou offered a grand sacrifice. , let the great ghoul king grant a charnel house as big as a mountain range.”

charnel houses, mountains,

Pikyou's voice instantly penetrated the high altitude. With Youge and Nurgle both shocked, the huge corpse hiding place as Pikyou said instantly appeared in the air. At a glance, the darkness could not be seen. The corpse was hidden in the sky. Looming among them, the shouting ghouls, the sound of countless claws walking and banging on the floor,

There is also the darkness like a giant dragon, which is constantly changing, circling, and turning beneath the charnel house. It is also like a dark whirlpool, transforming into a huge demon and sinking into the depths of the charnel house.

"The ancient darkness." This is the existence that Nurgle sees, a god who controls the ancient darkness. This is only a corner of the other party. Even if Nurgle can see something, he cannot pry out more directly. Wouldn't this happen if the other party caught him, and it really would happen.

The God of Plague and Decay, this is his name, this is the great honorific title given to him by countless believers since his existence, but in fact plague and decay are just the means he uses to spread and sell faith. What he needs is that This kind of despair and resignation lies in the emotions in the hearts of believers, which is also the essential existence of their Chaos Demons and Chaos Gods.

Using emotional fluctuations to trigger strong energy whirlpools is also the principle behind the birth of demons in their dimensional chaotic space. As long as the spirit is strong enough, more powerful power can be obtained.

But this god is completely different. He has the ability of true darkness and does not rely on believers at all. Under that majestic body, he not only has a powerful spirit, but also his own true body, which controls all his powerful power. .Ancient darkness.

"Okay, take it back, this place is not your ghoul's place."

Some people looked surprised, and naturally some looked bored. Nurgle was completely shocked by the greatness displayed by the god, but for the one who had long been accustomed to it, he even used the power of the Ghoul King many times. You Ge has long been used to strange things.

What ancient darkness, what majestic figure,

Anyway, You Ge couldn't understand it now or know what it was. It would be better to simply ignore it and avoid any self-destructive plot.

"Hey, ok, ok, you are the adult, you have the final say."

Pikyou grinned widely, feeling relieved, proud, and showing off. Looking at Nurgle's surprised eyes, he was full of pride.

In Pikyu's view, this seemingly powerful Nurgle is completely like a small indigenous god. Especially at the beginning, he called this loving father "Superior\

,"That is the collective name for those who think they have become gods but have not yet truly become gods. They have taken the first step on the path to becoming gods, but they are stuck at this step. They are neither moving forward nor retreating. Although they have reached the level of gods in terms of ability, At this level, it is too different from a true god, and is just a flashy little god.

"Master Youge, do you want to take a look too? You see, this guy is stunned. He has no idea what level he is at."

Secretly conveying information to Youge, Pikeyu also told Youge what he knew. This was a small struggle to take advantage of the opportunity and information suppression, taking advantage of the fact that the other party only knew a few words about himself and others. Sometimes, I want him to be afraid involuntarily, and then take the initiative to lower his position.

"Well, don't read it anymore. Just watch it. If you have any questions, tell me."

Read the Ghoul Codex?

This guy was showing off again, Youge thought to himself,

Hey, I really want to see it, but it's a pity that I can't see it. Unless he and Pike fuse for a short period of time, maybe he can still read the knowledge inside, but after reading it, he doesn't dare to apply it casually, unless Yuge can resist the force that comes from him. The invasion of the knowledge of the Ghoul King, after all, it is all knowledge with [ghoul color], and it would be great for him to be able to use it as an insight.

At this time, Nurgle finally began to return to normal after Pikyu took back the Ghoul Codex. After a flash in his heart, he looked at Pikyu and Yuge, who was still motionless on the throne, with a smile. :

"You two, would you like to come to my garden to get together?"

Nurgle sent an invitation, just like the information Youge obtained from the Horned Rat.

Nurgle's garden, indeed.


Dimensional chaotic world,

The birthplace of the Chaos Demon, a kingdom of Chaos with no height, no volume, and no area.

This world is outside all universes and in the void. At the beginning, this empty world only had energy, and energy is everything here.

Countless energies all come from these physical universes, and the energy of the physical universe comes from the natural energy world. This "coming from" and "interaction" comes from the birth of living things.

The desires, emotions, beliefs, and thoughts of any living thing in the physical universe, as long as there is a little activity in the cerebral cortex, will produce fluctuations in this chaotic world. This fluctuation is the initial energy obtained by the chaotic world.

When thousands of people have fluctuations, countless energy ripples will be created in this place.

You must know that like attracts like. The energy fluctuations generated by the same emotions will attract each other at this moment to create stronger energy fluctuations.

Continuously expand, the vortex formed by the energy fluctuations constantly pulls around and grows stronger.

Then it resonates when the physical universe creatures use the same energy. With the resonance, when this power is fed back to the creatures, they will think that this is the power given by God.

A frenzy appears instantly.

It is the energy generated by emotions. After feedback, stronger emotions will naturally appear.

Under the obsession with power, the belief born from the inside out makes them crazy. Endless interaction begins like this. The energy generated by a person is endless, but the energy he can use is limited. Coupled with countless human emotions,

Finally, under this endless desire, four powerful energy vortices that cannot be shaken were finally born in the chaotic kingdom.

One of them is the kind father that Youge met, Nurgle, the god of plague and decay, who represents the despair.

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