Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 625 Living Electrical Energy


It seems to be due to the number of people. When Hui Zhi and others approached, there was a burst of electromagnetic sound behind the lever. After just a short wait, a brain surrounded by a transparent glass cover filled with unknown liquid suddenly appeared. Next to the lever,

The liquid sloshes, and the brain wrapped in the liquid sloshes randomly.

A strange feeling appeared in the heart of You Ge who was peeking. This brain seemed to be a complete individual, as if the essence of a person should be the feeling of the brain. After being in this state of only the brain, it will be more perfect. .

"Derived properties of the brain?"

This feeling is like the eye characteristics displayed by You Ge himself after highlighting the Corruption Devouring Eye. This eye-like characteristic will appear silently in all subordinate powers.

It's just that in the subsequent development, Youge only tended to this expression, rather than specifically loving the word eye, so he is far from achieving the perfection of this brain characteristic.

A perfect brain,

The completely symmetrical lines on the left and right create flickering ripples of thoughts in the loop of the brain. Coupled with the fact that the liquid caused shimmering ripples, the brain with the glass cover appeared a psychedelic color.

"Twenty-one in total, low-level replenishment as normal, electrical valve adjustment, start charging."

The brain exuded a kind of thinking information, and appeared in the hearts of all those present with the radiance of light, and the brain also stretched out a thinking tentacle from his own brain, through his own only You's body passed through the shell and touched the lever,

A small trough,

Everyone heard a snapping sound when the thinking tentacle that shone with colorful light touched the lever. However, the thinking tentacle of the brain did not pull the lever and slowly moved towards the place where the snapping sound was heard. went in deeply,

The thinking connection device can directly control the operation of the machine with thoughts, achieving the most precise operation.

A large number of mechanical roars appeared behind the wall. From far to near, the huge roar continued to shrink, until the last burst of rattling sounds appeared,

An electrical energy containment device wrapped in an oval mechanical metal grid fell on the tray.

"Electrical energy separation is completed, please collect it."

The brain once again made the sound of thinking. After the radiant glass swept across the front few alienated humans, one of the latter walked out. After the body made a sound of bones cracking and rubbing, he picked up this electrical energy. Then he obediently walked around to the back of the team.

Compared to this time, although the alienated human being had completed the first one, Hui Zhi and others behind him did not feel happy at all, because there were only twenty of them. If his students hadn't mentioned it, maybe he would have just been rough. Ignoring the number of others.

Twenty-one? There are always twenty here, so where does that one come from?

There is no need to lie to this creature of the Migo race. Twenty is just twenty, there is no need to say twenty-one.

The operation continued, and another sound came from behind the wall that obtained electrical energy. After a new electrical containment device was dropped, Hui Zhi quietly held down some of his impatient students.

"This is not suitable for fighting. We are just here to gain energy. If an accident occurs, take the alienated humans and evacuate immediately!"

Whether they followed them or met here by accident, if there is no conflict now, it means that there is not what the other party wants, and there are only a few of them. Huizhi also knows the problem of himself and others.

If he strikes first, he might end up angering the Migo race, and he will be the unlucky one.

"is teacher."

They stood on their respective positions. Although they were very curious and angry at the sudden appearance of this person, what Huizhi said was still their core focus. Protecting the electrical energy and returning it was the right choice.

electrical energy,

It is not difficult to obtain electrical energy, but the electrical energy they collect and produce is just ordinary electrical energy. However, the Migo tribe's electrical energy is different. It can activate the body and stimulate the brain. A higher level of living electrical energy that expands the mind.

"Living electrical energy: The core creation of the Migo tribe, living electrical energy can stimulate and increase life to the greatest extent and activate life tissues."

The same You Ge also detected the information about the electrical energy after the first electrical containment device appeared.

The previous attribute descriptions were nothing, but this last sentence of activating life tissue made You Ge see a slightly different meaning.

The uniqueness of life lies in its different fixation and presentation.

If the life characteristics of human beings can be activated, the simple point is that they can have plastic surgery at will. The more complicated point is that they can change their apparent racial characteristics, change them at the genetic level, and transform their appearance into other species of carbon-based life.

People become pigs, pigs become humans, there will be no barriers!

And it doesn't require any consumption, just like a jigsaw puzzle. He just changed the way to put it together, without any other changes.

"But it will still consume electrical energy. Powerful electrical energy has a commonality that is biased toward all life forms, rather than using sequence information to manipulate the inherent information that a sequence creature already has."

You Ge also feels that he wants to obtain more electrical energy. Perhaps looking at it this way, he can create a great fusion of sequence life. The sequence man, the eight-eyed rat man, and even the worm sequence will open the door to him.

A superior race like the Migo race will definitely not be weaker than the worm race, and there is a high possibility that Yuge will be able to open this sequence treasure that has been hidden in him!

And another important thing is,

Activate life, activate life. What Gray King said before about making the stone eight-eyed rat man. If this energy is added, then You Ge will definitely be 100% sure about the production of the stone eight-eyed rat man.

And there won't be any obstacles, allowing a stone alien to be activated and integrated into an eight-eyed rat man, achieving a 100% fit.

"I kind of want it, but I still have to deal with the things in front of me first, and if I want to get more electrical energy, I'm afraid I can't steal it bit by bit like they do. I'm afraid that this small amount of electrical energy won't stimulate the body much. There must even be more advanced electrical energy behind this wall!"

The seven alienated humans on the ground have walked away. After picking up the electrical energy devices one by one, they all lined up behind Huizhi. The brain that has always maintained the power of talking to itself and thinking still maintains its own power. inherent action.

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple. After you have obtained the new equipment and those alienated humans with old or even fake equipment come up, will this brain let them go?"

Youge's focus changed, and after appeasing the Chongjie family around him, he looked forward to the next change.

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