Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 55 The owner of the convenience store

Two kilometers is not too much, not too little, and Youge walked slowly for more than ten minutes.

After sensing the strange breath from the forest, Youge was relieved. It was obvious that the Slanda people were not much stronger than him, but he didn't know how strong they were.

And now Youge can be regarded as an employee working for them.

After seeing enough benefits from Youge, the Slanda people would not act easily.

At the same time, in the eyes of the Slanda people, this strange human also revealed a sense of weirdness, and there was an illusion of seeing the same kind, but the strong human breath on him was not fake.

So he kept an observational mentality and silently paid attention to Youge's actions.

"HP convenience store, um. The end of 52nd Street." After crossing several roads according to the numbers, Youge finally found the convenience store recorded in the letter.

The unremarkable billboard only had two simple tilted and bold HPs, hanging on the two-story building at the end of the street.

The area near the end of the street is not a luxurious area, and the dilapidated walls are covered with various graffiti.

"Can you really earn tuition fees in this kind of place? It's good enough that the boss is not robbed." Just seeing the scene at the end of the street, You Ge was full of doubts about the place where he worked.

Pushing the door and entering, the store was neatly arranged with various goods. Except for a huge bear head specimen behind the counter, there was nothing special in the whole store.

"Hey, Hall boy, aren't you going home to pack up today? Why are you in the store?" A dry old woman walked out of the lounge of the convenience store with her hands behind her back: "Why do you want to help the old woman look after the store today? But there is no salary!"

"Ah, just come to take a look, there is nothing to clean up at home."

After a casual response, You Ge stood aside.

If you say too much, you will be exposed, and You Ge really has nothing to say.

"I know you are a cold-faced kid with a kind heart. Here, these are the things that my old children used before. If you don't mind, you can use them." From under the counter, the old woman took out a large bag of old items such as stationery, books, and backpacks.

"Zahara?" The most conspicuous of the old items was the black schoolbag. A faint name could be seen on the white name tag on the back of the schoolbag.

"Oh, this is the backpack that the old woman used when she was a child. I have kept it all the time. If you don't mind, you can take it away and use it. There is no point in keeping it here."

Looking at the old woman's narrowed eyes, You Ge almost wanted to poke it directly. The residual bloody smell on the schoolbag was so strong that it reached his nose.

"Lv5: Hands hidden in the schoolbag, attribute: parasitic"

The nose moved slightly, and You Ge smelled at least a dozen different human smells from the bloody smell. Looking at the old woman again, is she really a human? Apart from old age and frailty, there is no problem.

Pulling the sight back to the items the old woman took out, there was at least a tiny black shadow behind each item.

Is there something controlling all this?

After a long time without seeing You Ge's reply, the old woman seemed a little impatient: "Forget it, forget it, I know you don't like it, so I'll take it back."

"Wait!" You Ge hurriedly grabbed the schoolbag: "I don't dislike it, I'm just a little excited suddenly, since you said so, how could I not want it!"

Before the old woman continued to nag, You Ge turned around and ran out without looking back: "I have to buy some other things today, I'll take the schoolbag first, thank you!"

"Oh, slow down and come next time." The old woman's face showed joy, and she didn't keep You Ge. When she couldn't see anyone anymore, she turned around and walked back to the lounge.

From behind, a pale pair of hands supported the old woman's spine, pulling and pulling the muscles to walk into the house.

The old woman's appearance also changed from a flexible human to an [object] with drooping limbs and wide eyes, just like a puppet.

A sharp female voice was heard in the room: "This kid is so weird today, and the smell on his body has completely changed. I really don't know what weird things he has started to do again. It's so troublesome to give something."

In fact, Youge in the [background] is a small minion who works for the aliens. No matter it's windy or rainy, he will always take some strange things and secretly give them to people who happen to meet on the road or other places. According to the plan, after Youge was admitted, he had a better chance to make a move. In school, whether he threw something or mentioned an urban legend, countless stupid children would rush to play. In the eyes of Thatcher and the convenience store owner, Youge's status instantly became more important. This is why one provided tuition and the other provided a website.

They even gave Youge a day off to prepare for school.

In their eyes, Youge is an orphan after all, and has never been in contact with human society. It still takes some time to get familiar with it. If he is directly exposed, it will be too difficult to find such a [convenient] bad boy next time.

You Ge, who left alone, naturally had no way of knowing this. It was almost dusk and the streets were sparsely populated. Only through the occasional lights could a few figures be seen flashing.

Looking at the schoolbag in his hand, You Ge certainly would not take the initiative to carry it.

Even if he wasn't afraid, he didn't want to take the initiative to put an unknown alien on his back, and it was a parasitic alien. If it wasn't in a convenience store, he wouldn't even want to touch it. But this thing can be used, and it's a good choice to show it to Thatcher.

Thinking back to this old woman, although Youge didn't know what her relationship with these weird items was, if she was really just an ordinary person, she would never be as calm as today. Being able to live in peace with [them], if they are not the same kind, they are at least more advanced.

After returning to his small shabby house and throwing his schoolbag on the sofa, Youge lay on his bed and sent a message to Thatcher.

"[schoolbag picture.jpg], are you interested?"

It was only a second, and Youge even felt that his eyes didn't leave the last word he typed, and Thatcher sent a message.

"These weird things again, that old woman doesn't find it annoying at all."

Hmm? It seems that [background Youge] always gives it to Thatcher. If he continues to guess, he should use these things to get the high tuition fees from the convenience store.

"Forget it, Hall will just throw it to the school this time. It's good to use these gadgets to liven up the atmosphere.

Those things you treat as treasures, such as scary pencils and twisted ghost mirrors, are not fun at all. Let's focus on our plan."

As if he felt the contempt of Thatcher on the opposite side, Youge's face was full of confusion. Just scary things? This is a Lv5 thing, with special characteristics. Wait. The scary pencil that Thatcher said, could it be that I just took something slightly more advanced this time?

I'm curious and want to ask, are all the recent collections robots? No complaints, no votes, everyone is so quiet and weird to shoot

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