Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 636: Constant Heterogeneity Standard

"My body! No!"

"my power!"

"My face! My."

In a daze, Grandin understood a little bit about his physical condition, but just this little bit made him completely lose his last bit of strength.

Everything about him was gone, completely and quietly turned into ashes after this experiment that was supposed to bring him to the top, along with his knowledge of his past self was also gone.

Grandin collapsed.

His hands were tearing wildly, tearing off the endless rat hair growing on his body. He was biting the long smooth-skinned tail growing out of his back in his mouth. His eyes were dull and lost all luster. .

But that's it, after the blood in his mouth rushed into his throat, when his nose was completely filled with his own blood,

A different kind of desire began to arise in his heart, which was a different kind of sensitivity to the smell of blood.

Grandin unconsciously raised his head, and he saw countless corpses that had been abandoned by them, and he also saw the corpses that were also thrown here by his mentor after an accident during his experiment.

The corpses of demonic rats and demihumans.

At this time, he also smelled a sweet smell of blood on the pile of corpses. Following the smell in his throat and nose at this moment, it penetrated completely into his body.

"Gulu gulu."

Grandin, who was unaware of his changes, didn't realize that his stomach had begun to rumble.

so hungry,

If you calculate the time, you can see from the degree of decomposition of the corpses that almost three days have passed in Grandin here. He has not eaten for three days. If it is a normal professional, there is no need to get it. It was a serious problem, but for a man whose body had changed and who had been dead for three days without knowing it, it had become the most unbearable thing for him.

While climbing, through the gap in the iron cage, Grandin's hands grabbed the corpse that happened to be fading on the other side, and pulled hard, and then pulled harder, and there was only the feeling of concern in Grandin's eyes. The desire for that corpse, he just wanted to completely swallow the smell of blood that filled his mouth and nose into his body.

Although the process was not very smooth, Grandin was able to pull the corpse to his side in the end. The limbs that had already become stiff and eroded were easily torn apart by him, and the coagulated blood in the corpse was extracted from the flesh bit by bit by him. Separated and dug out, the mess on the ground was swallowed into his body without the slightest hesitation.


Grandin let out a comfortable groan from his mouth. After continuously pulling the corpse to the side of the cage, he decomposed the corpse wholeheartedly.

Flesh and blood are separated,


It wasn't until he filled his stomach that his human consciousness returned. Looking at the bloody flesh all over his body, Grandin, who had just been somewhat stable, lost his composure again.

"I really became an outlier."

There were still blood clots in Grandin's mouth that had not been swallowed, mixed with meat foam, sliding left and right on the tip of his tongue with an unusually sweet taste.

"Alien? Don't you think your mentor is more like an alien than you? Don't you think your mentor is more like an alien than you who were doing the same process in the laboratory?"

Youge heard Grandin's self-questioning in this dream. Compared with the other person's self-questioning about treating humanoids as aliens, Youge quietly asked in an interesting way: "What do you think is the standard for permanent aliens?"

This piece of information was interspersed into Grandin's dream, like a transparent magic sound, constantly reverberating back and forth in his dream.

What is your standard for constant heterogeneity? What is it?

Grandin, who was completely immersed in dreams and memories, suddenly felt a sense of reality. He knew that he had begun to fall into the fear of the past again, but this time here, he had no idea at all. When the situation came down, I asked myself:

"What is my standard for constant alienation?"

"Are those beings with human bodies and doing inhuman things aliens?"

"My mentor. He never looked at me as a human being."

"I have never regarded anyone as a human being."

Grandin's dream flashed through what his mentor had done to him, and through his mentor's crazy experiments after he became this rat body.

Day by day, month by month, he did not regard Grandin as his student at all. In his eyes, the other person was an infinitely recyclable material before he completely exhausted its use value.

"Grangin, do it again~ Just one more time, I will know why you became like this right away. When I restore you, we will still return to our laboratory~"

The mentor sat in this stinking underground area. It was obvious that his laboratory was gone. Looking at the scars all over his body and the shabby clothes fully told others that he had absolutely nothing.

"Grangin, only I can help you now. Only I understand your current situation. As long as you help me complete the research, I can help you regain your past body. You are still the obedient Grandin. We are also the only humans in the royal city who possess the special effects of the Demon Rat, and we will open up a new era for ourselves!”

The mentor's voice became even more crazy. Sitting among the completely rotten corpses, he gathered all the demon rat corpses around him.

"I found it, I found it. We will be able to realize our dreams in Grangin soon, and the beholder Hall will not be able to stop us. The magic rat will be ours soon, hehehahahaha~"

It was still the familiar brilliance, but this time, the instructor's hands drove the light balls into his body. Each circle occupied a position, and then reached out to those mixed in the pile of corpses. Devil rat corpse,

"It's mine! It's mine! Open your eyes, Grandin! Open your eyes to witness the beginning of my glory!"

The light and energy gathered together, just enough to encircle the demon rat's head. With a loud noise, the heads of the corpses were separated, and they were all sucked into his body.


The mentor's hand grabbed the body of Grankin in the cage, and he laughed wildly and wantonly surrounded by those light groups.

"Come on, Grandin, we will realize our dreams ourselves. You will reach the top with me and trample everyone under your feet!"

Grandin's small body was directly grabbed by the neck by his instructor. After being grabbed from the cage, he held it tightly against his chest.

"It's been five years, Grandin. You have been studying with me for five years. You are also my smartest student so far. After so long, I will give you all my life's knowledge today. Hehe! These are all It’s yours! Knowledge, wealth, connections, everything I have is yours, and what’s yours is mine!”

In the darkness, Grangin, who was caught, was filled with fear. Looking at the body that was getting closer, his eyes were actually dodging.

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