Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 496 The child of Youge and Lan Ruisha...the thin beast

Of course, this mountain is also connected to the spider cave in Kahayu.

Plague amniotic fluid is just the foundation. In the endless darkness, there are countless curses. Occasionally, spiders suddenly fall from the sky above the mountain, or they are surrounded by the [Bone-eroding Cursed Wind] blown by an inexplicable whirlwind in a cave. Let the interior of the arena become dangerous at all times.

Around the arena, a large lake of plague amniotic fluid has been dug out to prevent the gladiators who were sent from escaping. At the same time, the plague amniotic fluid flowing in the outer city has also been planned. Return here,

Rather than leaving it outside, it is better to flow into the mountain for better preservation.

The second thing is about the "children" who were born by Lanrisa and used to protect the arena.

You Ge silently took a look at the things in the other world area that belonged to Lan Risa. He chose to save her at first, mostly because of the subordinate relationship between the other party and himself. After all, he was his subordinate and his own person, but now he thinks about it. , it seems that the reason why he chose to save the other party like that was partly because of the other party's talent [Chaos], which is indeed a rare and excellent talent.

And the other part

In fact, the taste has changed, especially the thought of integrating part of oneself into it, which is taboo from a human perspective.

during this time

Just by not paying attention, this [Incarnation of the Beast] has already done what can be called an inevitable thing for so long.

In Lan Risa's other world area, she has been soaked in countless amniotic fluids.

You Ge didn’t know how to describe these things, amniotic fluid blisters? Umbilical cord? There is also [heterogeneous ovarian residual tissue] in one place.

Except for a part of the space and passages that are needed to transport the gladiators selected from the great world of the Kingdom of Chaos, the rest of the world is occupied by huge transparent amniotic blisters, and countless umbilical cords are wrapped around the ground. , spreading from the bottom of the amniotic blister to the core of it all.

The core of Lanrisa is a huge [meat pillar] used to absorb the chaotic atmosphere spreading from the chaotic arena. There are countless convex air inlets on it, which continuously suck in the air that floats in from the entrance. The atmosphere of chaos,

She is smarter. She no longer directly absorbs it alone, and after exceeding her own upper limit, she transfers all the remaining chaotic aura into the amniotic fluid bubbles in her own world to cultivate these so-called hers. He Youge’s lovely offspring.

One by one, there are some slender and thin bodies that are constantly beating in the amniotic fluid bubbles.

These species already have the characteristics of Youge and Lanrisa, the slender beast body after Lanrisa transformed into a beast body, and the slender beast body hidden in Youge's own memory from the original [Slender Ghost Shadow·Slan] Master】Some shapes of the weird tentacles on the back are highlighted.

"Thin Beast"

This is the so-called crystallization of the love between You Ge and Lan Risa, the countless thin beasts that beat uneasily in the other world.

To a certain extent, these are Youge's "biological children". Judging from the perspective of female and male sexual reproduction, they are all good children in Youge's [traditional sense].

But from another perspective, these thin beasts are still very good. The slender beasts lurking in the darkness are far from the graceful hunting of prey by the Slanda people.

Once a suitable prey appears, this group of thin beasts will appear collectively, emerge from the darkness, capture the prey and send it to the other side of the world, to Lanressa's arena to serve as their new pleasure.

Of course, there are countless thin beasts who will actively ask to participate in the gladiatorial arena.

They use their slender arms and the four blood-red tentacles that are constantly twisting out from their vests to kill their enemies, making them wail in the arena, and finally turn them into their own blood food.

Thereby giving their mother and father their most wonderful performances to make each other happy.

It’s not unacceptable. These little things are very cute if you see them too much. They are good for enriching the plague mountain. Compared with the rat men, this group of thin beasts born from chaos is indeed more suitable for maintaining the gladiatorial arena. existence, there is no need to worry that the other party will be completely corrupted by chaos.

"How long is it expected to take until the construction is completed?" You Ge's message sounded in Arnold's heart again.

"My God, it is expected that the outer layer of the mountain will be completed in a week. The specific inner layer still needs the cooperation of Master Huijie."

"Well, how long has Henderson been there."

"It's been seven days since we arrived here. After Lord Huijie looked at my city construction plan, he selected the inside of the mountain."

It has been seven days, and the [Gray Zone] has not shown any expected appearance. There is something wrong. Could it be that there is some trouble?

"Did he ask for anything?"

"No, there have been no changes in that area, and we can't detect it." Arnold is also very familiar with Henderson's methods on Gray Street. If someone breaks in like this, there will definitely be problems, and it's not like he was there in the first place. They were helpless in the streets of Xincheng that had been made lawless by this guy.


You Ge stood up and went to see what was going on in the gray street. He stepped off the throne, and the dead blood squirmed under his feet.

Youge passed directly through the window in the hall that was used to view the rat city on the mountain below, and fell rapidly from the air. Following his special perception of the gray area, he chose the nearest passage that could enter the interior of the mountain, and quickly Fly in.

It's really deep.

It still flew for several minutes at the speed driven by the force field. This feeling was a bit unlike something excavated from a normal mountain. Could it be that this Gray Street has already started to move? If this was the case, it would be reasonable to say that Arnold couldn't detect it.

Continuing to move forward silently, the eyes of You Ge finally became clear.

There is a huge space inside the mountain, covered with gray fog. You can see beyond the surrounding ground and walls, but nothing else can be seen.

"It seems like this is still an information lock where the entrant passively accepts it?"

What about the floors and walls? These are all sight information passively fed into You Ge after entering this space. They are like a fixed picture.

"Mr. Red."

No matter what You Ge did, the layer of confusing information in front of him opened instantly, and Gray Street Henderson walked out of it.

With a slight bow of his head, Henderson turned sideways to make an invitation. After silent communication, Youge walked towards the direction the other party came from.

gray area,

The breath of chaos, the half-exposed world between the cracks, the crazy breath of the eight-eyed rat people, the death smell of the black crow people, and the slightest traces of the other world, all the breaths that existed in the Plague Mountain are mixed here, like waves. The sea waves are boiling crazily inside.

"This is?"

You Ge looked at everything in front of him and was instantly shocked. In the confusion, this wave revealed everything outside.

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