Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 591: Seedbed Plan: Targeting the Legion of Nurgle

In Youge's eyes, what he values ​​​​is also the memory of death.

The power of death that Yu Ge had no longer used for a long time, he also gave it to the evil seed for use. Now the evil seed and You Ge are one, it is like the inner body of You Ge. Like a roundworm, it has always existed in Yuge's body after it merged with the red seal.

And Youge's death power is his understanding of the concept of death. He has ignored this power for so long, but he has not completely abandoned it.

death concept,

It's just human beings' understanding of their own state. There is no such thing as death in matter itself.

Seedbed Project Phase 1·Special Projects·Touch Death.

This is a special experience given by You Ge after intensifying those creatures.

Do you want to die but dare not? You want to die but you haven’t died yet? Are you about to die but don’t want to die? Such people will secretly turn on this special option based on the judgment of the artificial intelligence in the device transplanted or connected to the human body.

Then the evil general gave the opponent the feeling of loneliness of death.

Complete loneliness, a world without perception, a dark and lightless world, and the inability to touch the fresh life will all continue to emerge one by one in the other person's feelings and heart.

This is the death they do not fear or desire,

And this time is also the beginning of the evil seed quietly changing each other. You are both going to die. The world seems to be unimportant to you. Do you plan to continue living in this world? Or just die like this?

It is conceivable that most people will choose to commemorate the beauty of this world, and once they choose this, they will become Youge's loyal special memory makers, and their inner desire for life will skyrocket, which intensifies At this time, human nature also began to flourish.

Such active humanity is truly a rare and perfect seller.

You Ge needs them to live and use this special feeling to create more vivid memories.

And they will continue to use their own experiences to make so-called enlightenments, so-called help others who want to die so as not to make wrong choices. Little do they know that they are already part of Youge's plan to activate the entire seedbed. .

A cycle of life and death can change people's hearts the most, and it has become an important thing for them to devote their lives to.

"Yes! My God!"

The Big Horned Rat was also familiar with these plans, and naturally became more motivated under You Ge's encouragement.

At this time, the evil seed on the other side also integrated his body into You Ge's body, into the entire crimson material that made up the Crimson Abyss.

Countless human natures have circulated, and countless evil seeds have reappeared from Youge's body and from the lambs praying to Youge. The battle that originally caused the enemy to lose the most troublesome evil species has also regained the upper hand, and now The evil species that have become smarter are no longer as rigid as before. Due to the huge gap, countless enemies have suffered a huge loss.

"Is it the digital world in the illusion and the console?" The evil seed integrated into Youge's body naturally allows Youge to feel the world that matters most to him. Although it is still empty, it is still constantly moving. After growth and expansion, when it is complete and stable, the glory of the past will naturally appear, and it will be even more powerful.

After pondering the changes in the evil species for a few times, You Ge also put aside his curiosity about the other party, turned to look at the horned rat, and continued: "Are the follow-up plans for the seedbed ready?"

"No problem, nearly 100 million yuan of equipment has been reserved as support, and there is also a mineral planet that is continuously producing."

"Yes. Continue to expand. During this period, there will not be too many problems in the royal city world. You can leave it temporarily. The mountain city lord Arnold will make arrangements for the rat people." Things here can only be mixed up. The Horned Rat in the universe subordinate to Chaos is the most familiar to him, and Arnold is also the most familiar with the affairs of the Royal City on the other side. After the Horned Rat arranges it, it is enough for the rat people in the Chaos Kingdom to continue migrating.

Seedbed Project Phase 2 · Trusteeship Awareness,

The third phase of the Seedbed Project·Mechanical upgrade to magic,

Even if this means that all non-Lamb creatures are completely in his hands, he can also completely carry out invasions through this plan when expanding to other universes, even in the case of Nurgle. 's subordinates can produce the same effect,

Because they will long for the memory of when they were infected by the plague, the pleasure and happiness when they were changed by the plague of a loving father and gradually accepted this great blessing~

And now,

Youge can provide it to them, and they can also use their own memories to trade these. They can even turn all those races into Nurgle's subordinate universe as a member of Youge's seedbed plan, and then Give it the blessing of a loving father, and then focus on feeling all the blessing changes throughout the entire process. How can such happiness, such double happiness, be comparable to ordinary people?

Besides, this is not the memory of one or two people, it is the memory of countless living beings infected by the plague when they were corroded by the plague.

It's something that can completely sink Nurgle's men,

It's a pity that none of these can become You Ge's long-term leeks, and are only used as disposable items.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Nurgle Legion has endless subordinate universes and they are constantly stirring up countless wars, all those endless creatures will become a piece of wool for Youge to plunder, and they will be plucked down a layer.

This is Youge's next plan,

The fourth phase of the Seedbed Plan·Nurgle Legion!

"Big Horned Rat, the rest of the matter is left to you. Kukas is a good place for you to discuss. After the Eternal Seedbed is stabilized, design a suitable device and then go to the Royal City World."

Now it's just the implementation stage of the last evil. After Youge silently issued the order, the Big Horned Rat also left here after a continuous victory.

"The Seedbed Plan, and Lan Ruisha's affairs, and the communication about the *** world."

Sitting on the crimson throne, Youge aimlessly swayed some hole-attribute information, and gathered some scattered floating tiny holes in the space in front of him.

There is also a need to enrich the hole attributes.

The God Code is not perfect, so it is not suitable to access the hole attributes at this moment. Then we can only use external information to expand the hole attributes.

It just so happens that we can use our new hands to assist Lan Ruisha in seizing more resources in the *** world.

"There is still a little time left. After the communication is completed and the right to enter the *** world is obtained, we can send Lv30 sequencers and Lv30 ratmen who have just been produced. After that, we can wait steadily for the capture to be successful and collect a wave of information."

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