Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 666 Elder of the Gills - Laval Atto



However, things are not that simple. The smell and repulsion of foreign gases before were unacceptable, but now this power has reached the level of a force field.

The smell of a force field is entangled in the opponent's body, which is really a permanent entanglement.

Although for these people, Fakeyu's force field was not very powerful, it still made them feel the disgusting feeling of being heartbroken.

Go straight to the heart.

"." The leader of the elders remained silent. His slightly trembling shoulders fully demonstrated the smell he had smelled when he was careless just now.

But what needs to be done still needs to be done,

Holding back his suddenly more powerful disgust, he could only force a smile and say: "No, how could we eat you? You can look at your memory and search for our relationship, and you will understand. "

Gillfolk Elder - Laval Yato,

Half human and half fish, he is now the one with the strongest blood among the Atogi people. Compared with Fakiyu, whose whole body can be transformed into a deep diver, more than 70% of this body is made of Belonging to long-term deep divers,

Compared to the other gill people elders who were hovering around 60%, he was uniquely powerful.

Not to mention how many gill people the elder of the gill people succeeded in converting into complete deep divers, but he already knew the changes in the gill people who successfully became deep divers.

The first thing these guys need to understand is the countless extra memories that suddenly emerge from their bloodline.

There are countless secret memories that want to be known by the gill people and a group of beings who have been spying on them for a long time.


Fakeyu cooperated and performed to a certain extent. The deep diver's eyes rolled, and his fierce gaze swept across all the elders. The special pressure coming from the blood made the latter suddenly frightened.

"As expected of a deep-blooded diver who has absorbed the talents of human geniuses, this guy will definitely help us gain something, right?"

There were ripples in the hearts of several elders at the rear. This person, who was far more powerful and mature in blood than the other party, was completely at a disadvantage. How could they not feel sad in their hearts.

"Half-blooded gillfolk? Servants and pious ones?"

"Yes ~ Mr. Falk, the new deep diver, from now on we will serve you forever."

Laval was neither humble nor arrogant. He bowed slightly and made a surrender to Fakeyu. The people behind him also lowered their bodies and all shouted in front of Fakeyu.

"Lord Falk!"

Seemingly sensing the gap in Farke's heart, Laval raised his head and continued: "Sir, you can search your own memory. There should be more about us and our direct level, mixed-race. The gill people have always been loyal supporters of the deep divers who have awakened their complete bloodline."


Fake didn't think much about it. Since it was true that when he searched the bloodline memory before, he didn't search for anything about the gill people. It was just a simple search for all the things that he and others were most interested in, and then he didn't continue.

"Yeah, normal, priest, half-breed."

Thinking back again, there are indeed a lot of memories about the Gill People. As the half-blood owners who have been lurking among the human population under the deep divers before they awakened, they have always been a powerful assistant in secretly collecting and recording the location of the deep divers. ,

However, the gill people in my memory are far more crazy and pious than the few in front of me.

He probably thinks that he is just a child who has just grown up and will not notice the so-called gap.

Fakiyu didn't dwell on this. After pretending to be a child, his stomach growled at the right time.

"I'm hungry."

"Yes! Food will be brought to you right away!" Laval finally let go of the big stone in his heart. The first level was passed. This person's awakening did not seem to have caused much change in his temperament.

Relaxation is ease, but it also illustrates another problem. This person's bloodline may not be fully awakened.

Regarding the understanding of deep divers, he can be regarded as a master-level figure.

During this period of time, Chengdu's gill people of various levels and different bloodlines have taken over countless people, but they are a little unsure about the one in front of them.

A deep diver who has not gone through the maturity period and has not gone through the final ceremony to stimulate the maturity of his bloodline has indeed never been seen before.

But what is recorded in the bloodline memory will not be false. The secrets he said are only known to normal deep divers after their bloodline awakens.

We can only continue to explore, hoping that the blood concentration is not lower than 95% for deep divers.

waved back,

The two elders walked out from both sides calmly, without asking any questions or paying attention to why there were deep-sea murlocs here and what happened to Princess Asha.

He didn't even pay any attention to the changes in the blood filtering machine that was characteristic of the Migo tribe.

"Sir, let's clean up the garbage here."

The two human elders lowered their heads with smiles on their faces and walked around. After grabbing the corpses one by one, they devoured them silently.

And following the other elders from behind,

A huge wooden table was put down, and rows of fresh meat of all kinds were placed on the wooden table.

"Sir, these are all in line with the appetite of your race. If you are not satisfied with anything, we will prepare others for you immediately~"

Fakyou said nothing;

As a child, as someone who has just awakened his bloodline, he is indeed hungry at this moment, especially after this guy said that after taking out the meat, the unparalleled deliciousness completely filled his taste.


Fakyu's mouth opened,

The difference from the previous opening is that his deep diver's big mouth does not need to be fully opened when speaking. It only squirms slightly to emit a special communication frequency that is enough for the deep diver and the gill people to communicate.

When fully opened, it's as if the head has been cut crosswise by about 40%, and the black hole-like, needle-shaped teeth of about five centimeters in length are completely exposed.

Take a big bite,

On the frontmost piece of flesh, a perfect piece of flesh in the shape of a deep diver's mouth was torn off.

The bones changed, and Fakeyu's throat became thicker. This piece of meat was swallowed into his belly without any chewing.


A neighing sound that was extremely comfortable,

Fakeyu's head was buried directly into the flesh, devouring and biting crazily, and started eating frantically amidst the smiles of all the elders.

"Although it smells terrible, this guy's mouth is really close to perfect for a deep diver~"

The elders of the gill people began to discuss quietly.

"This arm is also good. The lines have no human characteristics at all. The scales and dorsal fin are perfect!"

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