Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 445 The Eldar Invading the Garden

Of course, the second possibility is very high. Thinking of the name "Father" given to this person in the swamp, to some extent, this person's emotions are very rich, and his heart is by no means an absolute self.

"This is a goddess I took from my sister (brother)." Nurgle's desire broke out while narrating, with a sense of showing off, and with a wave of his hand, he rolled up a surging tide of plague and decay.

"Isha, the goddess of life of the Eldar." The tide stained the body of the goddess, and a bowl of green and purple soup with a rich aroma was sent by Nurgle to the goddess who had been sitting still. The latter did not hesitate at all. After swallowing it in one gulp, countless purple spots immediately appeared on her skin. The soft skin, the fragrance in the hair, and the maternal love in the chest all became rancid at this moment.

Sweat dripped down along the mottled skin and the somewhat messy curves on the whole body. With a high fever and chills, the Eldar goddess curled up. The once graceful body kept spasming and twitching, and kept turning over and over on the bed made of the skin of unknown creatures. The occasional groan made Nurgle exude a kind of emotion that could not help laughing.

However, Nurgle did not forget why he brought the Yuge Lantern Man here. After putting away his somewhat exposed emotions:

"This is my most satisfactory creation. This plague soup filled with my blessing can make a god unable to resist it normally!"

It seems to be a really good thing. At least in Yuge's opinion, even if this thing is taken back to the King's City World, it can overturn an irresistible wave of plague. How can it be so easy to resist the carefully prepared things of a superior? Even those kings who are not prepared will step into the abyss because of it.

But this is just good.

Pikeyu asked a few questions: "Can this thing be eaten as food?"

It seems that it is not good enough.

"Can this thing give birth to children?"

Apart from the different worlds of the two sides, Pikyu is somewhat disdainful of this kind of blending and creation. Although such a creation is very powerful, the power that is not under one's control is an inferior method in the hearts of Pikyu and even Youge.

Just like the poisonous fire at the beginning and the force field weapons later,

It is indeed a plague that can hurt a goddess, but it only hurts people with lower abilities than Nurgle, and it has no great significance for other real enemies.

Of course, this may be the way the power of this world grows. The wider the plague of Nurgle spreads, the more despair he gets, and naturally the power of Nurgle will be stronger, but it is not a method recognized by Pikyu after all.

At this time, the goddess of the Eldar was also recovering, the lines on her body became smooth again, the stench and sour juice were all eliminated, and in a short moment, the goddess returned to the way she was when Youge and others arrived here.

It seemed so, but Nurgle did not show any emotion of wanting to refute.


Nurgle heard what Pikyu meant, but for him it was just a means of communication. He did not really want his goddess to die, but every time he created beauty, he gave it to the goddess, offering her his best creations to leave a deep impression on his lover.

"Wow~ You have invaders here?"

In just this short period of time, the explosion of invasion came from behind the crowd,

Arrows, magic, energy,

And soldiers with slender limbs in tight uniforms, with delicate and graceful movements. Although they are also humanoid creatures, at a glance, you can immediately find the unique racial characteristics,

"Lv25: Eldar soldiers; characteristics: psychic power, craftsmanship, spirit; characteristics: psychic sculpture, craftsmanship inheritance, mind rotation, psychic craftsmanship, fighting master, psychic agitation, psychic extraction;"

A race that has never been seen before, a special race that uses psychic power. Even if Youge had some expectations, he only expected to encounter some special beastman race, or some powerful and strange human race. He didn't expect to encounter this special race that would be even rarer in his image.

"Tsk tsk, Lord Yuge, since this great man has shown his garden, why don't we show our unique methods as well?" Pikyu's voice sounded, and Yuge nodded slightly with his mind flowing. Although he came here as a guest, the next thing, according to Yuge's previous expectations, whether it succeeds or not, will require this person's help.

"Hehe." Pikyu's body began to become like gelatin again, and the feeling of the same origin instantly surprised Nurgle. This subordinate of the god was just a part of this red-clothed faceless man?

Unlike the last time, this fusion was only a sharing of abilities. Yuge's body here was just a manifestation of the power of a red-clothed faceless man. The moment Pikyu broke into it, the two sides only established the so-called spiritual sharing link.

And taking advantage of this fusion time, the big horned rat had already charged up, and Elosli, who fell from Yuge's body, also made a vigilant gesture nearby.

"Thank you, everyone." Nurgle naturally saved himself the trouble of taking action upon seeing this. It would also be a good opportunity to take a good look at the abilities of these people, which were unique abilities that had never appeared in this world before.

While thinking about communicating with Pikyu, Youge also determined how to show his power, that is, the consistency with the power shown by Nurgle now, so that they can reach a united front on a certain basis,

Similar to the spread of plague diseases!

The first ability of the Great Horned Rat is the plague ability, and Youge’s understanding of the plague is not a simple mutation disease, etc., but from the invasion of the human body by the information layer,

Corruption information, sequence information, and the invasion of crimson information,

From the outside to the spirit, the enemy is completely diseased,

Of course, it is not just that, the fused Pikyu also provides it with more irresistible [Ghoul Information], which can gradually transform everything into a special [virus] of ghouls, and those tiny fungi that accompany the surface of ghouls have become the means for Youge to attack at this moment,

The most important of which is the most unique effect in the entire power system in the world of the King City where Youge is, the reduction of sanity.

The elves are emotionally rich and intelligent, and their emotions are more intense than humans. Therefore, the pursuit of pleasure, art and brainstorming in life is a great temptation for them.

And Youge's information invasion at this time, under the stimulation of the body, also aroused deep memories in his heart. The chaotic human nature made the elves who broke in first completely lose their minds. This group of elves, which is completely different from the undead, is not like the undead who only have memories but no perception.

Youge, who knows human nature well, naturally understands the special cause and effect relationship between human nature and the body for this normal creature.

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