Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 59 The football team starts to become strange

Two hours have passed since David was parasitized in the toilet.

Everyone who is so unaware is still living their daily lives, and the daily life of the football team is extra training after school. Not only can they increase their credits, but if they perform well, they can be promoted to some powerful teams by the coach in advance.

By the time Harry found David, there were only 10 minutes left before training started.

"David?! What are you doing? Training is about to start."

"Huh?" David, who had his back to Harry, removed his hands from his face, and his eyes, which were originally the same color as his skin color, returned to their normal appearance.

"Harry? Training! Let's go to training quickly." David's face showed a strange twist, and he quickly took Harry's hand and ran towards the playground.

"David, slow down, slow down! If you run like this, you'll get your period after training!" When Harry struggled to break free from David's hands, David disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, what happened? Did you really take the wrong medicine today?" Looking at the bloody fingerprints on his forearm, Harry really wanted to punch his brother a few times.

After looking at the training that was about to begin, Harry ignored his pinched arm and hurried over, hoping that he could get through today's training and not get into trouble because of this minor injury.

rugby training ground,

By the time Harry arrived, everyone was standing in line on the field.

As the two qualified newcomers joining this time, at least the coach can tolerate it being a little late.

Harry was urged to line up next to David.

"David, Harry! You two have just joined, let me see your abilities first!" When a new player joins the team, the coach must first be familiar with the abilities of the new players. Several players in rugby pay more attention to it. The most important thing is physical strength, arm strength and flexibility.

Needless to say, physical fitness, all sports pay great attention to physical training, and arm strength is related to whether the person on the field can throw enough threatening rugby balls, such as bullet balls, spin balls, long passes, etc. It is necessary It is an action that can only be performed with strong arm strength, and strong arm strength can more easily catch the powerful passes thrown by teammates. If there is insufficient strength on the court and fails to catch or pass the ball in time, the result will be in vain. .

"The first item is flexibility!" After coach Cooper arranged ten footballs in a straight line, he asked the two of them to start an S-shaped move.

Harry's situation was not bad. He turned around several times in a decent manner, so he was indeed a somewhat basic person.

What was surprising about David was that he didn't seem to need to change his force at all when turning around, and kept charging at the same speed. In Cooper's eyes, it didn't even feel like he was at full strength.

"Not bad, hahaha, it's a good prospect. Try again!" In surprise, he threw the football in his hand directly to David.

"Bullet ball!"

David stretched out one hand and caught it steadily!

Satisfied, how could the coach be dissatisfied when meeting such a talented person: "Not bad, not bad! Harry, vote for me and give it a try."

Coach Cooper, who was in a very good mood, suddenly thought that the two brothers, Harry, might also have a super long side.

It's a pity that it's just an average long pass, and when it reaches the coach's hands, it's only at the level of an ordinary player: "It's okay. Harry, try the position of guarding the peak first. David, go and throw a few balls and have a look. If it's good, you can consider it." Let’s try quarterbacking!”

The test of the two of them was obvious to everyone. This extremely talented boy attracted attention right from the start. As other teammates, other than being envious, there was no room for participation.

As for David's super long performance, Harry was completely at a loss: "This kid, is he hiding such a skill? I have never seen him so powerful before. Could it be that he was stimulated in physical education class?" After all, they are still brothers. If it is true, If you can be appreciated by the coach, no matter what, you will also enjoy the success together. With a change of mentality, Harry also expected David to make a winning shot that would attract everyone's attention.

Turn the scene to David,

The wrist hidden in the shadows creaked. When the coach said to throw the ball, a boney palm appeared on the back of David's right hand. With a sudden burst of power, the football in his hand flew towards the training center in the field. ,


This speed and intensity had to surprise the coach: "Another shot?"

Without looking back, David picked up the football on the ground and picked up another one.

"Spin ball!"

"Hahahaha!" The coach's face was completely crazy. He is really a genius. Is he going to have a superstar under his command?

After grabbing David, he walked directly to the lounge at the back. If he didn't communicate with such a genius again, it would be heartbreaking to be seduced away by others.

"Hey, he is your brother, you are really going to make it this time."

Several teammates who approached Harry one after another had to sigh. With such a brother, no matter how jealous these people were, they could only rely on him, let alone how the coach would support him as a treasure.

After the two people in the lounge left everyone's sight, David exuded a cold aura and quickly held Cooper's hand.

"David? Hmm." The coach's eyes were distracted for a moment. After a cut was made on the hand being held, a pair of withered hands quickly crawled out from David's schoolbag in the lounge and slipped into the coach's hand.

In just the blink of an eye, a hint of strangeness appeared on Cooper's face.

The two smiled at each other and moved their target to the few people who were still training outside.

And this group of ordinary people who were unaware of the danger were still teasing what kind of preferential treatment the coach would give to this newly emerged genius.

"Harry! Come here." Harry, who had just been playing with others outside, was inexplicably called in.

Not long after, the eighteen members of the team were called in one by one.

So far, the entire olive team has become a parasitic [container]. The eyes of rows of olive players have all turned into skin color. If you look closely, you will find that one hand on each side covers the eyes from under the skin, and there is a faint sense of strange vision from the back of this hand.

That night,

The 18 members returned home. Except for the single coach, all the team members carried out unspeakable atrocities at home.

These people have long lost their minds under the parasite, and the family affection they once had has become a bond that connects humans and aliens.

There was no scream or any strange vision in the quiet night. All the members' parents quietly offered their hands to the parasitic children.

The hands full of blood and energy turned yellow and shrunken until they broke and fell off, but these people still kept silent.

Of course, if things really went so smoothly, how could they cause such a commotion?

At this time, You Ge, who had been observing secretly, finally showed up and picked up the public phone beside him: "Hello? Police station, there was a cult sacrifice incident here, and the parents of the football team members of the town high school had their hands chopped off! Come quickly, No. 56, Wall Street!"


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