Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 479: The Queen of the Piranha Tree - Emora

After making plans,

The shadow of a charnel house also appeared behind the high priest of the ghoul in the royal city. However, compared with Pikyu, this shadow was about the size of a normal church and was not as mountain-like as Pikyu. size.

Feirong, who was frightened by the same breath, almost chose to run away, but she didn't feel the huge pressure before.

Feirong then looked at the figure of the ghoul high priest in front of him.

Does this guy really think he is easy to bully? Although they are both manifestations of the abode of the gods, the difference is that this residence is an empty and breathless burial place. To put it simply, it is a burial place linked to the abode of the gods. It was built by the ghoul chief priest of the royal city himself. The abode of the gods recognized by the Ghoul King through sacrifices,

Without Pikyou's serial human resources, and the charnel house built in the royal city, the royal city may allow the residence of the true god to come, and allow ghoul charnel houses to be spread underground in an area to clean up some corpses. This has already been done. It is the greatest tolerance.

After all, the balance between forces is very important.

And Pikyu's residence was given by the gods and was completely filled with the aura of the gods. It doesn't mean that you can resist it. I'm sorry to see that Nurgle, a being who is closest to the level of a god, does not dare to act rashly.

However, Feirong didn't dare to be too presumptuous about this. Although he could destroy the shadow, he didn't want to attract the prying eyes of the god.

Countless air-rooted branches gathered together, and along with a taproot under the main body of the Feirong tree, it stretched out from the ground, directly pushing away the phantom of the corpse hiding place that the ghoul chief priest was pressing down.

Go around, push, and then severely beat the guy who keeps petrifying the people nearby.

The petrified ground shattered, and the roots struck the ground continuously. Then the roots and branches squeezed out from the cracks in the stone continued to push the gravel away, and continued to spread to the surroundings to capture those who were still there. Enemies who engage in melee with wetland aliens.

"Banyan Moisture: The huge scarlet banyan tree dissipates all the water attribute power gathered in the body, along with the ecological information on the scarlet banyan tree's body, infecting and proliferating any life form with energy."

Ghouls, stones, aliens, and alien plants that were originally pollen wetlands all fell into the scope of the power of the crimson tree at this moment. The water-vapor-like luster flashed around, and it was obvious that this was the unique force field belonging to this Feirong. The bodies of these wrapped creatures were covered with tiny twigs and buds, absorbing the energy in the creatures, and then By diffusing countless identical moistures.

Without even taking a breath, more changes have already appeared on the surface of these organisms.

Feirong body surface ecological information,

Fungi, parasitic plants, small crimson fig buds,

moss, flowers,

And a kind of [plasmic mucus] that represents all the essence of this life is driven little by little, and then supplied to the outer ecosystem.

The advantage that was instantly suppressed by Pike disappeared in an instant, and a large number of low-level aliens became new fertilizers. Even the stone-attribute aliens from the Gray King's territory were entangled by countless **, and finally turned into the opponent's nourishment.

At this time, the ghouls belonging to Pikyou who quietly left the scene also slowly began to withdraw from the affected area, although there were many sacrifices and those who died under Feirong as bait. However, the royal city forces and the army led by the Gray King, who were trapped within the Scarlet Banyan force field, could no longer completely escape.

"Lord Youge? Is that it? I'm afraid that if this continues, the royal city won't be able to last for long."

The world between the cracks,

You Ge and others who were hiding here also had some doubts. It seemed that the defeat was too simple, right? Then why don't Gray Mist and the Ghoul High Priest do something?

It seems that everything is too peaceful, just Feirong's unilateral venting,

"Could it be that they don't have it?"

Youge and Pikeyou had to wonder whether their trap was too simple and did not arouse hatred between the two parties. Or maybe it was because Pikeyou's move just now was too powerful, and the two sides were just going through the motions.

However, at this moment, a deeper shock came from the direction of Feirong,

It is the breath of the ghoul high priest,

An old-colored force field mixed with putrid odor spread out from the center of Feirong's force field. In terms of intensity, the force field of the Ghoul Archpriest was slightly weaker, but it was used to protect his charnel house phantom. Completely negating Feirong's advantages,

"Hahahaha! Thank you very much!"

The putrid force field of the ghoul high priest Akum continuously polluted the surrounding moisture, and countless turbid water droplets appeared. With his excited laughter, the familiar white light was the first to break through all the flying objects. out,

It's gray fog,

Following closely behind was the ghoul high priest Akum, who was hugging a huge emerald green tree trunk as thick as his arms.

"Ten Thousand Years Scarlet Banyan Branch Essence"

The tree trunk, which exudes bursts of emerald green light and dense moisture, is a good thing at first sight.

"Tsk, tsk, now it's fun."

Although they are also very interested in the essence of the tree trunk, Yuge and Pike also know that now they are absolutely determined to fight to the death. At least the forces in this royal city will definitely take on the enemy.

Silently, accompanied by vibrations, the crown of the scarlet banyan tree began to expand crazily, like a giant umbrella covering the sky that could not be reached, and began to continuously extend to the outside. Countless aerial roots blown from the crown penetrated deep into the soil and emitted moisture. , filled the water, and then turned into countless small crimson banyan bodies,

This is a plant. As long as there is enough energy, it can grow rapidly.

A single tree forms a forest,

The entire area was completely occupied by the red banyan tree, and the red banyan forest continued to expand towards the direction of the ghoul high priest Akum.

In this way, the ghoul high priest and the gray fog in front were flying in front, and the red banyan forest was expanding rapidly until it stopped after it was half the size of the forest outside the wetland.

"More than 100,000 acres, right?"

Through the cracked world, Youge and others followed the fleeing aliens and ghouls and took in the entire [Red Banyan Forest].

The huge tree crowns, one by one, drooped deep into the ground, growing hard aerial roots, rampant moisture, and various alien creatures that were constantly absorbed by the aerial roots as nutrients, turning the entire area into a dark and humid area completely polluted by [rich moisture]. As long as you walk in slightly, the skin of a normal person will instantly become like puffs, and the moisture that rushes into the nasal cavity during breathing can instantly suffocate.

"Dense Banyan Forest: The injured Banyan uses a self-protection method to absorb and reject all foreign substances and turn them into its own nutrients, thereby repairing itself."

"Hmm? It's her."

The surroundings of the Banyan Forest were filled with countless moisture, and suddenly the familiar pollen mist was emitted. A green vine with countless thorns slowly stretched out from the inside of the Banyan Forest, one, two, three. Thousands of green thorny vines began to emerge towards the direction of the ghoul high priest Akum and the gray shadow.

Accompanied by a burst of tree noises, a black round figure slowly emerged from the vines and began to emerge from the depths of the dense forest.

It was the queen of the carnivorous plant tree-Emora.

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