Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 602 Fatty, Wooden Stick, and Spider

dry tree ridge,

By the time all the large teams from Plague Mountain arrived here, Nurgle's legions had already taken their seats behind the mountain. In just a moment, several high-ranking beings gathered together, and the mingling momentum filled the air layer by layer. rise!

"Where is Pike? Master Youge, does he have any secret tricks?"

Although Kahayu's quiet question did not attract everyone's attention, the movement of approaching Yuge still attracted the attention of the others.

However, You Ge didn't care about anything and directly replied to Kahayu's message.

“We had a few guests want to join us at Pollen Marsh.”

"Oh? Are there any new guests? TheRed is really cautious." There were children's laughter, clusters of poisonous bees buzzing, and countless low sounds of juice flowing. In the direction where Nurgle's army was stationed behind the Withered Tree Ridge, along with these mixed sounds and unusual smells, Nurgle's huge body appeared for the first time in the sight of the forces in Plague Mountain.

"Lord Nurgle~" Youge paid a slight tribute, and the others naturally bowed their heads slightly to pay respect to this superior person who was far beyond their existence: "Facing the current royal city, it would be a little awkward if I didn't come here. There is no bottom.”

The higher you stand, the more you can see. This sentence is completely in line with You Ge's mentality at this time. With his current ability, he may only have just understood the royal city.

With that huge shadow and the various auras intertwined in the sky above the Royal City, it’s no wonder that the Royal City can remain standing. No wonder that the Royal City can escape unharmed in the end when it encounters a god.

Such a huge entanglement of fate? I'm afraid it's not something that a god can destroy at will.

"Does TheRed really want to attack such an enemy? The final result will definitely not be what you think." Nurgle's body continued to move forward until he stood in the space left by the crowd beside Youge. After taking the position, Nurgle lowered his newly developed plague in his hands and continued to smile: "Although I am not afraid, TheRed must be careful."

"Lord Nurgle is overly worried. Hostility is just a lack of interests. Seeing this scene makes me more confident in negotiating with the Royal City."

Youge's body enlarged, and the spreading crimson substance was floating, constantly tasting the countless information clusters that diffused from the royal city.

Will Epidemic Mountain also join in?

This is You Ge's first question about himself. Although his core base camp is not Mount Epidemic, the existence of Mount Epidemic is indeed a more important card in his hand at present. With the existence of Mount Epidemic, he can make his If his subordinates develop better, he can get more feedback and get more promotions.

"Yes, but definitely not like Wangcheng where I completely immerse myself in it!"

Youge put away his temptation of Wangcheng. Now he does not need to be hostile to Wangcheng, but can reappear in Wangcheng's "sight".

a short wait,

"Oh? Is this the guest TheRed was talking about? He's really incredibly powerful."

It was obvious that there were strange clouds on the horizon, and a huge pothole appeared in the open space on the other side of Youge. Jumping out of it, Pike stood with a wanton vent of laughter. Beside Nurgle,

"Big fat man, long time no see. Have you ever thought about becoming a ghoul recently? Hehehe~", a laughter that is real and familiar and makes people want to do something.

Nurgle, who had not seen this guy for a long time, still held back his slight dissatisfaction with him. After all, this guy was not something he could easily turn against.

There aren't many people here that he can turn to evil at will.

"Long time no see, Pike."

Nurgle suppressed the anger of his men who were bathed in his blessing, and the helplessness in his heart that had not appeared for a long time emerged again. The more he looked at this guy, the more he wanted to do something.

Unlike Yu Ge's respect and equal dialogue with Kahayu, this guy has never had a gentle attitude towards him.

However, there was no time to communicate with Pikyou at this time. The clouds floating in the sky that day were not really just clouds. The familiar fragrance and psychedelic pink color were heard by Pikyou after several loud shouts. down, pointing directly to his side.

"The wooden stick is here! Don't drift away~"

Wooden stick, Pikyou's way of calling him was always so strange. The clouds in the sky suddenly twitched. That kind of immediate reaction simply exceeded Nurgle's reaction to Pikyou's call of fat man.

But what was supposed to come was still coming. After the cloud fell in the diffuse air, it took only a moment for a huge banyan tree to grow.

Swish, swish, swish~


Amidst the rustling, a thin voice quietly came out, with a hint of ethereal sound and a hint of the sweetness unique to trees, causing the underground people behind to feel a widespread sense of trance.

The crimson light flashed. As his subordinate, You Ge immediately forcibly controlled the minds of those underground people before they were about to fall into a certain state.

Regarding human abilities, even if this plant is not malicious, its natural restraint and hostility will inevitably cause many problems for humans.

"Crimson banyan tree, piranha tree, and"

There are also several humanoid mosses and shrubs. Although Youge is only familiar with the existence of two of them, the remaining ones are not inferior to these two in terms of momentum.

They are all extremely powerful beings.

"My name is Nurgle." After seeing these people all appear, Nurgle, as the one who could not ignore the other party, took the lead in introducing his name,

"Scarlet Banyan-Esna."

"Emora, the Queen of the Man-eating Plant Tree."

"Snake Moss."

"King Guan."

The extremely indifferent response, rustling, chewing, sweeping, and the sound of ropes being tightened and twisted, the latter two did not even introduce their names to Nurgle's response,

I don't know if it was disdain, or if they had never thought of naming themselves, and there was no meaningful feedback from the other party's humanoid appearance composed of plants.

However, Nurgle did not care. Generally speaking, none of these four was stronger than him, but none was weaker than him, and judging from the other party's breath, these were not their true bodies, but just the bodies of racial characteristics gathered here at zero time after using seeds to float.

It's just that for the time being, it is impossible to detect how special and powerful the other party's true body is.

"My name is Ftolyak."

At this time, Kahayu, who was beside Youge, also introduced himself more indifferently. The light of the dreamland flashed, and the person who made the sound also began to flash part of his body in this smoothness.

Cold spider Ftolyak,

The cold spider eyes swept across the people in front, and in a wave of nakedness, they returned to Kahayu again,

"Hehehe~ Are all the fat guys, wooden sticks, and spiders excited? But don't you want to take a look there?"

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