Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 567 Experiment

From the very beginning, the condensation of this sequence did not come from Youge himself, but after he obtained some key points in detection, it was condensed by the coffin for him, just like worms and magic rats, both of which were collecting each other. After the corpse, the message sequence was interpreted by the coffin.

I just had the result of sitting back and enjoying the results.

"Carbon-based species, microorganisms, marine fish, terrestrial animals, mammals, oviparous species, insects." You Ge started to conduct a detailed inspection of the smallest biological species, step by step, and constantly circled around human beings. Come.

"In fact, there is no difference, but why do humans produce a sweet smell on their bodies?"

You Ge didn't find anything special, but in terms of results, only humans are the most special.

"Purity? Habits, and evolution! It's human nature that makes the difference!"

The doubts did not last long. Youge soon discovered the difference again. The things hidden in the human sequence were unfolded in front of him one by one. As long as he carefully dismantled them all the way, he found that the problem was not Disaster.

The differences between carbon-based organisms mostly come from the gap in wisdom of life, and the biggest problem with this gap is the difference brought about by human nature. Just like Youge himself, when he tastes the delicious food of human nature, he becomes more I like the taste of humanity after being stimulated,

Just like the blood pool built for him by the lovely group of rat people on the Skaven continent, those human memories that were imprisoned in the darkness and silent for thousands of years are all the best delicacies.

"This is the special delicacy inherent in the human body. Every human body can give birth to excellent human nature at any time. This is really the key to delicacy, the pure and sweet beginning. Human nature is equivalent to a baby that is not contaminated at all when it is born!”

"And if you want this human nature to have a more delicious change, it is equivalent to adding special changes to human nature. For example, in the Warring States Period of Buddha, if you want to load his abilities, there will inevitably be changes in this human nature. The more Buddhist types, the angels of the human fruit fantasy beast type, the demon beasts of the human fruit fruit type, primitive people, and savages, all of which will cause this body to have a huge deviation when it is conceived from the original human nature. "

"Not to mention animal species, even an adult will have changes in habits and certain shortcomings if he eats it. If this changed body is reborn with a new consciousness, the result will inevitably be many differences. "

"However, this is not necessary. The birth of consciousness is only a matter of time. When sacrificing and pleasing the gods, there is no need for the sequence people to give birth to a complete consciousness. Their flavor has already lingered in the body."

"It's nature!"

"The biggest gap between people! This is the real key. Inject the information of Devil Fruit into human nature, and naturally he will touch his own inspiration point at any time, thus stimulating his own differences. These do not require acquired fusion or acquired changes, they are innate to him!”

Innately, Youge found the key to modifying the human sequence. Humans are still humans, but these humans will undergo huge changes in the future growth process, and they will definitely not be ordinary ordinary humans.

"Try! Try it first!" You Ge's will flowed, and after sinking into his own inner world, he immediately walked towards the area covered by the germ carpet.

Without the earth that was used as a production base for sequence humans, the warmest place under him at the moment that was suitable for cultivating sequence humans was the living area he arranged for the fungi in the other world.

After randomly selecting an area and isolating it from the normal other world and from the invaders who sneaked in from various subordinate universes, the body of a young serial human whose head had just emerged from the carpet was killed by Youge. Determine your own transformation goals.

It was a young human baby embryo. Surrounded and protected by the germ blanket, only its back was exposed. There was no umbilical cord. Only countless germ blankets in contact with it provided the baby with what it needed through touch. nutrition.

"Babies that are about one month old are just beginning to take on a human shape, and have not yet undergone any growth changes. In about an hour, they will grow to be five months old, and then they will start to absorb the nutrients delivered by the carpet crazily. Next, After two hours, he successfully grew up."

Except for this isolated area,

In other parts of the fungus carpet, you can still see countless things like what You Ge said happening constantly. Sequence people, like mushrooms after a spring rain, crawled in the fungus carpet to support their bodies, confused. Looking around,

Then in the next half hour, they began to give birth to their own subtle consciousness, aware of what they should do in their bodies and memories, and then went to the city of the fungus to become a combatant under the command of Youge. .

Of course, this is just the way of using Sequence People here. When sacrifices are needed, the consciousness of this group of Sequence People will not be born, but will be maintained in a hazy state, completely obeying Youge's will.

I touched the fungus carpet under my feet,

You Ge's tentacles inserted around the baby and began to affect the other's growth. Pieces of information began to enter, and began to be continuously injected around the baby's body.

The word "nature" represents a lot of things, and it was not difficult for Youge to modify this matter.

Nature, I should think so, this is my thing, this is me, this is me!

How can a sequencer think that this is himself?

It seems troublesome, but it is actually very simple. The sequencer will not think so at all. As the information is injected, it entangles the other party's body. The perception and self of the sequencer are entangled with this information.

This makes them inseparable from this information from the beginning of creation. They have become a community.

And the biggest factor,

Humans can never ignore their physical feelings!

From the initial creation, it was disturbed by information. This is Youge's initial experiment, direct intervention, so that the information has a certain fusion.

"Speed ​​up the catalysis and see what this sequence person will look like when he grows up."

An hour later, the baby that Youge was concerned about had grown up. Although he was not as golden as when Zhan Guo used his ability, the smell that was wrapped around him had changed.

The energy nearby was collected by Youge. The baby, who was obviously stronger, immediately showed more obvious growth changes.

"Well, the image is somewhat similar. The skin emits a faint light. If placed in a world dominated by Buddha nature, he might be a living Buddha.

However, if there are nearly ten thousand reincarnated living Buddhas, such a world may be in chaos in an instant."

Nearly ten thousand. If necessary, Youge may use hundreds of millions of living Buddhas to mess up the world.

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