Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 533 Tarax, Daughter of the Spider God

The balance of the Chaos Kingdom is the meaning of the existence of the Chaos Pantheon. No one wants to have another powerful one on top of anyone else, especially the four evil gods of Chaos. Only through mutual checks and balances can the entire Chaos Kingdom be stabilized to the current situation.

"I promise you, but I hope Kahayu can help me here."

Nurgle pondered for a long time, and the battle with the other three brothers and sisters was bound to begin sooner or later, but without the right opportunity, he had no chance of winning. Moreover, if he wanted to really start a melee, it would take more than one person. Enough is enough, we have to fight one against three.

"Hahahaha~ OK, welcome big fat man. Oh no, Lord Nurgle joins my god's camp."

Kahayu laughed loudly, and after wasting so much time, the evil god finally chose to join the spider god's abyss web. Looking back at Yuge and Pike, these three He was secretly happy at the same time.

This series of operations unexpectedly brought the other party into the group.

So in the future, this person wants to leave but really has no chance to leave.

The giant web of the abyss of Atrak Nakoa, the spider god, is always weaving endlessly, but it is undeniable that the purpose of this god weaving this giant web is to destroy the world. Apart from this matter, other Kaha You Ke told the other party truthfully.

And this is also Youge's purpose, to destroy the Chaos Pantheon, destroy the Chaos Evil God, occupy the Kingdom of Chaos, bring everything here into Youge's own hands, and then bring all the creatures in the world of Chaos into his deep realm. In the red light, trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions of human qualities were collected and put into his body.

Energy, matter, spirit, the trinity, pushed him to the altar!

No longer let this place be divided and occupied by various evil gods as if it were based on the characteristics of human nature, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

For example, the so-called four evil gods of chaos and the so-called god of plague, Nurgle, represent a quarter of human nature [Sorrow].

This is the plan in the minds of the three Youge people.

It's a pity that this action was not implemented before. There was no good entry point and no way to really destroy the Chaos Pantheon. But at this moment, under Nurgle's active inquiry, Kahayu took advantage of the situation and perfectly communicated with the opponent. After reaching a cooperation and connecting to the abyss giant network, without Kahayu's future help, problems will occur sooner or later.

Tangled in the web of the abyss, the Garden of Nurgle must become one of the worlds destroyed by the spider god Atrak Nakoa!


A small piece of the abyssal net spread out under Kahayu's feet. Without any movement, Kahayu began to call softly,

"Talax! Talax! Talax!"

The giant net slid slightly, and among the countless figures reflected behind the giant net, a smaller figure finally appeared with a slight movement, Tarax, the daughter of the Spider God!

This is the daughter of the Spider God that Kahayu spent countless hours to finally obtain.

It sounds very helpless. Don’t think that Kahayu can summon the giant web of the abyss at any time and he can enter and exit it at will. This entire giant web is under the control of the Spider God Atrak Nakya and countless daughters of the Spider God. It exists. Without the help of their special methods and mucus, Kahayu's slightest movement would be sensed by the other party.

Therefore, in order to have a good relationship with the Spider God's daughter, Kahayu could only passively fish outside, looking for the Spider God's daughter who could be attracted to him, and then take her to the Plague Mountain Erosion Valley. Enjoy it. Apart from anything else, those little spiders are really good at cleaning. After a few washes, the shell of the daughter of the Spider God became shiny.

And Tarax, the daughter of the Spider God, was naturally willing to get to know him a little more deeply because of her status as Kahayu's spokesperson.

It can be said that this daughter of the Spider God has been weaving nearly tens of millions of years of experience in this giant web of the abyss. Unfortunately, her figure is generally too thin compared to other daughters of the Spider God, so she often appears in the giant web. Will be collided with other daughters of the Spider God who focus on weaving work, causing deviations in the weaving work.

Although it is not difficult to make up for it, it is very sad to always be bumped into and get into trouble, especially since the daughter of the Spider God is very concerned about weaving giant webs, and it will take a lot of time to solve even a small problem. Repair, over time this situation naturally became the only problem on her mind!

"I can help you, but you also need to help me." Kahayu struck up a conversation with the other party very skillfully.

"You? How can you help me? If it weren't for the fact that the weaving cannot be carried out normally, I would not pay attention to you." The voice of Tarax, the daughter of the Spider God, was full of disdain for Kahayu, even if the other party was As a spokesperson, but above the master and slave, the weaving work still takes priority.

"Hehe, during the next sacrifice, I can ask the new daughters of the Spider God to isolate a knitting area for you. Although there is no guarantee that other daughters of the Spider God will pass by and disturb you, it can definitely reduce the number of The probability of you being disturbed.”

Kahayu can summon the giant web of the abyss to appear. Similarly, he can also select a specific giant web area within this summonable area to summon. Those daughters of the Spider God who are produced in large quantities for sacrifices, Naturally, she can also be thrown into a certain area,

Crowded, summoning the abyss giant web in sections, stuffing the daughters of the spider god in, can completely achieve the expected effect. When those daughters of the spider god weave to this place, it will be enough for him to perform the next sacrifice, and then find a new weaving place for the daughter of the spider god Tarax.

"Well, what is your request."

Talax naturally has a love of beauty when stroking his smoother shell, which is simply a feeling of beauty that cannot be more beautiful.

"To [involve] more daughters of the spider god for me, as the spokesperson of my god, I just hope that when I stand on the abyss giant web to fight, I can get your help, and when I promote the greatness of my god, I can be more... magnificent!"

Kahayu paused for a while:

"After all, without your assistance, I will look so low-level if I stand on the giant web alone."

So low-level, Kahayu's pause was actually to kneel down and lick the daughter of the spider god. Although he could not see the other party's actual reaction, he still achieved what he wanted in the end.

As for wanting more daughters of the Spider God to establish a good relationship with him, that is basically not something that can be easily achieved at this moment.

Now that he can get her help, it is also an unexpected surprise. And having her is completely enough. As long as there is a daughter of the Spider God who can take the initiative to influence the population, then the result will definitely not disappoint him.

"That's all?"

The multi-segmented spider legs in front of Tarax stroked his smooth shell,

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