Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 545: Navy Movements

"A person who cannot be spoken, seen, or thought of, hey." Warring States sighed deeply. Even if the other party is clearly there, they are not an existence they can monitor at will, and no one dares to monitor the other party: " What else did they do? What else happened?"

Looking at the naval soldiers in front of him, Seng Guo knew without even thinking that after the Red Devil had been hiding for so long, such a high-profile sacrifice would inevitably cause an even greater sensation.

"Several pirate groups with a bounty of 50 million went to find him, and in the end, they were all eaten."

Naturally, there are pirates and navy to watch. Even if they don't come into contact with each other, they will hang at a distance. But that's it. Those brave pirates who are skilled in art think they can step on the pirates who are famous for Yu Ge. After the group went up together, nothing happened, and they were swallowed by the big eyeball statue in front of the bow.

"Let all the navy evacuate. We will ignore their affairs for the time being and provide all the intelligence to CP0 and Wulaoxing. Let them solve this troublesome matter."

Warring States, who only had three or four useful people under his command, did not want to continue to waste time on this kind of thing. The plot of being crushed by the opponent was still vivid in his mind. No matter how he targeted him, the result was still the same. The gap makes everything they do seem pointless.


Warring States dismissed the soldier, and the generals and lieutenant generals who came in one after another made the whole office anxious.

"Kizaru, what did you remember?"

Seeing the yellow clothes flashing in front of his eyes, Zeng Guo, who had just rested his breath, couldn't help but ask again.

"Ah? No, I really don't know where I provoked the other party." Seeing Sengoku's sad face, Kizaru couldn't help but said something terrible in his heart. He always felt that the other party was going to do something to him. Similar.

"Well", Sengoku lowered his head slightly and twitched his mouth before looking at the others: "As for Fire Fist Ace, postpone it for one day. After the reconstruction of the Navy Headquarters is completed, it will be time to implement the plan!"

"Marshal?" One of the lieutenant generals came up and asked quickly while looking at Warring States: "Why don't we just observe the one in red for a moment?"

The one in red was inevitable. These people did not dare to directly call Youge any special words related to him, so they could only mention it in a vague way.

"Wait, is it useful?" Warring States raised his head and said with a serious face: "With such an existence, do you have any good ideas? Are we going to retreat completely just because of the other party's existence? Just what? Don’t even do it? This is the time for our navy to show our prestige. How can we lose the justice we want to uphold because of a small setback!”

Warring States' voice gradually became louder and he continued to reprimand harshly:

"The navy will not dare to take any action because the opponent is too powerful. Even when facing Roger and Whitebeard, we have never flinched!"

"Yes! Marshal!"

Everyone responded in unison, Akainu's voice being the loudest.



"Be prepared to evacuate at any time. If the red one gets here, you know what to do."


Kizaru touched his chin. For the first time, he became a bait, a bait that had no choice but to run away.

After all the generals retreated, Warring States slowly relaxed his body and sat down.

"Hey, I hope there won't be any problems, Kizaru."

Warring States and the two old friends who stayed in the office, Lieutenant General He and Garp, looked at each other again and again. Before telling the generals what was going on, they had already considered all the possibilities. Kizaru was the most likely of all plans. The person who had something happen during this battle,


In fact, they would rather say that Kizaru has been regarded as an abandoned son by them, in order to reverse the situation of the entire sea!

"Warring States, does it have to be like this?" Garp's face was clouded, and he couldn't help but ask. His grandson, generals, family ties, career, etc. all began to swirl in his heart. Brewing.

"Garp." Lieutenant General He blocked Sengoku's words, looked at his old partner and said: "Kizaru is ready, and so is Ace."

They always have to pay back when they come out. For the sake of justice and for the things they protect, they make every choice and think carefully before every action.


There was a sigh in the office, and he seemed to have aged a lot in the blink of an eye.


"How are you, Lord Youge? What did you find?"

The three people who had been wandering on the sea for a long time, after capturing several pirates with devil fruits, Yu Ge began to taste them carefully.

"If you can't catch it, you can't get the information in the opponent's body just by doing this."

Youge chewed a pirate whose face could no longer be seen clearly in his mouth. The corrupted body and twisted spirit were in Youge's mouth for a moment, as if countless years had passed, watching the other person's body beating continuously. Heart, vaguely felt the madness in the other party's heart.

Spit out this pirate,

Although it is just an ordinary animal devil fruit, it is still not one that Youge can take away easily.

After falling into the sea, and completely submerged in the sea water, the pirate was completely corrupted and disappeared into the world.


Inside the ship, the deprivation was also going on at the same time, causing some interesting things to happen to the other captured devil fruit users.


Yuge looked at the so-called imitation of Blackbeard's deprivation of Whitebeard's action, and searched for the fruit ability in the heart of the pirate, but there was no progress. It was really the special ability of the Dark Dark Fruit. At least before Yuge found the key point, he could not deprive it casually.

And the constant stimulation of the other party's body in an attempt to find out how this pirate used the devil fruit ability, there was no progress.

"Fusion to explore the spiritual field, take advantage of the explosion, see if you can capture anything special."

Yuge also placed a few ordinary fruits obtained from the other party's cabin on the ship. The devil fruit pirate who had been corrupted in the sea before, his ability was not transferred to the fruit here, which made Yuge's plan a little out of touch again. The only way now is to try to merge and see if he can get some useful information.

The crimson substance invaded,

After entangling the opponent's mind, the remaining two relatively intact pirates began to twitch wildly,

and then the hands and feet that were controlled were released, and the two pirates began to smash wildly inside the hull.

"An animal *** fruit and a superhuman wood-wood fruit, both look good, but it depends on the person. If it is not developed well, it will be the same as waste."

You Ge ignored the roars of the two people, and after the crimson substance increased its strength, it began to invade the opponent's mind in an all-round way!

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