Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 538 The Contaminated Moria

Yuge was not impressed by these two, but with the information collection ability, the simple profile of these two people was naturally captured by Yuge clearly.

And the most important thing is that Yuge did not know them, but the huge body lying on the deck behind was still very familiar, the comatose Moonlight Moria.

At present, Yuge has basically determined the historical direction of this world, especially the newspaper thrown to the ground by Hogback is also surrounded by crimson matter. The will in the scattered crimson matter can be seen at a glance. The general information of major events and the information about Fire Fist Ace.

"Lv5: Three Weirdos·Hogbaq; Skills: Surgery (Extreme);"

"Lv12 (Fake): Three Weirdos·Absalom; Features: Transparency (Fake);"

"Lv21 (Weak): Moonlight·Moria; Features: Shadow Control (Fake);"

Interesting information,

After only extracting and understanding some information about Hogbaq, Youge was full of interest in this pirate world. He didn't expect that such a small role could have such a great ability, and even the ultimate skill ability,

Entry, proficiency, mastery, master, ultimate. These were the boxing skills he first practiced when he came to this world. In the end, he relied on the help of the coffin to achieve the mastery level, but this also made him awaken his special ability of the meaning of death,

And this Hogbaq actually has this ultimate surgical ability.

"Above the ultimate."

Youge can now peek into deeper abilities. Above the ultimate, that is the skill that can be called immortal. How powerful and special immortality is is not what Yuge needs to consider now, but Absalom can indeed see how beyond imagination this extreme surgical ability is.

The lion mouth sewn on the human face and the obvious sewing marks actually made the other party not reject it at all. Of course, this is also closely related to the special physique of humans in the pirate world, but for ordinary people, this is not an operation that everyone can do.

"Skills, standardized information capabilities, after being reflected in the material world, the more powerful effect is achieved, interfering with the normal changes of the material world. Is this considered the specialness of the ultimate skills? If immortality is achieved, can it directly interfere with some operations of the material world?"

Yuge gathered the crimson material that spread around him, and the red tentacles composed of crimson material were also retracted under his body. He also slightly restrained his breath for the somewhat confused Hogback and the completely frightened Absalom, allowing them to calm down a little.

"Is it time for you to wake up, Moriah?"

Whether awake or unconscious, Moriah's acting skills really couldn't hide from Yuge's detection. Basically, Moriah had already woken up from his coma, but the previous battles with Luffy and Oz Zombie made him lose confidence again, and he didn't want to open his eyes in this sinking.

"Sir, are you from the World Government? CP0? If you want my head, take it now!"

Moriah saw the performance of his men. Although he also had countless fears in his heart, his last pride did not let him do anything that would lose face.


The faceless man moved closer, floating forward, and when he got closer to the other party, he stared at the other party's slightly narrowed eyes.

"Do you really think I am a member of the World Government? Or. Do you think the World Government is worthy of my existence?"

There is no comparison at all, but as the first person he met in this world, and also the person from the story that once touched Youge, he showed his existence to the other party.

The information was transmitted, the force field spread, and the crimson substance surrounded the surroundings. The huge corrupted devouring eye that was the same as the one in the Chaos Kingdom appeared in the sky. The real sense of gap was fully reflected in front of both parties this time.

"I heard that you want revenge? Kaido is ? "

The corrupted devouring eye, which seemed to be only a few meters in radius to outsiders, was now completely staring at Moriah below. The open mouth was filled with countless distorted human figures. In the outline of humanity, Moriah, who had those sad memories flashing in his mind, was frantically asking:

"I can help you! Real zombies, real undead, the power of death can all be mastered by you! You will never lose anyone again, Kaido cannot destroy you, no one can stop you, and the world government can only wail at your feet! "

"As long as you are willing to call my name, you will be able to get everything by calling it!"

The message that Youge conveyed to the other party was crazy and plain, and the message and desire in his heart made Moriah widen his eyes,

Revenge! He created so many zombies and obtained so many shadows, wasn't it just to seek revenge on Kaido?

But, not enough! Not enough! Not enough!

The giant Oz, who he placed his hopes on, couldn't even beat a newcomer in the end, so what ability did he have to defeat Kaido?

"Can you really help me? Hehehehe~" Moria suddenly laughed. Under Youge's interference, there were countless ripples in his heart, regardless of whether the other party was from the World Government or not. , no matter what kind of existence the other party is, even if it is a devil, so what, when Absalom felt panic, he also sensed the same thing. I am afraid that the other party's identity is really a devil, that kind of suppression This feeling made him have a sense of distrust in his own abilities for the first time, as if he could be stripped off by the other party at any time.

"Hehehehehe~ Calling you? Is this enough? Can I get everything? Get everything I want?"

Moriah ignored the two men around him who suddenly became quiet, and kept asking Youge repeated questions amidst the hysterical questioning.

"Yes, call my name. If you really want it, then you will know my real name!"

At this time, Moria no longer needed him to use any ability to induce the opponent's will. He just wanted to show a trace of the special power of immortality and death, and the large amount of information that came with it immediately broke into the opponent's heart. The zombie army, The Sea of ​​Bones of the Undead, the ability to have no fear of death, can be held in his own hands,

"your name."

A glimmer of red light appeared in Moriah's heart. He was lying on the ground as if he had caught the end of something.

What is crimson?

Moriah asked himself repeatedly. After turning from the lying position to lying down, he sneered and opened his big mouth like an arc. Those triangular teeth kept opening and closing, and the flying spittle was still stained. There was a lot of unknown red substance on it.

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