Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 574 Black Death Plague

He held back the gushing desire in his heart and immediately separated from this fragment in the blink of an eye.

Under the pretense, the horned rat also placed the fragment on the tool table on the other side of the opponent with great disappointment: "It's a really good dessert, but it's a pity that it's not suitable for me."

Shaking his head, he paid tribute to Kukas and once again gave him some [Tool Ratman] sent from the other world.

He placed piles of bladders on the table where the materials were placed, performing the same auxiliary tasks as before, casually chatting with Kukas about the plague.

As the Horned Rat left and moved to the other world, the long-unbearable heart finally burst out. The plague that covered the sky, the destruction of everything, the complete destruction, and all kinds of destructive emotions came from the heart of the Horned Rat. Appeared, surrounded the horned rat, and gradually swallowed him up,

In the midst of confusion, in the already dark inner world, the figure of the Great Horned Rat was gradually no longer visible. The only thing that belonged to the place where the Great Horned Rat was was the buzzing noise that kept echoing in the air.

"The Black Death's Throne."

The voice of the Great Horned Rat suddenly came out among the buzzing, and very obvious black floating particles appeared around the seemingly empty inner world. They grew from small to large, constantly surrounding the middle in the air. rotational vibration,

"The Black Death: The ultimate destructive disease transformed from the heart of the horned rat. The Black Death destroys all infected matter."

Combined with its own specialness, this power also contains the divinity of the Demon Rat, which represents the Great Horned Rat. The feeling of destroying everything directly gives people an overwhelming sense of oppression.

"There is also the information about the plague devil fruit given by my god, and my mark."

The Horned Rat's hand was wrapped with the power of the Black Death, and a mark floated from it, all reflected in the Horned Rat's eyes.

The red seal of the great horned rat,

It has to be said that the Devil Fruit's ability has given the Horned Rat a great help. No matter how powerful the Horned Rat's previous abilities were, they were only aimed at living beings. Just like Nurgle's plague, they are actually more likely to be contaminated by substances and become a creature. A state that remains for a long time, contaminating everything that passes by.

However, the Horned Rat's disease ability, with the blessing of the Devil Fruit, has begun to directly target matter, rendering the matter covered by its ability into a state of black death.

Just like a golden fruit, the awakening of the fruit will directly transform the surrounding materials into gold.

The Horned Rat transforms everything around it into various substances composed of the Black Death.

This ability to directly change, coupled with the horned rat's original ability, directly shows a tendency of destruction to the outside world.

Not just infecting and transforming organisms,

It is able to cover all external objects with layers of broken black veil, and after it is shattered, it will directly turn into black dust.

In this regard, the power that was originally given to him by Youge has now begun to transform into the same destructive ability like the Black Death under this change.

And when he gradually becomes familiar with this new power, the Horned Rat can finally be regarded as coming to the fore.

"lv28, not bad. When you continue to awaken your force field and enter level 30, maybe you can try this." You Ge once again unfolded the information about the extraordinary life transformation that he had undergone when he broke through lv30, " Be prepared before going. Although the power of the seal will definitely protect your heart, the process is not something you think you can handle. "

During these times, the reason why no other incarnation has also chosen to undergo such a change is not only because of the terrifying feeling of tearing and twisting oneself, but also because the general spirit has a high chance of undergoing such changes. develop self-destructive tendencies,

After being fused with the crimson substance by Pikey, he studied this change and really had to admire the original body. The mice he used to test all became confused during the process. The red seal can protect the will, but if a person who is caught in the extraordinary transformation loses his mind due to pain and tear in his heart and falls into a blank instinct, it is equivalent to no protection.

After all, tearing oneself apart is not something that can be ignored.

"Yes, my God!"

Extraordinary? The Horned Rat weighed himself. If he did it alone, the chance of success seemed very small. However, this kind of change was not what he longed for. Maybe he would wait until one day when he was strong enough to do this under the light of my god. Change it.

"Most of the rat people in the universe under the Chaos Kingdom have been screened out and sent to the world of the royal city, and they have begun to fill the personnel vacancies in the Plague Mountain." Youge gave the horned rat some time to think, and he also explored the horned rat's background. Throne information, this kind of ability that comes from the heart of living beings is really strange.

"As you command, my God!"

"It's time for you to go to the King City World to experience this special area. Although the Kingdom of Chaos is powerful, it still lacks many key things."

Youge's figure was motionless. He felt like a private ranch in the Kingdom of Chaos, raising countless subordinates. Subject to the special conditions of the world, at most he was equivalent to a slightly advanced herder.

But it is different in the world of the royal city. Those high-level existences and infinite possibilities are far beyond what the Kingdom of Chaos can look upon. Even if he is not the only herder in the Kingdom of Chaos, the difference is always a difference and cannot be ignored.

The Horned Rat's throne was placed in its place,

As his figure disappeared, Youge also separated his crimson substance, passed through the connection in the Tongyi Peak Palace, and reached the supreme throne.

The peak palace of Epidemic Mountain,

Through the viewing window in the hall, as You Ge focused on collecting information from the outside world, he constantly felt the changes in Epidemic Mountain over time.

"Although there is a big gap in background, the cohesion of the rat people is far beyond what humans can easily achieve!"

The running rat men under the mountain, and the rat men constantly marching underground and in the mountains, are far more "vibrant" than humans.

"Arnold's practical ability is still good. He has many earth memory banks that exceed the humanistic level of this world as a backup reference. It is much more convenient than him accumulating experience on his own."

Leaving quietly, Epidemic Mountain can still operate perfectly even without his presence. As long as it does not touch the unknown, it slowly accumulates until it can really stand on this world.

Come to the Chaos Arena of Epidemic Mountain,

You Ge unexpectedly appeared in this place that he had never set foot in before.

"Ah~ Master Youge~ Why are you interested in coming to my place today~" As Lan Risa's former mating partner, she still has a lot of affection for this person in her heart.

"Well, I just came to take a look. See if there is anything interesting in this arena that you have been running for so long."

You Ge stood beside Lan Risa. Except for some of the hybrid beasts who were serving this incarnation, no one noticed You Ge's appearance.

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