Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 639: Strange Rat

What can an ownerless base station do? There are so many things it can do!

If this thing can connect to the virtual world built by the Crimson Evil, then it does not need any other assistance.

However, not everyone has this base station, but everyone has this base station, but the existence of this base station is not as strong and solidified as Grankin's!

"Family, strength, friendship, kinship, or things you like, or things you are greedy for, or things you have never owned, can all be used as faith base stations."

What Youge needs is how to expand the capacity of this base station, so that those irrelevant beings, who do not know his existence, can expand this faith in the nameless, and expand this faith base station built on the basis of humanity!

Communicate with the Crimson Evil, communicate with the virtual world, and even communicate with other forces under Youge,

Then, autonomously let this group of lives slowly fall into Youge's control, and even really develop faith and become one of the infinite lambs under Youge.

And these are just the premises for Youge not to take action. The main reason why Youge did not take action to devour the other party and extract its attributes is that he cannot extract this ability at will.

What is Youge's sustenance? Does Youge need sustenance?

After Youge obtained this ability, it is almost impossible to establish such a thing in his heart. First of all, this extraction is no longer valid, and the most important thing is, what will happen if the sustenance disappears?

Analyzing Grankin's ability, Youge knows very well that if he pushes this finger into the water or takes it away, there will be a huge void in Grankin's heart in an instant, and the ability of this evil belief may disappear in an instant, turning into a meaningless blank fantasy.

If Youge also disappears, Grankin's life will definitely change dramatically.

Without his inner support, the ending of him can be imagined, and it will never be so smooth and dull.

Youge needs the other party to follow him. He can provide the other party with an environment that is more like what the other party wants. At least in the Yishan Mountain, no one will have a different perception of this human-faced rat. The other party only needs to pay the same price as he did in the past, and as a test subject of Youge, let Youge study everything he wants to know under Youge's magic grasp.

"With me, you don't need to worry about other problems. At least there won't be the unstable experiments that will cause huge changes to you in the past. Just let me study this special evil belief in your heart."

Youge pointed to the finger that was still ringing, and looked at Grankin who was out of breath and asked: "Where did you find this thing? The rotating corridor connecting here and the city above?"

"It flowed here along the sewer." Grankin's voice was dull. He crawled in the mud, twisted his head left and right, and continued: "Squeaky~ It got stuck in a blocked sewer pipe next to it, and I brought it back."

"Oh? It flowed here by itself?"

Hiss, Youge didn't know how to describe his thoughts. It was really surprising that it flowed here by itself. So does that mean that this finger was fixed on this wooden board?

"Have you seen other similar items?"

"There is a foot and a human foot at the confluence point of the sewers in the north." Grankin quietly raised his head and looked at Youge's tiny big eyes, slyly thinking about something.

Since this area was blocked, Grankin's range of activities has naturally been limited here. At the beginning, he could occasionally slip up, but later he had no chance at all. However, with the gradual changes, Grankin also discovered some more private changes.

In the entire underground sub-human race living area, more limbs and broken sections appeared. Although they were not like the strange finger he accidentally encountered when he came here, they were all tied to the wooden board.

The most important thing is that the later ones were all human limbs and broken sections!

And even if Grankin was stupid, he knew that there must be something wrong here. After looking around the entire sewer, he also noticed a little bit of something special. It is very likely that his finger occupies a special position in it, and it is even very likely that after meeting other limbs, some wonderful changes will occur.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak~ Mr. Hong~ Are you here to find these limbs?"

Grangkin's voice became more shrill, and after stroking his wrinkled face with his hands like a mouse, he squeaked many times.

"Me? No, I'm just looking for a subhuman family. By the way, do you know where the Atto family is?"

Fingers? Youge was very curious, but he didn't have to go and see it out of curiosity now. He talked about the main purpose of this visit.

"Atto?", Grangkin, who was still stroking his face, stopped his hand, and his breath fell. He immediately became unusually evasive: "Mr. Hong is really good at finding. Looking for the Atto family at this time"

"Mr. Hong must have seen those metal cylinders with brains floating outside. If you want to see someone from the Atto family, you can tell them directly. They will definitely meet your needs~squeak, squeak~"

Grankin lifted his eyelids, and after a glimmer of light flashed in his exposed eyes, he said: "Follow the sewer here, you can find other body parts. The feet, eyes, heart, flesh balls, etc. are all fixed on the same wooden board."

As soon as the voice fell, Grankin's body twisted strangely and turned into a twisted black shadow like lightning. After picking up the wooden board that fixed his fingers, he disappeared in front of Youge in an instant.

"Mr. Hong, forget about the experiment~ Squeak~ To thank you for your help, I will give you those messages for free~"

Grankin's voice sounded in the original place, and his figure left only a wisp of black mist in the strange flickering and continued to dissipate in the air.

Strange rats, it's really an ability that people ignore. Youge can only describe Grankin's departure as weird, which makes people unable to figure it out, but just let him run. Can he run out of the entire sub-human area?

Besides, there were still some wisps of crimson substance in the other party's body. As a way to explore the other party's heart before, and to prevent this situation from happening, Youge didn't take back all the crimson substance.

His direct negotiation with Grankin had no basis at all!

"Run, run~ Only by running more can you know who is the father!"

No surprise, but a little interesting.

In his perception, Youge also noticed the general direction of the other party. It was just a strange flash, and Grankin had appeared at the other end of this area, and it didn't stop. It seemed that he changed direction after waiting for a while. As Grankin appeared again with that strange sense of disappearance,

his breath also disappeared in an instant, and appeared in an instant, changing different directions in all directions.

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