Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 467: Old Scene of the Deserted City: An Alternative Surface World

The birth of the dead city,

For Baden, it was something that he didn’t want to mention or remember at all. How many times had he been unable to settle down because of this? When he thought of the breath of death overwhelmingly pressing down from the spiritual world, he couldn’t let go of that insignificance. A feeling of fear that makes it impossible to even think.


Dry tree ridge, black crow and crow's nest,

After returning, Kahayu and Lengzhu Ftoryak, who were chatting, went their own way and were led by Black Crowgu to find a resting place. Yuge was taken away alone by Baden Mimi. .

Turning left and right, he had no idea that there were so many doors in this cave that seemed to be just a crow's nest. It wasn't until a dark hut built in a mountain stream appeared that Baden stopped.

This is Baden's private residence in Withered Tree Ridge. Apart from him, there will be no other Black Crow people here at all.

"Mr. Hall, come and taste this cup of freshly squeezed Black Crow brains."

"Huh? Where are you?"

Something, if Baden hadn't mentioned it, You Ge would have almost ignored it. The delicious black crow human brains, the withered and dark taste are very unforgettable. But this guy seems to be a bit too showy. He is here to taste other people's brains. It seems that last time this guy captured a high-ranking Black Crow man and took him away. He took him back as a brain tool.

Is he really a foreigner who has the same fate as Hei Yagu and who has been exiled here?

"This is just an [edible black crow man]. Compared with the [edible human] that Mr. Hall gave to the Demon Spider Tribe last time, it is slightly inferior."

Damn, although what the other party said was very reasonable, why did You Ge think it was full of irony? Can edible black crow people and edible humans be divided in this way?

"Comparing the several Black Crows sent out last time this time, Mr. Hall has actually noticed that they are all used to confuse outsiders. Unless the other party really forces into Black Crow's lair, the real Black Crow Human vitality will not appear, and I also revealed some of your intentions to him at that time, so we still made some show with each other and took the little meal that was released."

"Can play."

What else can You Ge say? Now that we have reached this point, these things have completely passed. There is no need to worry about it anymore.

"Tell me, you brought me here, I'm afraid it's not just about this matter." Youge picked up the black crow brains handed over by Baden. If you don't drink it, it's nothing. Moreover, it's brewed in-house. After taking it into your mouth, The withered yellow darkness was like the wind and snow in winter, tightly surrounding this clone.

"Yes." Baden, who also enjoyed a glass of brain juice, said slowly: "I didn't expect to have to sort out everything again today. Does Mr. Hall know anything about the identity of this spokesperson?"

"What's so special about it?"

Baden was troubled by reorganizing the past, and Youge was troubled by the things that kept pouring out today, feeling double melancholy.

What's wrong with the spokesperson? Ever since he came to Dry Tree Ridge today, everything has been feeding him new information, including the dead city, the secrets of the Atogi people, the irrelevant land deeds, the sacrificial universe, the favored one, and the black crow. The secrets of the clan, Leng Spider, and finally the identity of this spokesperson, none of them would be a fuel-efficient lamp if they were placed on others, but in this short period of time, they all focused on Youge alone.

"Mr. Hall already knows the specialness of Priest Kaha. As a spokesperson, he is far more powerful and glorious than the original priest. However, there is a problem behind this. He cannot help himself."

After sighing, Baden continued:

“The predecessor of the Deserted City was destroyed because of a human spokesperson of a god.

The extremely prosperous predecessor attracted the peeping glances of countless foreign races. In order to be able to wait for work, some people took on the identity of some gods in disguise. It was different from the way the Kaha priests obtained it today, but the same result was achieved. They call them the spokesperson of divine grace, holding high the divine grace and walking on behalf of the gods, so that the foreigners do not dare to target the royal city too much. "

And this is the beginning,

The convenience of divine grace has made countless people lose their sense of awe. The prosperity on top of prosperity, noisy desires, crazy expressions, and hysterical shouting have made these people who have divine grace completely forget their original intentions.

Some people say that the person with divine grace has been contaminated and has completely fallen into the gift of that god.

Some people also say that the person with divine grace has died a long time ago. He who holds the divine grace high is just an empty shell. Under the desire of the god, he constantly vents the growing desire in that empty shell, which is like the deep sea.

No matter what, by the time Baden knew the news, the favored man had already thrown the entire royal city into chaos.

"Mr. Hall, if you must, it is best not to borrow the power of that spokesperson. It is uncontrollable and unpredictable. The result may be what you want to see, but it is definitely not what you want."

Baden told Youge about the ending of the Deserted City. The bustling city became a place filled with the desires of the man of divine grace. No one could resist this aura mixed with divine grace. The predecessor of the Deserted City was like this. In the midst of the permeation, they encountered countless alien sieges, and high-rise buildings collapsed. The man of divine grace who was addicted to lust and madness had already lost himself. In order to prevent this royal city from being completely destroyed, the last five The only remaining king, with the remnants of the dead kings, chose self-destruction in an attempt to be reborn.

"The barren land, the withering life, the endless gloom, and the royal city without hope, the Wasteland City was born just like that, and the Wasteland City, which had completely lost any attraction, also made those aliens lose interest. There was no delicious life, no desire for delicious food, and no once abundant resources. It was as useless as getting a piece of unowned land."

"Does Mr. Hall want his city to be like this? A silent and desolate city, with only countless hopeless living dead who don't need to eat, drink and have fun, suffering there all day long, guarding the last old scene of the so-called Wasteland City in their hearts."

Really? Then you still want to go back to Youge to complain silently.

"The old scene of the Wasteland City: The remaining memories of the living dead come from the remaining thoughts when they were still alive. When they gather on the entire city, they form a more substantial expression."

It is like the existence of the other world, but it is a terrifying world hidden in the dark, gathering all negative emotions. The other is the [surface world] that gathers in the real world, in the straightforward human nature, and the emotions that were once unforgettable.

Any living being is welcome to join here. As long as you are willing to become a living dead, you can gather everything that you can't forget and can't get in your heart.

The neighborhood in childhood? Or the old house in memory, or a figure hidden in the heart, will become real here.

The neighborhood and the old house appear on the outskirts of the city, and then expand the city. That person will also start to accompany you with your joining, everything is so natural.

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