Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 490: Arnold, Lord of Yishan City

Henderson smiled and said,

This group of hounds in the royal city are still the same as before. They are still helpless in the world between them. I feel that if they are unhappy one day in the future, they can still return to this place to "release" themselves a little.

After all the rat men left and looked at the surroundings returning to their previous appearance, Youge slowly left amidst the cries of crows coming from the mountains.

Entering the other world,

The eight-eyed rat-men in the royal city world have already met the Skaven eight-eyed rat-men who have been waiting in the other world. The same race, the same ability, and two completely different development directions collide at this moment. together.

The Skaven clan turned into ratmen,

The world of the royal city is more human-oriented, with neat teams and complete professional classes. Engineering ratmen, guard ratmen, digger ratmen, etc. all wear uniforms with clear division of labor, and these are also Skaven rats. Things that people look down upon,

Eight-eyed rat-men, a grinning eight-eyed rat-man, plus a group of crazy rat-men, can completely create anything that can be called [chaotic art]. Like these rat-men, with clear division of labor and clear hierarchy, this is Human? It's so embarrassing for the rat people to live like humans! diedie!


"My God!" Arnold, whose name was called, was completely attracted by the group of eight-eyed rat-men in front of him who exuded a unique aura. The eight-eyed rat-men under his hands did not show anything like this at all. The same trend of change.

Of course, Arnold is also proud. With the resources of the royal city, his men are much stronger than this group of rat men, and it is no problem to fight ten of them one by one.

"Let your high-level ratmen choose the clan they are interested in joining and complete the clan formation. Secondly, let your engineering ratmen understand our future habitat and then complete the clan formation."

Youge needs a complete piece of information about [Plague Mountain]. If the Skaven eight-eyed rat-men are allowed to explore, there will inevitably be some cognitive gaps. After letting Arnold's rat-men understand it, they can then conduct the rat-man investigation. The manufacturing of people-related urban construction.

After all, this is not a place where rat people are allowed to come blindly. Future development will inevitably lead to exchanges with other races, so it is okay to leave a little leeway.

"As you command, my God!"

Arnold agreed quickly, but there was still a slight fluctuation in his heart. He wanted his ratmen to complete the clan formation. Although he did not say whether he would break up his ratmen, this feeling was like Yuge's reaction to Arnold's recent visit to the ratmen. His management was not very satisfactory. How could this not make him feel depressed?

"You don't need to become a clan." Youge pointed at Arnold, who was lowering his head. The clannish ratman will inevitably show the chaos and crazy nature in his heart. Such a ratman is not suitable to go. manage,

Just like the Great Horned Rat, his existence is still different from pure rat people. Otherwise, relying solely on the twelve council members to manage the rat people based on their faith or strength would probably have gone into chaos long ago.

"Epidemic Mountain needs a city lord. From now on, you will be the city lord here. Arnold, the lord of Epidemic Mountain City, will be responsible for managing everything big and small here. After your rat people complete the clan transformation, you will be responsible for all the city defense and internal planning. Take care of it with your ratmen."

"My God? Yes!"

Speaking of this, how could Arnold not understand what Yuge meant, that he was not planning on letting him retreat and use the twelve special clan ratmen in front of him who looked more promising.

"And you." Youge looked at the twelve Skaven eight-eyed ratmen who had been waiting for a long time in the other world. In the absence of the Horned Rat, these twelve were able to be so stable thanks to Without You Ge's existence, the world here would not be so stable. These [original clanless rat men] brought by Arnold will definitely become the "resources" they compete for.

"This is no longer the original world where Skaven lacked resources. I think you are already prepared for this. Next, you will follow Arnold to understand this world. All subsequent arrangements will be based on Arnold."

You Ge's face slid past the twelve eight-eyed rat men. Although there seemed to be no obvious changes in this faceless man's face, the gaze radiating from it made the twelve rat men terrified. chicken.

But there is no other way. At this time when everything is waiting for something to be done, no one wants to cause any problems to their own people.

"TheRed, yesyes~!"

The mixed and chaotic voices, but neatly shouted out respect for You Ge,

Youge nodded, walked forward, and connected to the exit on the other side. Suddenly, the towering [Epidemic Mountain Peak] appeared in front of the rats.

The permeating [Plague Amniotic Fluid] and the friendly atmosphere that spread out along the door of the other world immediately made these rat people feel a sense of urgency to return home.

"My God."

Arnold, the leader, and the more advanced eight-eyed rat-men in the royal city can still endure this fatal temptation, but they have begun to salivate over the eight-eyed rat-men from the Skaven world. These fatal temptations The rat man's eyes turned red,

If it weren't for You Ge's overriding identity suppressing him here, he might have broken out of the other world long ago, writhing, burrowing, and indulging in this land flowing with plague amniotic fluid.

"Well, I'll leave the rest to you."

As soon as the words fell, Arnold, who had calmed down his inner desire, bowed and saluted, and then led all the ratmen to the outside world there.

The moment the ratmen's feet stepped on the ground,

A clearer sense of connection appeared in Arnold's heart than before. How could there be such a land in the world that fits the ratmen so well? If the ratmen had such land all the time, perhaps he could cultivate ratmen close to Lv40 level.

This feeling of returning home, this environment that fits the ratmen's innate attributes all the time, even if Arnold sits still, he feels that he can cultivate countless mid-level ratmen.

Surviving in such a place, there is no need to worry about not becoming strong!

"Begin! Don't just stand there, draw a map of the Plague Mountain area, set up outposts, and in an hour, I want to see all the information about the surroundings!"

"Yes, sir!"

It can be seen that Arnold's execution ability is still very high. He was just briefly addicted. After the order was issued, the eight-eyed rats from the royal city quickly spread around.

"Sir, there is a gathering area similar to the Black Crows in the Dead Tree Ridge in the back."

"Sir, there are small spider tribes at the foot of the mountain, and there are spider tribe nests between the mountains. We are exploring them."

"Sir, Black Crow Gu is here!"

The information about Plague Mountain was quickly collected by Arnold, and Gu, who was attracted by the crow tree in the back mountain because he was waiting for Youge, was also discovered and surrounded by the rats.

This is the [God-given Land] that their gods found for them. How can they share it with aliens? !

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