Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 651 Children

"It's a really troublesome journey."

Youge looked at the two murlocs who were working hard. Although they worked very hard, the result was not so easy. As they entered, the internal passages began to shrink, and countless condensed particles were visible to the naked eye. Black and yellow crystals solidified in the entire passage, blocking the way forward bit by bit.

"What's going on? Today, all these things have started to crystallize!" The voice of the fish-man Olu appeared. After continuously cleaning the crystals, his whole body sat back tiredly: "In the past, at most there was a layer of solidification here. The crystals have completely blocked the gaps around them today. No matter how many fishmen come, there is no way they can get through it today!"

Seems a little discouraged,

It's really difficult to do it with the strength of the two of them alone. This is because he stopped the output, and a large amount of sticky substances appeared in the space with the spray of smell, occupying part of the cleaned area. .

"This is a rush to death. It blocks the road and makes adults unhappy. She will feel better."

Cursing, the fish-man Oro shot out a large amount of water from his hand, shattering all the new semi-crystals that had not completely spread, and then stood up again.

"You are really trying your best. No wonder the adults ask you to do other things. If it were me, I would have wanted to run away."

Aoluo couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Keqi who was still exerting all his strength and imitating his previous operation methods. He continued to clean up the crystals in front of him.

Then his hands danced here. Compared with the full exertion before, Oluo's power became slower and more leisurely. Since he refused to use all his strength to clean it immediately, he could only resign himself to fate and clean it at a normal speed.

At this time, Youge, who was hiding in the body of the fish-man Ke'i, discovered too many differences. Especially when he heard what the fish-man next to him who was familiar with this place said, he had no idea about the crystal that was blocking the entire road at the moment. This is not a common situation, and it happened today, which shows that something must have happened today to cause such a huge change here.

"If I caused it, it only means one thing, and that is the problem caused by that song."

You Ge couldn't help but connect to himself. As he went deeper, he had a huge sense of connection with these yellow crystals, but the other party ignored any of his attempts. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't use crimson substances at will, You Ge I really want to go up and touch it myself.

"That song, that elder of the Gill People, and what happened to that princess, that female Gill People deep in this cave!"

Youge felt a little eager to go in. It seemed that something was also approaching his goal. If it was a little bit late at night, something unexpected might really happen.

"Increase the speed! It must be increased! Use the energy in the Kingdom of Chaos as a transit to provide additional energy output for this fish-man!"

A flash of determination flashed in You Ge's heart. Yes, he couldn't move, but there was still a way to get around it. The Chaos Kingdom, which could become its own powerful energy transfer station, could it still survive when it could only provide energy output to this fish-man? Difference?

A burst of energy flashed, and the fish-man Ke Yu's body instantly burst out with a powerful momentum. After blowing away the wilted fish-man, the rotating water flow that had been successfully imitated immediately became more violent.

"You don't want your life? If you use the blood force field like this, after it's over, just wait and become like me!"

Aolo got up from the ground and looked at his companions who had become leaner, stronger, and more powerful. He was filled with disbelief. If he used his power desperately like this, there would definitely be problems.


However, the fish-man Katsuki, who was completely controlled by Youge, didn't care at all what the other party said. At this moment, his heart was already occupied by a wave of anger, and the crystal in front of him became an obstacle in his mind to prevent him from obtaining the finger of the deep diver. Wall, as long as he destroys the opponent, he will be able to obtain this only chance of enlightenment and become a great deep diver, enjoying power and status under the glory of the great god!


Ke Yi's bloodline force field spread, and bits and pieces of red colored the water flow. The powerful force field fluctuations spread and turned all the crystals close to him into powder. During the instant advancement, with the backup power of You Ge as an assist, Ke Yi There was no pause or whereabouts in Yan's explosion. She rushed straight towards the foreground in her memory and began her rampage surrounded by countless crystals.

"Slow down, slow down! It's not in that direction anymore. After you left, the adults arranged a new place to imprison her. All the ones in that direction are the remaining body parts of other prisoners."

Ke Yu's forward momentum suddenly stopped. Amidst the continuous panting and unhappiness, he and Aoluo, who had just caught up with him, charged straight towards the direction pointed by the opponent again.


"Straight ahead!"

"More right!"

"We're here, there's still more than ten meters to go, huh?! Ah? Sir?"

The fishman's pace stopped, and when he was about to rush into the final cave, he thought that what he saw was a stronger crystal wall. The space in front of him suddenly opened up. There was a cave passage only more than ten meters long, and the surrounding walls were full of It was the light cast by fluorescent plants bit by bit, and a humanoid fishman wearing a black robe appeared in front of him.

He turned his back to everyone, even when the fish-man Oluo screamed, he did not make any statement or action.

Like a statue, it stands quietly.

"My lord?"

Ke Yi also called out with the same doubt, but there was no response.

"Don't look at it. He is dead. He was swallowed to death by his own greed."

A relatively childish voice appeared, and a stronger smell of sticky substance appeared. In everyone's surprise, the adult stretched out small palms from behind his chest. It probably felt like an eight-year-old child, small hands. He held onto the adult's shoulders, as if trying to prop up his body, and then grabbed the adult's neck with his little hands.

After tearing it apart a few times, a cute little face was revealed.

"Are you here to play with me? Mom is asleep, and I'm the only one left~" The smell around them became stronger, and unknowingly, something appeared on the two fishmen. A light layer of black-yellow crystal powder.

And the child also completely revealed his face,

The forehead is covered with shining scales, and the rest of the face is exactly the same as that of a human. It occasionally appears playful and seems a bit cute.

But cuteness is also for humans,

The two murlocs who were unknowingly caught the attack had a transparent crystal protective shield continue to form on their bodies before they realized what was going on.

This is to turn the fish-man into a specimen!

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