Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 6 Blacksmith Apprentice

"What? You are too small, and you can't even lift this hammer with your delicate skin and flesh!\

,"The big iron hammer thrown at Youge's feet shook the ground,

At least 200 pounds! Youge was startled by the vibration of the hammer. Blacksmiths are indeed good at strength.

"Miscellaneous work, as long as you feed me, that's all!", Ignoring the woman's surprise, Youge continued to say

"As for teaching, if you are not satisfied with me, you can bring it up. When you think it's okay, you can teach me again!"

"Eat? Are you an orphan?"

"No, I just left home and came out to work to make a living."

"Hehe, Lv0?"

It seemed that a trace of sadness flowed from the woman's eyes, and Youge had no desire to know at this time: "Lv2! Special attributes."

"Huh, special attributes, no energy?", The woman did not feel any energy fluctuations from Youge. Sometimes God is so funny, giving you talent, but blocking your way forward.

"Okay! I'll tell you what to do every day, and I'll pay you the same day! Any questions?"

"No problem!"

Youge didn't show any more desire to talk. After successfully finding a job, the only thing left was a place to live. He didn't want to go back to his parents' house, and Fink wouldn't look at him well!

"Hey, my house is across the street, you can live there, my name is Taka."

"Hall Azathoth!"

Youge's gaze didn't get a response from Taka, who had already picked up another weapon and started to bang.

After returning home, the house was quiet, and there was no sound of his mother's sewing and scolding. I hope the Dark Blood Master didn't come to them.

After packing a few clothes, Youge left a note and left: "I've found a job, I'm going to live out! -Hall"

According to Fink's influence, the Dark Blood Master couldn't force him, and he hoped he could delay it for a while.

It was still the street corner where he first came. After seeing the original mother carrying vegetables back, Youge disappeared.

Blacksmith shop!

"Hall, today's work is done. After cleaning, the kitchen will give you leftovers. We will be closed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! No reservations." Taka, who was lying on the roadside, looked leisurely and pointed to the kitchen in the house.


He threw the clothes into the dilapidated yard opposite, picked up the tools in the shop, and started cleaning.

After nightfall, the lights in the house opposite had long been turned off, and Youge turned off the lights soon after.

"Inside the coffin"!

Youge walked down from the cold bed, and it was still endless darkness. The distance between him and the cold bed kept getting longer.


After not walking any further, Youge returned to the bed in an instant.

"Inside the coffin. It's like a personal training ground!" You Ge, who continued to attack frantically in the dark, made a judgment, "It would be great if there could be an opponent similar to the awakening mission!"

"The skill has been activated, and the relevant opponent can be simulated!"

"Well! Are there any other functions that I don't know about?" The prompt in the sky did not change at all, "The skill is activated, if there are new functions, they will be similar!"

Without continuing to entangle the "coffin", You Ge first simulated the person who inspired him to appear in the first place.

"Ip Man: Fist-Wing Chun (Control)"

The darkness in the abundant "coffin" also quietly dissipated, turning into a transparent bluestone street.

Excited in his heart, You Ge raised his hand and rushed up,


With a slight lift of his right foot, You Ge was kicked five meters away,

"It hurts!", a seemingly Lv0 mortal body can actually burst out such a great power, and the specialness of the skill should not be underestimated.

Under repeated impacts, Ye Wen simulated by the "coffin" did not consume any energy at all, while You Ge was panting on the ground like a dog.

People who practice martial arts for many years have a very high utilization rate of their bodies. If you want to fight with Ye Wen, you will have no chance unless you can crush him with "blood".

Even if Ye Wen looks very relaxed on the outside, his whole body is always on guard. It is really difficult to start.

"There must be an offensive strategy! Advance and retreat in order, and both attack and defense are prepared." It is easier said than done. You Ge thought about countermeasures around Ye Wen.

"Skills? Ye Wen's boxing has reached the control level, but he has not surpassed the mortal sequence. In the previous attacks, there was no excessive contact. Instead, I was constantly knocked away. Save a little strength to dodge, and then attack!"

When he rushed to Ye Wen again, he realized that he was about to be kicked away again. The burst of professional power made You Ge rush directly into Ye Wen's arms.

Sure enough, although Ye Wen's attack could cause trouble to You Ge, it could not effectively cause huge damage. After not holding back, the blood on his hands began to punch Ye Wen's abdomen in succession!

The corners of the mouth of the Ye Wen character simulated in the distance slightly turned up, and in an instant it turned into dust and merged into You Ge's body.

"Skill Improvement: Boxing-Wing Chun (Proficient)"

You Ge's mind also instantly possessed all the moves of Wing Chun boxing,

Punch! Turn! Kick! , the physical advantage of Lv2 was fully utilized by You Ge, and bursts of punching sounds came from the darkness,

"Footwork: Flexible (Beginner)"

After You Ge vented, the "coffin" gave You Ge a new reminder.

"Huh~ footwork." Youge, who hadn't noticed what he was doing just now, tried to twist his feet again. Compared to the simple force he used before, now he knew how to retreat, change, and twist more effectively. It was a complete change in terms of combat!

The time of practicing alone didn't last long, and the outside world was bright again.

"It's so fast, the time in the coffin is so fast, it seems that the practice must be done outside!" After noticing it, Youge also lay on the cold bed and left the "coffin".

In the blacksmith shop, Taka saw Youge cleaning as soon as he opened the door. After a look, he ignored him.

After the cleaning was finished, Taka also appeared behind Youge with breakfast:

"Here, eat something. There's nothing to do today, you don't have to stay in the shop all the time. If you come back late at night, I will put dinner in the kitchen!"

As a result, after the breakfast was handed over, Youge just nodded.

Taka didn't care about Youge's attitude. After all, surviving in this world is better than anything else.

".Taka, I want to investigate someone's information."

"The shabby house with a black door at the end of the street, the crippled Heide." Taka's eyes stayed on the breakfast, and he said vaguely: "Take the weapons made yesterday, which were ordered by Heide. Maybe you can ask for some help!"

"Thank you!"


After achieving his goal, Youge didn't continue to entertain himself in the shop. He picked up the weapon box before chewing the bread in his mouth.

After Taka noticed Youge's footsteps from the corner of his eyes, he remembered how Youge looked when he first came yesterday, "Sure enough, he is not an ordinary person. He has changed so much in one night? Or is he hiding his incompetence?"

Taka shook his head. He had already helped him. As for how he would do, it was up to Youge himself.

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