Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 518 Wake Up

"Why aren't Bo Beasts enough for you?" It was very sudden. Youge didn't have any resistance to this behavior, and he didn't even have any emotional waves. If it had been the case before, it might have been a little bit... Because of the embarrassment, Youge would get angry if there were outsiders, but now he didn't expect to be so calm.

It seems that the senses that come from humans have begun to disappear?

Touching the crotch may feel like touching the soles of the feet for Youge now. The curvature of the crotch and the curvature between the human legs are just a random choice when condensing the body.

"Hehe~ This isn't about caring about Mr. You Ge~" Lan Ruisha smiled playfully. No matter how You Ge behaved, she grabbed her twice hard and then withdrew her palm: "Not only is there nothing No more, even the physical touch is gone. Master You Ge, you have really given up completely."

Waving her hands, after knowing what she wanted to know, Lanrisa no longer had the desire to continue to understand Yu Ge. The desire for mating in the past suddenly disappeared at this moment, as if it was blank, and those past sustenances The emotions and expectations that Yu Youge had on his body all seemed to disappear without a trace of ripples.

Lanrisa, who turned around and twisted her waist, no longer even had the desire to stay here. After crossing the surrounding Elosili who occasionally squirmed "on Youge's body", she expressed her disdain in her heart.

They are all guys who don’t understand the benefits of mating, and those two stones have no [pleasure response] at all. Well, maybe, only when a knife is inserted into the other person’s body, there will be such an extreme reaction. , and even a real stone can be plated with pulp by her.

After opening the door to her own inner world, Lanrisa also returned to her own chaotic arena without looking back after Yu Ge returned safely, enjoying her own fun.

"Hey, Lord Youge," Pikeyu, who was surprised by Lanrisa's movements, continued to lean in quietly,

After the claws pierced and squeezed out several holes in You Ge's body, the latter recovered in an instant: "What an interesting life form. It is almost immune to physical damage. Unless it is physical damage that far exceeds the endurance, maybe it will It can cause harm to you."

"Well, an alternative force field life form."

matter, spirit, energy,

These three can not only achieve a certain degree of immunity, but also cause absolute damage at the same time.

Following Pikyu's movements, Youge also stretched out his tentacles, and after piercing Pikyu's solid body, the latter also released its automatic protection against the ghoul's touch.

Touched and scattered, Pikyou's surface skin immediately appeared with rotating wounds that seemed to be scattered. And after being stirred up, those scattered residues turned into corrupt substances, contaminating Pikyou's wounds. Inside, there is constant assimilation, being sucked and pulled out by Youge's tentacles.

"Fuck! A small black hole?! A suction power comparable to the Corrupted Devouring Eye?! Is it achieved so easily?"

Pikyu and Kahayu cursed at the same time. Is this body really going to kill them? This kind of change really makes everyone jealous to death.

"This is our characteristic and the advantage of our Yu clan. You can do it as long as you want. Under the same origin, as long as you reach Lv30 and want to reorganize your body, I can also transmit the information given to me by the coffin. You guys." You Ge twisted his face, looked at Kahayu behind Pike, and the extremely obvious message of ridicule came to his face instantly:

"The core will be shattered and completely softened by your own energy, body, etc. You must be prepared."

It doesn't matter if you are afraid of pain, but in the end it will definitely lead to endless suffering. Anyway, the red seal protects the consciousness and will not be shattered and reorganized into a new existence. But if you want such a powerful change, you must go through some necessary experienced.


It was very appropriate for You Ge to share his senses. The moment he saw Kahayu's arthropod spider legs, he trembled a lot.

"Lord Youge, there is no need to be like this."

The pain of having his core shattered can only be endured by Youge. For someone like Kahayu who is still closely connected with the body, the pain will be fed back to the body. Although the soreness is only for a moment, it is not what Kahayu wants. It needs to be experienced many times.

"Whether you need to hold the power in your own hands or not, you have to think about it yourself." You Ge just mentioned it slightly, and the rest was entirely up to his own avatar.

A small mention,

At this time, after the high-level officials of Epidemic Mountain City had gathered together, they all arrived here under the leadership of Arnold. Except for the rat people who could not return from outside, it was considered a big gathering.

"My God!"

The rat men in the front row all knelt on the ground and bowed their heads neatly to pay tribute to You Ge. The black crow man, demon spider, beak man and other alien races also bowed in rows in the back.

"Yeah." Nodding in the same way, Yu Ge's extremely oppressive gaze passed through all the aliens and then focused on the leader, Arnold.

This guy has made some progress. After all, they haven't seen each other for a few days, and he is getting better and better at flattering himself. With so many people coming to pay tribute to him, how could he not see his little thoughts.

"The arrangements are good, let's get down."

There is nothing to say. Although it was only a few days, the disconnection from the rats made them feel quite panic. This small meeting was more to show others that their gods still existed! All these arrangements were naturally easily discovered by Youge at this time.

Arnold was like a victorious rooster at this moment. He shook his head and walked out of the hall with other aliens proudly.

Then, the other incarnations also left here after silently watching Youge several times.


"Lord Youge!"

"Let's go, let's leave here too."

With a flash, the hall became quiet. Although Youge's consciousness was still sitting here, Lislim had returned to the huge Youge's corrupted devouring eye,

feeling and thriving with Youge's changes at this time, and also protecting him.

The Crimson Abyss,

This place is still the same as before, but the location is completely inside Youge's body, not the Eye of Corruption and Devouring. After a flash of darkness, an unusually ordinary coffin appeared here, black, wooden, no patterns, no machinery, just a simple old wooden coffin,

But there is something special in this coffin,

When you open it, you can find that Youge's body "Hall Asatos" is now sleeping inside, motionless except for the occasional dead blood flowing around the body, all pale.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in all directions of the Crimson Abyss, and Youge's consciousness returned to this body again,

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