Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 588 Initial changes of the evil species

The universe under the Kingdom of Chaos,

Due to the time difference, it was already a long time after Youge returned, and the Horned Rat, who was waiting silently, had also made complete arrangements for all the preparations.

"My God, this is the finished terminal made according to the complete design. The top is the host access port for transitional use. The large quantum processor cluster below this is the real storage center."


Youge shrunk his body, and technically these things can indeed meet his expectations, not to mention that this huge base used to maintain the Eternal Seedbed Project is no problem at all.

However, the use of God's code is not just thrown into such a quantum processor cluster. If the same digital world appears again, it will be Youge himself who will suffer.

The first step is to cultivate an existence derived from the initialized God code that completely matches the attributes of Youge, and then add the Crimson Evil Seed of Chaos as the core management, giving him the highest control.

At the same time, by extending downward and evolving the expected virtual world, it can perform certain virtual-real conversion and memory extraction like the digital world version. Such a result can naturally meet Youge's basic needs for the seedbed and will not cause the so-called Technology backlash leads to unintended consequences for those who agree to use it.

"It's a long process, it feels like hatching an egg."

The crimson substance dispersed by You Ge completely wrapped the God Code, and through the continuous fusion, it began to connect into the interior of the God Code.

"It's such a mysterious substance. We have to analyze something like this first. I'm afraid Nurgle won't have it easy, right?"

Before You Ge's intrusion had progressed, the silent coffin suddenly sent out an unexpected message.

"Capturing advanced information·God code"

"Whether to perform analysis and fusion"


"The analysis begins. The higher elementary god code contains elementary extraordinary world information and can breed special types of species. The digital sequence has been obtained."

Junior high school? Is there such a classification?

You Ge was confused, and the God code that he had invaded like chewing wax immediately turned into a clear stream and transferred into his own crimson substance.

"Go there and turn among the evil ones."

You Ge, who was in the midst of temptation and communication, did not absorb the spreading God code. After spreading a path in his body, the chaotic crimson evil seed immediately leaked out of his head,

That huge collection of human nature, that constantly fragmented and chaotically blended memory humanity, was completely exposed to the decomposed God code.

Silk silk silk ~

At this time, the evil seed also understood that this was his moment of opportunity. Although he did not have complete consciousness, under the urging and informing of Youge, he took the initiative to face the scattered God codes.



No changes can be seen at all in the evil seed's body, but the human memories flowing through his body have become more real at this moment.

This is

memory world,

The information contained in human nature, represented by space, time, emotions, etc., have all transformed from information technology into real existence.

"Interesting." As the controller, Youge is naturally the one who is most able to detect the changes in the evil species: "The transformation of reality and reality, the senses are confused, if the previous evil species only shared their own human memory while invading foreign objects, In an attempt to achieve so-called empathy, he is now able to share his own human memory while further pulling the other person into this chaotic memory space. Coupled with the chaotic characteristics, the person being pulled in will be completely in In this chaotic and topsy-turvy world that knows no time and space, human nature is used as a ball.”

This is still the beginning,

The initial changes of the evil seed are just the simplest changes to its own characteristics. The God code that continues to flow into its body is still enriching the body of the evil seed.

"My God."

In the haziness, the evil seed finally made a voice, neither male nor female, neither old nor young, neither high nor low, neither forward nor backward.

This is a human voice that cannot be described in human words,

Being in this voice, it is completely impossible to judge the characteristics of the other party. In the trance, it is as if hundreds of millions of people are talking to him. The sense of chaotic dialogue that rushes into the soul will make a person's heart become confused in an instant. collapsed,

And the complex emotions in these voices,

If a human being is not mentally determined enough, he will immediately fall from collapse into hysterical madness.

"Wisdom? Indeed, it is not a strange phenomenon to breed wisdom in God's code. I just don't know." You Ge is very curious about how such wisdom exists. If it is like human wisdom, this is tantamount to complete limitations. Due to the development of the evil seed, a single intelligence is far less useful than the first-generation crimson evil seed that has no wisdom but can correctly execute its own instructions.

"My God, I am the evil mastermind."

"I am humanity. The mastermind."

Regarding You Ge's question, the Crimson Evil Seed clearly felt a pressure at this moment. Although he was born with preliminary wisdom, he could not fully understand what You Ge wanted, but under this trend, he integrated into his body. The God code can completely analyze the results You Ge wants.

A chaotic crimson evil seed who is not controlled by wisdom and unable to liberate his own instincts and powerful potential.

The evolution continues,

The long evil species all shrank into a ball, and the evil species that were originally in other universes and various battlefields were also shrunk back.

The short-term loss caused some damage to Youge's subordinates, but it was not unacceptable.

"Fighting, humanity, destruction, destruction."

"Powerful, restrained, changed, incomplete."

In the interweaving of the evil species and the God code, many whispers continued to come out.

Accompanied by the flash of the chaotic world in the memory of human nature, the evil species that turned into a ball finally showed a complete display after a struggle.

"My God!"

Youge felt a different power from this voice, as if billions of people were kneeling to Youge. This honorific of the evil species was mixed with completely unimaginable horror phenomena.

"Just like countless worlds, and infinite human beings, ordinary human beings sit high as gods in such a world, how can they not be addicted to it?"

Even Youge was tempted by the illusory and real performance shown in the Crimson Evil Seed.

No matter how powerful he is now, he has never experienced the feeling of being a supreme controller who truly controls the life and death of the world and controls the world to do whatever he wants and what he says.

Especially as a controller in this infinite world,

It is conceivable how strong the inner changes given by this power are. It is estimated that people with a little desire in the material world will be completely sunk in it.

"The Eternal Kingdom, only this term can reflect the difference here, the Eternal Seedling Bed, the God Code, if the speed of time here is completely changed."

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