"Lord Youge is walking so fast." After stepping out of the Crimson Abyss, they patted the corrupting devouring eyes that still belonged to Youge's timely control, and then each one of them was also thinking about themselves. Entering the passage leading to the pirate world,

As several figures disappeared, the Corruption Devouring Eye Liquid behind them just turned around, staring with huge pupils, and the place fell into calm again.

"It seems that this world is very important to TheRed." Nurgle, who noticed the changes in the passage, naturally saw the actions of Youge and others. They all went to this world one by one. It seemed that there must be something there. What they are eagerly pursuing: "It just so happens that while he is away, I can carefully study this majestic abyss."

The room next to Nurgle was already empty. Kahayu's move must be his own body, and there would be no clones to assist him.

pirate world,

In the sea under the bright sun, countless waves surged on the sea level. After groups of sea fish swam and swam from the water, a thick mist drifted from the distance.

The Devil's Triangle, the homeland of Moonlight Moria.

But unlike usual, this fog completely dispersed in a brief flash of white light. The shock wave that covered the entire area brought up countless debris remnants, which continued to fly outside.

Moonlight Moria was defeated,

Luffy and the others fainted in the white light, and the pirates who had been persecuted by Moria also fell into a coma among the ruins.

The only person standing in the arena was the tyrant Bartholomew Bear, one of the Seven Warlords!

As the day passed, without any interference, the plot progressed like history. The bear walked towards Luffy, and Zoro blocked the opponent. After some negotiation, the bear finally asked the extraordinary sentence. words:

"But on the contrary, I want you to see hell!"

A pink bear paw bubble popped out of Luffy's body. The bear's expression remained unchanged. He looked at Zoro who was waiting carefully and popped a small pink bubble in various directions.

There was a heart-breaking sound in Zoro's body. This was all the injuries Luffy suffered in order to protect his friends. The accumulation kept accumulating until finally he could no longer bear it. Luffy still would not fall down or cry out. A sound of pain and suffering accumulated pain.

at the same time,

On the other side, on the side of Moonlight Moria's terrifying three-legged sailboat, a door shaped like smiling lips and teeth opened at the bow,

Amidst the emptiness, looking from a distance above, I could see a leaf-like concave depression sliding out from the gate on the sea surface. The waves were rolling and turbulent. After causing countless ripples to spread to all directions, bursts of laughter rang out.

"Remove transparency!"

"Oh~ Hahahaha~ I finally escaped!"

Colors began to show little by little from the concave leaf shapes on the sponge, and a pirate ship with the flag of the Moonlight Moria Flame Bat appeared on the top of the waves.

A blond man with a lion's mouth - Absalom, Moria's subordinate, one of the three weirdos, and a user of the Superman Devil Fruit Transparent Fruit ability.

A big fat man with a bald head, a pointed nose, and bat ears - Hogback, is also one of the three weirdos, a genius surgeon who makes zombies, and a bad doctor who believes that money is better than life. As Moria's loyal men, these two men had a great deal of luck in avoiding the attack of the tyrant bear. They led Moria through the castle to find the ship and took out the three terrifying sailboats.

It's a pity that the good days didn't last long. When they exposed the ship, a shadow suddenly appeared and floated over the ship, interrupting Hogbark's hoarse laughter.


Absalom's lion's mouth immediately shouted at the shadow in the sky. There were many fruits that could fly. The fear caused by seeing the Tyrant Bear just now made him feel that even if a general appeared now, it would not be enough. However, due to his own greed, he still blurted out: "Is it a woman? I really want to find a wife!"

"Corpses, just corpses!" Staring at the shadows in the sky, Hogbak's gaze hidden behind his lenses echoed Absalom's words without shifting.

At this time, the shadow floating along with the ship finally revealed its true body. A huge body emerged from the darkness, and the crimson substance drifted away. The faceless man in red appeared for the first time in this vast land. In the world of pirates.

"Giant race? Another super giant race? Even bigger than Oz"

The pirate world, which is accustomed to the strangeness, did not feel any surprise about the faceless man in red. The first thing that came to mind was naturally to connect the other party within the scope of his knowledge.

But the situation did not continue like this,

The coercion spreading from You Ge immediately broke into the hearts of the two people below. It came from the specialness of extraordinary life, from the deterrence of the crimson light, and the sense of greatness that far exceeded their existence, making these two moonlights Moriah's men were completely in panic,

"Devil! Demon! He is the devil!"

For some reason, Absalom, who possesses the power of the fruit, couldn't help but think of these two words. He looked at the shadow in the sky gradually shrinking, and the body of the faceless man in red changed from large to small as he approached them. His panic turned into Waves of uncontrollable fear,


Compared with the fear of his companions who were constantly rolling and spinning on the ground, Hogbak's calm mind could still think at this moment. With such a small perception, he only had time to suppress Absalom, and the ship board Already covered by countless floating and suspended crimson substances, entangling the legs and feet of the two men, the trembling Absalom hid behind Hogubak with his trembling legs.

"Higher life. Or a big shot at the level of the Four Emperors"

As a doctor, Hogback was somewhat knowledgeable and was able to analyze part of Ace's arrest. This doctor was not all too rubbish.

However, Youge, who arrived in the pirate world at this moment, was still in the process of accepting and being shocked by this world, and did not care about the reactions of these two little bugs. If it were not for his own desire to corrode and attack the outside world, , in the process of falling, it found a foothold by default. Perhaps when it came into contact with the crimson substance, it had already swallowed and eliminated the opponent.

"Lord Moria"

Hogbark looked at Moonlight Moria, who was still in a coma. There was no zombie army, and he was seriously injured. His backbone was also in a coma. His companions didn't know why they were so panicked and frightened. There was only one wound left. Being sick doesn't help at all!

I dare not move at all,

This floating red substance seems to be trying to poke our legs. It feels super dangerous if it irritates the other person.

Huogubak moved his eyes, and as his eyes flickered, the doctor's soul instantly ignited.

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