Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 477: The corpse is hidden under pressure

Pikyou rolled his eyes,

The innate characteristics of plants are indeed bugs, but the ghouls are not completely passive. When the sharp claws are waved, a lot of different attributes such as darkness, corrosion, death, etc. will be unleashed. Even if the plants are No matter how strong his ability is, he is still suppressed by the attack of attribute power.

In this way, as more and more ghouls broke into the pollen-filled land, Pikyou watched as his flood of ghouls was surrounded by more and denser plant aliens.

I also found the [Ghoul Codex] in my hand, which activated the blessing from the gods.


Darkness spreads, coldness comes,

Pikyu's men Crack and Bone Hungry were also blessed by this blessing, leading countless higher-level ghouls straight into the deeper parts of the plant aliens.

"More restlessness is needed.\

,"Before the people from the Royal City and Gray King Territory arrived here, Youge and Pikeyou stared intently at the direction of the pollen floating deep in the depths.

To completely intensify this battle, we must try to intensify the aliens in the entire pollen wetland so that everyone can be overwhelmed.

As he exerted force under his feet, a howl resounded throughout the forest. Simyu's shield stood up, and the rotating gun blade pierced him. In the howl, with the special petrified pollution unique to Lislim, Simyu continued to impact in front. A passage made of rocks was laid out behind the ghoul.

"Hehe~ Master Youge, this ability is really interesting."'

The plants were petrified, and the surrounding moist soil turned into rocks. Except for the ghouls, everything turned into statues made of rocks, which really perfectly restrained the special abilities of the plants.

Amidst several bursts of laughter, Pike stepped onto the rocky road, waving the Ghoul's Touch, leading more ghoul men, and began to rush forward in the direction of You Ge.

The plant aliens in the pollen wetland are not very powerful so far, they are just difficult to deal with. In addition, the pollen ability used to confuse You Ge and others can be directly dispelled, which indeed saves a lot of trouble. These ghouls already have firm beliefs, and with the blessing of Pike's manuscript, there will be no accidents even if they take a bath in pollen at this moment, let alone inhaling pollen.

Of course, if the owner of this pollen is not stupid and dares to touch the ghoul's belief, trouble will come to his door.

At this time, following the sound of fighting, Most, who was catching up from behind, finally arrived at Youge's location.

"Hey, are you planning to go directly to the core?" After Most casually swallowed a few remaining alien plants, he was also shocked by the idea of ​​​​this new group of ghouls. Like the high priest, he was also worried about this pollen. They know a little about wetlands, so they naturally know how difficult this group of plants is, and the most difficult thing is that it is the base camp of alien plants.

The other party wants to invade the royal city, and the other party wants to turn humans into good fertilizers, but for plants, the pollen wetland is still the best nest. They are entangled there and will not come out easily, and they will not come out easily every time. All kinds of seeds and pollen are spread, and countless offspring are born to invade.

If Youge and the others really caused those plants, those plants that had lived for who knows how long, they would really be in trouble.

"Hurry up and tell the priest, this."

It was enough to simply force the opponent back, but Wang Cheng never expected to be able to completely destroy the opponent.

Turning back, Most's feet burst out with crazy power, and he ran away in the direction he came from.


Follow the petrified road,

Petrochemical pollution is widespread,

Following You Ge, the surroundings of Pike and others gradually became more humid and darker, and the plants attacking them changed from being vague to being visible everywhere.

Without any detours, as the land in front of them completely turned into a wetland full of water, the surroundings were completely surrounded by alien plants.

This is the pollen wetland,

The gloomy trees are alien, the vines are constantly interspersed in the alien's body, and the strange giant mouth composed of roots, branches and moss is constantly opening and closing under the water.

Is everything connected here?

You Ge and Pike stopped. Going into this place was like going deep into the body of an alien.

"Lv25: Parasitic Banyan Vine;"

"Lv20: Associated moss mother;"

"Lv32: Wetland Shade Tree;"

"Lv??: Piranha Vine;"

"Lv??: Feirong Qi Root;"

Countless alien information floated before Shuashua's eyes, especially the information about the last two aliens, which directly made Yuge and Pikeyou nervous. It was not because they couldn't see each other's level, but because these two aliens The whole place is filled with information,

All individual aliens will have more or less information about these two aliens whose details cannot be seen, and they are the key to completely connecting this place, especially this root. Perhaps now, You Ge and others have already Stepped into the other person's body.

"Lord Youge?"

"The fatal blow, the charnel house."

Looking into the distance, following You Ge's guidance, Pike also saw the soaring, huge tree crown hidden in the pollen mist.

The Scarlet Banyan Tree in the Pollen Wetland, You Ge has never heard of the existence of this thing.


Is it something that the royal city is unwilling to record? Or is it something that is not known at all? The last time Youge was confused by the pollen, he only saw the queen of the carnivorous plant, but now, it was unexpectedly

No matter what, it was too late to say anything.

In a trance, something seemed to fall from Youge's body. It was a soft vine, which was the aerial root of the red banyan tree that spread all over the wetland. It began to entangle and drill into Youge's interior.

And little buds appeared on Lislim's body, as if something was about to break out of the ground.


With a loud shout, Pikyu also knew the problem at this time. To be honest, he and others had no qualifications to break in here. Just seeing this big tree, they were entangled and polluted by the other party's information, and they didn't even notice or resist it at all.

The Ghoul Manuscript in his hand quickly opened, and circles of cold darkness spread out from Pikyu's hand.

The Ghoul's Touch protected several people, and the other contaminated ghouls also began a crazy fight with the alien plants here.

"That day, Pikyu presented a."

Pikyu held up the manuscript and recited it. The mountain-like burial site that filled the entire sky instantly descended, and the thick pollen mist was dispersed.

The burial site with the breath of gods was directly pressed by Pikyu, and the earth trembled. No! The roots of the banyan trees that spread all over the earth began to tremble. The mutual influence was like a magnitude 10 earthquake. The soil splashed, and countless roots stretched out from the bottom of the wetland. The earth was broken and torn, and the wetland was in a mess.


The instigator of all this, Pikeyu, opened his big mouth under his one eye and began to laugh crazily.

This is the power of the gods.

It kept pressing down, and then down again. The roots of the red banyan tree that were raised high from the ground were constantly squeezed and torn apart by the darkness. Countless broken branches and roots fell to the ground, and in a blink of an eye, they fell everywhere like rain, hitting the ground fiercely, causing more screams from the aliens.

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